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ACP Wins! | New Empire | New Leader


ACP beat the IW, proving that we are still the top army on CP! Here are the pictures:


I would like to thank the Ice Warriors for gracefully accepting defeat. That is more than most armies in that position would have done. 🙄


Quite frankly, the ACP is lagging behind when it comes to number of servers. The RPF has plans to conquer most of the southern servers, other armies are claiming them daily, and we have only a hand-full. So here is my lay-out for the new ACP Empire (click to see full-size):


We will conquer each server individually, then move to the next. Here is my time-table for conquering these servers:

  • SUNDAY, AUG. 10: Surpa Isles
  • SERVERS: Start at Avalanche, Belly Slide, Big Snow, then finish with Breeze
  • TIME: Start at 11:00am PST
    ———-2:00pm Eastern
    ———-1:00pm Central
    ———-12:00pm Mountain
    ———-11:00am Pacific
    ———-7:00pm U.K.
  • ROOM: Start in the Snow Forts at every new server


  • MONDAY, AUG. 11: North Terra Magna
  • SERVERS: Start at Frost Bite, Frozen, Great White, Half Pipe, Husky, Ice Burg, Ice Breaker, then finish with Ice Cold
  • TIME: Starts at 11:00am PST
    ———–2:00pm Eastern
    ———–1:00pm Central
    ———–12:00pm Mountain
    ———–11:00pm Pacific
    ———–7:00pm U.K.
  • ROOM: Start in the Snow Forts at every new server


  • TUESDAY, AUG. 12: South Terra Magna
  • SERVERS: Start at Ice Palace, Iceland, Klondike, Mammoth, Matterhorn, and finish at Mukluk (Ice Cube and Ice Rink do not need to be invaded because they are Safe Chat, meaning we would have no influence there)
  • TIME: Start at 11:00am PST
    ———–2:00pm Eastern
    ———–1:00pm Central
    ———–12:00pm Mountain
    ———–11:00am Pacific
    ———–7:00pm U.K.
  • ROOM: Start in the Snow Forts of every new server.


  • WEDNESDAY, AUG. 13: Terra Minor
  • SERVERS: Start at Snow Cone, Snow Drift, Snow Fort, Snow Day, Snow Flake, and finish at Snow Globe
  • TIME: Start at 11:00am PST
    ———–2:00pm Eastern
    ———–1:00pm Central
    ———–12:00pm Mountain
    ———–11:00am Pacific
    ———–7:00pm Pacific
  • ROOM: Start in the Snow Forts at every new server

This will be one of the largest military campaigns in Club Penguin history, so be sure to help out!

Here are some tips:

  1. Be on the ACP Chat. That is where orders will be given, and where you will be told to move next. It is very important that you be on the Chat!
  2. Follow orders, both on CP and the Chat.
  3. Be in ACP uniform.
  4. Stay in the open, and look big. Don’t over-lap each other; stand shoulder-to-shoulder.

Naturally, some of you will disagree with the decision to expand, so we will take a poll on it: VOTE HERE.


The finalists for the leadership position are: Rapidy, Tomtwelve,

But if I just choose now, there might be a mistake. And if we vote, well, the popular thing isn’t always the right thing. So they will have a debate, here on the comments under this post, and only this post.

Each nominee must give an answer to these questions. Then a debate will be held between the candidates, with their arguments based upon their response to these questions. Whoever I believe handled the situation best will be the leader.

As a  leader . . .

  1. What would you do about a rebellion?
  2. How would you make the ACP stronger if it became weak?
  3. How would you handle an unpopular war?
  4. What do you plan to do for the future of the ACP?

Let the debating begin.

Fort57 Edit: Well Oagal since you weren’t on all that much before choosing your leaders, I’ll be your advisor, so I’ll tell you the assests and weaknesses of each person.

148 Responses

  1. O ya I just remembered I wont be here from the 20 – 25 , and there is probably no chance I will get on the web then , I am going to a 5 star hotel in my country Cyprus called Coral Beach in a duplexe suite ( an upstairs and a downstairs ) , and I saw the royal suite on the internet and you get a huge private pool and about a room as big as a house xD

  2. 3rd and Oagal are they the only candidates because i dont respect 2 of them(I won’t say who). If other people can run does rank matter?

    P.S. The invasion plans look good.

    P.P.S. I counted 4 nachos in those pictures dressed as IW. lol

    P.P.P.S. Please dont make those the only candidates!


