Hey everyone its me cooltiger413, I’m going to be posting stuff on CP and all that junk.
Waddle on!
P.S.: Look below for invasion
Rapidy: Since the penguin Games are coming up, I have decided to make this, like they do in the Olympics.
This isn’t copyrighted, so go ahead and use it.
Filed under: ACP |
worldwide? lol t
Oh eyah on behalf of CPUN (Club Penguin United Nations) we want to hold a tournament for the war for servers. The Big 5 are cramming for them so and we are too. Here are the servers we wish to hold:
Klondlike-CPR (which I belive you have granted them already)
Deep Snow-RPA
Each server will hold 4 armies (CPUN member/Ally). 3 small army companions and one ‘larger’ army as the head. We’ve already planned the government system thanks to Jedimaster. We think it’s better to have a tournament than an invasion. All armies and nations competing. It’s more organized. If you ‘take over’ a server, someone else can take over it again. Oh yeah and the 3 army companion things are for the CPUN since we aren’t an army nor a nation. More of a community. Anyway you’ve had war with most of our members so you probably already know who we are (see Order 67). So what do you say? UMA, Nachos, ACP, RPF, WW, IW, CPUN, etc in a tournament for servers with scheduled battles. We are only fighting for 5 servers out of 109 (is that too much to ask?). But help me out here. How will this work? Shall we clear all servers from their owners and then start the tournament? Pick out servers? We are willing to fight for the 5 though (even if they have owners or not).
Rapidy: They can go ahead and use the requested servers.
PS: Order 67 ended a few months ago.
Suits the Penguin Games too.
ps i need my rank
saint if u want a rank go on chat more often and attend more battles and invasions,also you have to work for a rank not just beg for it
XD Noka what rank? YOU QUIT.
ooh i’ve been fired as cp guy XD
Rapidy: We can definatly get full coverage with 2 people, so no, you’re not fired 😉
my rank is callssified shelia gally on saintnicksc2
ask for a land grant by cpun
boo tomtwelve! yes this is the real tomtwelve. 😛
So… are we using this site or http://acpclubpenguin.wordpress.com?
Rapidy: This one.
Woot I would like my rank it is brigadeer
http://clubpenguinrussia.wordpress.com JOIN NOW!
i want to see the cp games
hey guys promote me to corpral plse
omg i have been in acp for about 4 months and i still havent got a rank!! this is pissing me off
ill probally quit
ok hey rapidy can i have a rank
yay Tiger! 😛
omg this is reallllllly annoying! if u dont give people a rank even when they have done acp boot camp people will quit so give me a rank!!
ps: ive done acp boot camp (i think)
This is Ash7890 from Club Penguin United Army. I just wanted to tell you if you would like to have war in Club Penguin on 25th August 2008. My website is http://www.armyofclubpenguin.moonfruit.com. I hope you want to have war.
from Ash7890
hey all u idiots in acp come to my site at therobots.wordpress.com and see what i have to say about acp
ACP May be good with army, but they will lose at the penguin games