  4. head if you read this sorry what i sed on the chat

  5. i nominate shelia to be our leader, will anyone second my nomination?

  6. no

  7. If someone secounds that I will puke up my fried chicken. :ill:


  9. LOL balloon

  10. I think cas you shud but him into the debates!

  11. go tomtweleve! my choice as candidate.
    and anway head is realy stupid, theve givin him chances so many times and he still hasnt improved.


  12. lol thankyou everyone but since im not in the final VOTE 4 HEAD

  13. Oagal,

    Im going on holiday from now to the 23rd August. So my place is going to be taken over by CasiusBrutus. Good Luck Cas


  15. Head you rock you and cas shud be leaders

  16. go head and cas go head and cas head and cas

  17. 1. What would you do about a rebellion?
    2. How would you make the ACP stronger if it became weak?
    3. How would you handle an unpopular war?
    4. What do you plan to do for the future of the ACP?

    1. I would go to there chat. If they dont have one, contact them by any means neccisary. I would talk it through like i do to soldiers and see what they dislike about ACP, and to try and make it better.

    2. I would prepare a recruiting week, and will do one on highly populated servers. I would say to people: JOIN ACP; ARMY OF CLUBPENGUIN!!!!!

    3. I would talk it over with the commanding person ( leader ) and ask them why they want war, do they ACTUALLY want it? and why do you want to have th at particular server. ( unless its something else they are fighting about )

    4. I will set to make it 1 million hits. That is my target and my other target is to protect club penguin by all the forces in this army.

    Please vote for me. Im not forcing you to vote for me. But i hope some of those reasons show that i would like to set upon the challenge and roll of ACP Leader.

    Thank You


  19. P.s: As i am away, i find this very unfair due to i cannot campaign and that gives Rapidy and TomTwelve a strong advantage. So i want this to be taken in account.


  20. ok i take heads position oagal so add me to that finalists list ok and if head wins i also take the roll of leader untill head comes back

  21. Mukluk and matterhorn are Uma servers so is breeze and mammoth was made neutrual by upfa and the uma
    So i wouldnt invade them

  22. i think you made a great chocie.i think headofpolice is a great leader .
    do you?

  23. yea id probably vote for head or tom i cant decide yet

  24. but hey who am i voting for look at the servers we got

  25. let the olympic games BEGIN IN BEIJING CHINA!! USA USA USA USA USA USA USA!!!!!!!!

  26. hi this is one of ur old retired acp soldiers
    i miss acp
    but i rarely have anytime to go on cp
    but still acp is a great army
    maybe if i am every lucky and get to play cp anytime on any of ur wars i could help

  27. dont know if i can make it on the 13 and 10

    President of FRO,
    Respond to http://thefro.wordpress.com

  29. i want sheila jungle or tom y to be leader

  30. ok i what i would do for the future of acp i would Try to give land grants to smaller armies and i would STOP order 67

  31. rebellion. I would make a rebillion and make vehicles of the use for ACP soldiers all people behind me are to be respected and allegianced with being nice .
    make acp strong if they were weak.I would tell all soldiers from my army to report medic teams to come of theyre assistance with my army’s strength gauntlets and superior health materials

    unpopular war. I would handle it as if going through getting divorced I will just report my allies to help ACP and whoevers against us allies.

  32. also Im reporting my Army needs medic teams anyways we still have strength gauntlets and superior health materials what so ever but nobody to use them if you want be a medic for my Army go to http://www.clubpenguinwcparmy.worpress.com

  33. heads my friend voteing for head

  34. BALLON no food i eated it all mowaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

  35. I dont think ACP should be taking so many empty servers. You have no use for them. you already have snowfort as your non member base.

  36. lol i aint entering but

    1. What would you do about a rebellion?
    2. How would you make the ACP stronger if it became weak?
    3. How would you handle an unpopular war?
    4. What do you plan to do for the future of the ACP?

    1. War, thats what you want war

    2. Tell The ACP leader what to do.

    3. More War! Thats what you want.

    4. War War & War

    this isnt accually what id say but you get the point 🙄


  38. tell rpf to get out of snow plow

  39. Oagalthorp, a Problem with the Invasions… School starts for me Next Week, on Monday.

    What would you do about a rebellion?
    Usually, the Rebellion is caused by 2 people starting an argument, so I would get those people together in a Chat Room and solve the problem.
    How would you make the ACP stronger if it became weak?
    Practice Battles, and lots of them, and more training for the soldiers if necessary.
    How would you handle an unpopular war?
    I would give the soldiers a reward if they went, and tell them about the rewards beforehand so they know what they will miss out on.
    What do you plan to do for the future of the ACP?
    I plan more Wars and Battles, because that’s what we’re here for. Maybe some Scenario battles and practice battles here and there too. I also plan to have the entire Army get along, because the only way we can be a successful army is with Teamwork, without that, we can’t be a successful army.

  40. me too mine starts the 3

  41. I suess I support Rapidly, and TomTwelve. I have a great respect for both of them. But I also feel…. that Tomtwelve is more like Tom Yellow. Mind you guys I really want Head General. As for our victory, that was to be expected. I support an Expansion! Long live ACP!
    ~Jedimaster17, ACP Admiral, Nachos Colonel.RPF Head General

  42. Though Oagal the Names of the Sectors could be differents. “Terra Minor” Other than that I have no dispute.

  43. Aww how did you narrow it down to them? I am not sayign that either one is bad I think that they would make great leaders, but I am just wondering why we cant open the debate to everyone interested in the position. Then you choose , make one full front page post and everyone will write their answers. Alot of people want to be leader.

  44. Shab actually has a point. I like Rapidy better. But Rap, if you don’t make Cas co leader, Cas goes bye bye! 🙁

  45. go tom

  46. the leader should be tomtwelve (for mu own reasons)

  47. (I Just Changed my name, so this is me)

    If I became Leader there will be a Non member leader which would probably be Tomtwelve, since he’s gotten past Oagalthorp’s barrior of decision 😆


  48. I’ll deal with Cas’ problem later.

  49. TO: Fort57
    FROM: Indy 11 (Fort57, I was your buddy before)

    Alright ACP, Your army has grown to be the most powerful army of club penguin after the CPA was torn down in early 2007, The ACP was smaller then…They you grew. I am the current Leader of the CPA…..”Club Penguin Army”. Yes this armyt was the firast army started by: Icy Fresh 2. Icy has been gone for more than a year. I’ve been controling the CPA for over a year. The ACP have been doing good in club epnguin as well as bad, for over a year.

    Go to our website, see what we stand for:

    I and the CPA want to offically allie with the ACP.

    Please listen, our are is called: Club Penguin Army, yours: Army of Club Penguin. No big difference??? there is… ACP protects club penguin
    and CPA helps other penguins in club penguin… Cant we combine and become a team??? please. I think it will work. I think it will. It will. If you accept my offer;

    Club Penguin Army (CPA) and Army of Club Penguin (ACP) will join forces and ACP will protect CP and CPA will help others in CP.

    Signed, Signed,
    Indy 11 (sign here, Fort57)

    CPA Leader,
    -Indy 11

  50. why cant i be a nominee 🙁

    -the jungle n

  51. Ugh, I just noticed, Oagalthorp, what kind of Rebellion are you talking about? an In-Army on or a Army vs. Army one? (ex: The UMA vs. ACP Rebellion in early January)

    I have a Responce to both,
    If it’s an In-Army rebellion, Usually, the Rebellion is caused by 2 people starting an argument, so I would get those people together in a Chat Room and solve the problem.
    (that’s what I put on my comment)

    And, if it’s an Army vs. Army rebellion, I would schedule a War, ’cause if it’s war they want then war they will get. But if it gets too far, I’ll schedule a meeting with the Army Leader, and try and resolve the problem that way.


  52. i (jungle) really wanna enter so im gonna enter if i can…

    1. If a rebellion happened inside ACP, I would try to get to the heart of the problem and stop the people who are starting the rebellion by talking to them. If that didn’t work, and the rebellion got through, I would make them part of ACP again or, if necessary, use the ACP to get them to calm down.

    2. Well, if the ACP got weak, I would first of all hold a recruiting week to get people, then, as Rapidy said, stage practice battles. I would also make an ACP “rally” to show CP that ACP is still around. Plus, I would ask soldiers on their oppinions on what to do, and ask allies to help us out.

    3. If an unpopular war happened, I would try to talk it over with the leader and comprimise with them on whatever they want and whatever I want. I would try to make peace, whatever it takes. I will not surrender, though, but I would of course get peace. I would make a vote on what we should do to see if the soldiers like it.

    4. First of all, I will make more allies than enemies. I will recruit, make practice battles, start a recruit academy, and make the chat safer (have you SEEN the kind of stuff luc has been saying, lol). I will also hold training sessions in tactics and movement (in practice battles we practice fighting, but it still seems we can’t get everyone to move from one room to another or make a line, lol), strengthen alliances, get everyone to work together more, protect CP, make ACP as active as possible, give ranks to peope who really deserve them, make sure there aren’t any rebellions or riots, talk thins over with enemies, and finally, be more democratic with votes and taking many people’s ideas if they are good.

    I really hope I get into the debates, I have always dreamed of leading ACP and I think I could do it well.

    March On!
    -The Jungle N

  53. and reading rapidy’s comment there, if it was an army vs army rebellion, i would try to get them to make peace, and if not, i would overpower them with the ACP in war.


  55. i hpoe tomtweleve wins then i will be the leaders buddy

  56. Vote for Rapidy!!!!!

  57. well here goes nothing 🙂

    1. if there’s a rebellion, I would have to negotiate something with their leader, since they probably didn’t rebel for nothing. They might not have a leader, or they might just want war for no reason, so if that happens we’d have to fight them.
    2. if we became weak, I’d have to get the current soldiers more active first of all with practice battles and other fun stuff. the fun stuff would also get people to join. to get people to find out about us, we’d advertise on blogs and youtube. we’d also have tomy’s recruitment meetings.
    3. what like a war i started? well i obviously had a good reason for it. well i would talk to each individual person one at a time on chat. as we’ve seen before, it’s impossible to take on several people at once. one on one, people might see why I started the war, and why it’s beneficial for us.
    4. for the future…i admit that i want a lot more practice battles! we are going to have new governor elections if we change our territory. and i want to have a reward system, and to use the medal system. i will continue promotion days. 🙂

    by the way i start school on tuesday. 🙁

  58. by the way i am getting my membership back.

  59. I vote rap hes the leader type and tom is like tom yellow..so rap for acp leader!





  63. Hmm. Why not Head. But I guess if I had to vote I would vote Rap. He is more a of leader type. Good Luck Rap.

  64. by unpopular war, it’s saying that people don’t like it, and they don’t want to have the war.

  65. everyone says that rap is more of a leader type! and why? i don’t know. no one said i wasn’t the leader type!


  67. you guys know that you can’t vote, right?

  68. oh right, this is a debate, so i’m responding to his answers.

    rap’s first answer was to put them in a chat room to work it out. yeah, working it out is good. solves the problem easily. if they don’t work it out, then what are you going to do. they will probably want to fight. they will probably lose. i don’t see why not fight them if that’s what they want.

    his second answer was to have practice battles and stuff. yes yes, i said practice battles. but what makes an army strong isn’t so much the fighting skills of the soldiers. all you need to do is do what the leader says. what really determines the strength is how many active members you have. so what if a lot of people quit? what if people just feel like going on strike for no reason? how would you get new soldiers?

    he said for the next one to give people rewards. ok, that probably would work for our soldiers. but our allies might be the ones that don’t like the war. we need to convince them somehow to fight with us. rewards won’t work.

    you can’t argue with this fourth one. more battles indeed. but i want other things too. i want to really take advantage of the medal system. a though occurred to me last month that a perfect army would have a system where everyone’s hard work goes not without a reward. see my original comment for the other stuff i said.

  69. ACP lost a ton of it’s values throughout the last month. When Fort quit I was shocked and worried, not knowing who our next leader would be. If head wins and is leader I’m quitting ACP on the spot. Rapidy is ok but I worry he’s too much like head. My favorite candidate is Tomtwelve, he might not be as experienced but he’s new and excited. He also is selfless and ready to bring ACP back.

    P.S. We should vote on this

  70. im not new. i’ve been in ACP for 13 months.

  71. ook

  72. They really did use my idea … yay

  73. “P.s: As i am away, i find this very unfair due to i cannot campaign and that gives Rapidy and TomTwelve a strong advantage. So i want this to be taken in account.


    This is a Debate not a Poll. I don’t have a campaign, and I don’t need one either.

  74. i told everyone that i went to camp for a week shab.

  75. The invasion plans wer my idea. They’re on the “Snow Fort invasion sever” posts.

  76. Why are there campaigns? It means nothin in reality.

  77. One more thing … I’d suggest starting at the cove … That would look so awesome!!

  78. i think im going with rapidy

  79. i think im going with rapidy

  80. And Tom, if you would take a look at one of my later comments, you would have found this.

    “Ugh, I just noticed, Oagalthorp, what kind of Rebellion are you talking about? an In-Army on or a Army vs. Army one? (ex: The UMA vs. ACP Rebellion in early January)

    I have a Response to both,
    If it’s an In-Army rebellion, Usually, the Rebellion is caused by 2 people starting an argument, so I would get those people together in a Chat Room and solve the problem.
    (that’s what I put on my comment)

    And, if it’s an Army vs. Army rebellion, I would schedule a War, ’cause if it’s war they want then war they will get. But if it gets too far, I’ll schedule a meeting with the Army Leader, and try and resolve the problem that way.


    I have to admit I’m not normal, I think in ways other people wouldn’t. So that’s the reason for the later comment.

    I also didn’t say the Traditional things because they aren’t really necessary, every ACP leader would have Recruitment videos on YouTube, and have Advertising weeks, but sometimes, they can go downhill. Like when Oagalthorp posted the ACP history, it became what we know today as a Rebellion between UMA and ACP. That story was on Recruitment Week.


    And again, I was thinking in a different world 😆
    If the allies disagree with the war, then of course I’m going to try and convince them to come with the reasons for war, what the enemy did to us etc. But if they still disagree, then we’re going to fight with all we got.

    Well, the forth one you can’t really think of everything you can do in one comment. That list will add on, and I probably will make an honor system, but the medal system makes soldiers think that they have the right to brag, and their better than anyone else, etc. But kind of going into the Scenario Battles, I would make a forum and soldiers would join it and I would put them into groups, one group called Alpha, the other Omega, and make different Scenarios where they battle each other, it will be pure fun 😆 Promotion days will stay the same.

    Your Turn Tomtwelve 😆

  81. Your new to the leadeship scene though.
    I have a question for both candidates, some Acp members are part of other armies too (for example jedimaster17). If we went to war with those armies could we really trust them to stay true to ACP? What will you do to prevent this and what would you do about it if it happened?

  82. I vote Tomtwelve hes the best leader you can ever ask for

  83. Orgal, As much as I surrport rapidy I think you need to rethink the canidates. They both don’t have as much experence leading as other people in ACP (luc, Shaboomboom, me) You havn’t been online enough to see who has the best leader ship qualitys. I suggest fort gets to choose

  84. Even tho im not runnin ill put meh brigadeer name in XD

    What would you do about a rebellion?
    I would get the Rebelion Leader(s) on chat and see why they are rebeling and try to sort it out,if that doesnt work then we have a battle of it like they want.like every other candadate said
    How would you make the ACP stronger if it became weak?
    Hold Recruitment days and Practice Wars and suggest that the New recruits go to ACP Boot Camp to strengthen them up for real battles.
    How would you handle an unpopular war?
    I would see what the war is and if it has good reasons and all Army leaders involved agree to fight in it,then we will fight.if not we will decline the battle.
    What do you plan to do for the future of the ACP?
    A Tactics page so we know what to do and can follow and give orders in battle,To make sure all soldiers have good relations for good teamwork in wars and to make ACP a larger army, also to take out the little names like Army Of Cute Puppies and Anti Club Penguin as we may be cute but were not puppies and we are with club penguin not anti club penguin,with that to clean up ACP’s reputation with normal citezens and armys.

    -Brigadeer Clintos007

  85. if you ask me, traditional things work quite well. unless of course once they get to the site they find nothing good about it. which is why i want to have contests, and continue the ACP lottery, which we’ve only done twice. i also liked tomy’s recruitment meetings. but he is inactive. however, we don’t need him to do the same thing. we could go recruit people any time. now, yes, i do remember when UMA got mad at us. (I still think they overreacted.)
    now, something else was that fort’s youtube video telling people to join was pretty bad… but i myself have been on youtube longer than i’ve been in ACP (serving ACP for 13 months), and a better one could be made.

    next, well if this was in your mind all along i can’t argue. i don’t see what people’s rewards will be though. medals? promotions? something? i question if we should have their motivation be towards some reward.

    i plan on adjusting the medal system. or maybe completely changing it. i’m unsure currently. (by the way it’s spelled, in this case, “they’re.”) now the scenario battle thing…when we first had practice battles, oagalthorp gave them scenarios. it’s not really a new thing. but it is fun.
    we are in this army to battle, but there’s no reason why we can’t have other contests for fun.

    well i’ve said enough for the moment. i responded better than i expected! 😀

  86. Tomtwelve is the co-leader Fort quit so shouldn’t that make Tom the new leader?

  87. no tomy is the co-leader not me!

  88. hey, you know what else i’m gonna do as leader? you know how all these people wanted to run for leader? well, i’m gonna hold elections to run for co-leader.

  89. good idea tom 😀 i am meat and i support tomtwelve

  90. tom should be leader!! PLEASE JOIN!! http://privateassaultarmyofclubpenguin.wordpress.com/

  91. i havent been noticed that much but

  92. i could be leader

    if there was a rebellion i would give orders like OPEN FIRE when there is a open fire.

    IF ACP became weak i would hire and train the people that want to be in armys.

    i would tell the few soldiers of acp there to get more troops.

    i would make it famouse way more powerful and training one hour a day.

    (P.S. i have rapid fire.)

  93. Can We please be allies??? http://privateassaultarmyofclubpenguin.wordpress.com/


  95. somebody plz join my army its link is http://www.kingcc.wordpress.com

  96. THIS IS AN OUTRAGE! Neither Tomtwelve or Rapidy are on much! And Oagal, I think this time the popular thing IS the right thing! What, are we supposed to automatically assume that YOUR opinion is ALWAYS the right thing?

  97. And I don’t care what you say about it Oagal, I will tell everyone what I would do as leader! You must understand that your choice is not always the best for us! If I somehow became leader…

    1. If a rebellion came up, I would stop at nothing to defeat it before it became even more powerful.
    2. I would make the ACP stronger by having recruitment drives and by forging powerful alliances with other major armies, giving us time to recover. Also, I would try to make some decisions that would make people like us more, thus opening an oppurtunity for more recruits.
    3. I would handle an unpopular war based on certain circumstances. For example, if it’s completely necessary for the survival of the ACP, of course I would stay in. If the other army was posing a huge threat to all of CP, I would stay in. But, if it were simply to help another army, I would consider pulling out, depending on how unpopular it is and if the other army is a major ally.
    4. I plan to make the ACP less bureaucratic. For example, modship would be based more upon rule following than rank; if a field marshal was cussing, I would de-mod him. Also, I plan to enforce a more fair ranking system. If a soldier became inactive, I would demote him and promote a good soldier to fill his spot.

    Now the ACP knows what they’re missing out on!

  98. By the way, great idea, Tom!

  99. IM DONE WITH YOUR SITE GALLY now good bye

  100. I’m just going to fill out the form for what I would do, and Oagal probobly will just ignore it anyway, so here I go:

    1) If a rebellion came up, I would handle it by first off asking the rebellion what they are trying to accomplish, then I’d offer a compromise that would benefit both sides. IF that doesn’t work then I would have no choice but to defeat the rebellion by any means necessary.

    2) While in RPF, I had the task of keeping the RPF strong while I was Second in Command due to Commando’s inactiveness. I kept the army alive by having meetings, an army tournament, and recruitment days, to gain more troops. I also had to do it without being on the site at times. I’d do whatever it takes to keep the ACP the army it is today, by doing what I did to keep RPF alive.

    3) First off, I would not declare war unless I had the army’s support, because without their support, there isn’t really an army. If it was split down the middle I would make sure the choice would be best for the army’s present and future. If there was a war that turned un-popular, I’d make sure that the troops will fight for the ACP, but at the same time, I’d have the army make suggestions for a way to end the war.

    4) I plan to make the ACP’s future as bright as possible, by getting more recruits to lead and train the members that are in ACP to become great leaders when I do retire. I will also keep ACP’s legacy of being the best army on CP. I will look for new and better ways to make ACP into it’s own elite class. I will also bring back Guest Powah!

  101. GO RAPIDY

  102. :[

  103. BD

  104. 🙁

  105. “(

  106. “)

  107. 😡

  108. dont flood or spam purpur

  109. rapidy rocks!


  111. I never said that Traditions were bad.

    And yes, there should be, (and most likely will be) more things other than battles, of course I can do lotteries, search in finds, Mad Libs, etc.

    I also must point out that there will things Fort let me do behind his back that will be brought among ACP’s attention 😉

  112. Hey have you ever noticed that if you are reading a paper from the boiler room that it looks like there is a huge penguin in a ghost costume that is partly covered up? Try it out!

  113. lol I did notice that, It’s the drawyer XD

  114. hah thanks for trying

  115. ps you rock rapidy

  116. Lets go Tomtwelve! *Clap Clap Clap Clap Clap*

  117. Whoever is elected leader or ACP, watch out. for I and my army that is under development, shall take out all armies of CP. They must be destroyed as soon as possible. I know that all armies can defeat us as of now, but we will invade your servers and attack everyone in it. If any of you are interested, click my name. CP shall not be ruled by the ANTA armies anymore.

  118. Ok well since some people are answering that are not in the finals. Why not I?

    1) A rebellion inside ACP, can be caused by many reasons :poor leadership, jealousy, or just rumors. Either way the two people in the fight, that both think their right, will be banned from chat for up to 6 hrs (first ofcourse I will find out more about the case), if fighting remains up to two days on chat or a atleast 2 rank demotion.

    1a) If a rebellion outside ACP happens I will gather as much people I can on chat and make sure that we use “our” tactics if we are clearly out numbered I will either :
    a) reschedule a war with the army
    b) make a compromise with the leader
    c) regroup in another part of the server, but this option will not be used unless it is like a “non-official” army

    2) If the ACP ever became weak it would be because of lack of loyalty and devotion from soldiers, so I will try to give promotions to people to the best of my ability, for staying with their army. If that does not work I will ask specifically what they would want in return and I will attempt to match their offer. It it ever became so drastically low, I will talk with other strong army leaders for a very strong alliance until we became strong again.

    3) I would handle an unpopular war like I would how the ACP would get weak try giving small promotions to the loyal. It would also depend on the importance of the war also, if we were only allied with someone for their battle we will send as many troops as I can but we will not fully be there, or back out. If it was something that decided the ACP’s existance, I will take the ideas of some who are aginst it. Then again if it was for the existance of the army I dont think it would be an unpopular war.

    4) Well alot, I plan to fullfill taking servers to our possesion. Recruitment and non-recruitment parties, practice wars once every two or three weeks. I also intend to have a specific time fo every week where I will be on the chat to talk and discuss ideas with my fellow ACP soldiers. And continue some other contests and prizes throughout the year.And I didnt steal this idea from tom12 but I will hold a election for two co-leaders. WHich I plan to hold every 2 and a half months so multiple people get to experience the leadership role. Ofcourse you can be re-elected. And I will not be the “SUPREME DICTATOR ” leader. I plan to make a move only if the majority is for it and the minority I will try to comprise with you.

    JUST SOME OTHER REASONS : I have been in ACP for unoficially 2 years aka the start. The official 2nd soldier to join and one of the “fab four” (wow I felt so gay saying that) that started the ACP legacy. I have never been lower then general in ranks. And yes some may say experience dont mean anything but it cant hurt. Some may not be so fond of me but I will lighten up if chosen, I mean why would a leader try to go against another soldier.

    Well I dont know if anyone will read this or not but I just thought I had some pretty good suggestions, Rap or tom12 feel free to take some ideas. And good luck to both in the future. You both are quite good choices for the leader position.

  119. Im sorry Tomtwelve,but im gonna have to go with rapidy…Hes a good guy, rapidy.He really deserves to be leader. im not saying tom12 wont do s good job, im just saying i think rapidy deserves to be leader and he sorta fits the job….

  120. tomtwelve no doubt


    to the leaders of ACP
    it has come to my attention that the deals with the ANTA federation that promotes the idea of distributing servers eaqually has been ignored by the leaders of ACP. i have been informed that the ACP will be invading one groups of servers individualy. I believe that one of the main atributes of ANTA would be distributing servers eaqually.
    my accosiates at the club penguin rangers and I
    have not reiseived any server.
    as being a member and contributing to the war against Ice warriors and a member of ANTA
    i would think that is agreable to allow us to occupie an single server as our capital and only territory. if you graciously accept our offer we will not recruit on other servers. and we will become allies with you.
    if you accept this, we will be able to assist you in any conflict that arrises. the server that we desire is klondike. it is apperant that you will be invading this server.
    please note that i have sent amilitary police force force to establish our government [democratic republic]. if you object please allow negotiations and do not take any military action. please click my name to our link to our blog. feal free to check it out anytime. as we do not want to take any military action, we encourage negotiations. please review all material enclosed.
    321fishpop club penguin rangers general five star.
    rangers lead the way!!!!!!

  122. i nominate tomtwelve

  123. wERE UNDER ATTACK IN frozen!!!!!1

  124. As a Leader..

    1.When there is a rebellion (which hopefully will not happen)I will try solving it by asking why the soldiers started it and i will have discussions about the rebellion.
    2.I will send one of my best soldiers to all of the servers including me to introduce the penguins to ACP which is an army that fights bad and preserve justice and i will try asking the soldiers why they quit ACP so I can improve it.
    3.Get all of the Popular (RPf,UMA, UPFA)allies and I will sned soldiers all around the server saying ALL ACP TO (The Room the war is happening) example: Dojo or Snow forts
    4.I would have a new ranking systm and mod system too I will add some cool things to the cool stuff page and I will ALWAYS keep ACP updated with the CP updates.Ohh and I forgot I’ll bring Tacos and Buritos!!XD

    -Peace Out

  125. As a leader of acp and a Emperor/president of the acp empire

    1. if there is a rebbelion i will talk to whovever started it and negotiate if they will not negotiate i will crush their rebbellion with military strength.

    2. if the acp was weak i would do a mass recruitment and do lots of things to make acp better

    3. an unpopular war: THere ALWAYS has to be a reason its unpopular and i wouldnt go to war if it was unpopluar(unless i had to)

    4. i have great plans for acp which are upholding the honor of the acp military and GETTING MAMMOTH BACK also i have plans for new ranks and new mod systems and new discipline rules

    Please support Cas


    #Casius Von brutus~

    Ps. if im not elected i want to be in co leader elections


  126. what i think is WE NEED AN ACTIVE LEADER! im not saying that for me cause i dont usualy go to the battles BUT I FIGHT WITH ACP IN MAMMOTH OR INVASIONS ALOT i have not made my decision yet because i dont know whos more active someone please tell mee

  127. p.s. when i get a bit higher rank i will run for leader

  128. (A retired Acp soldier and old Friend)
    Hi Rapidy congratulations for running for leader! Wow great job. Since I am your old friend I will vote for you. I certainly disagree with the fact that HeadofPolice should run for leader. Its just not right. I know he got ranked up after I left but still I feel uncomfortable with that. Can any of you tell me which server you all go to often in club penguin? Thanks and oh yeah Im in the 10th, 11th, 12th, and 13th images lol!

  129. Tom12!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  130. ACP u are on BVLA terratory Husky is ours we may be allies and ill let u have a base but u dont own it that is myn so either set up a base or there is a chance we r no longer allies

  131. TO: Fort57
    FROM: Indy 11 (Fort57, I was your buddy before)

    Alright ACP, Your army has grown to be the most powerful army of club penguin after the CPA was torn down in early 2007, The ACP was smaller then…They you grew. I am the current Leader of the CPA…..”Club Penguin Army”. Yes this armyt was the firast army started by: Icy Fresh 2. Icy has been gone for more than a year. I’ve been controling the CPA for over a year. The ACP have been doing good in club epnguin as well as bad, for over a year.

    Go to our website, see what we stand for:

    I and the CPA want to offically allie with the ACP.

    Please listen, our are is called: Club Penguin Army, yours: Army of Club Penguin. No big difference??? there is… ACP protects club penguin
    and CPA helps other penguins in club penguin… Cant we combine and become a team??? please. I think it will work. I think it will. It will. If you accept my offer;

    Club Penguin Army (CPA) and Army of Club Penguin (ACP) will join forces and ACP will protect CP and CPA will help others in CP.

    Signed, Signed,
    Indy 11 (sign here, Fort57)

    CPA Leader,
    -Indy 11

  132. i think that it should be Rapidy-leader Tomtwelve-Co-leader Headofpolice-3rd in command lol

  133. i think that it should be Rapidy-leader Tomtwelve-Co-leader Headofpolice-3rd in command. 🙂

  134. I WANT OGAL

  135. i just like to say id like to be RANKED

  136. To whoever becomes the leader. If you can turn ACP into something besides a dictatorship and stop taking over all the servers I might be willing to help you.

    P.S. Please try to make peace with the Nachos and stay peaceful. Every time ACP makes peace with the Nachos, ACP just turns against the Nachos and starts throwing more snowballs at them.

  137. Tom twelve!

  138. I cant make it to the first Surpa isles battle


  140. thanks for leading us igdogjr916

  141. ps: i joined saturday and i already was in a battle!

  142. Corvette, If I’m not in Mammoth I’m somewhere in Snow Fort, it was nice to see you again!

  143. I ACTUALLY SEE MYSELF 😀 yippee I dont like the idea of the invasion though

  144. oh ya all u ACP who think ull get those servers easy,u wont because ice palace belongs to two armies that merged they r CPDA and CPC(RPA)which r u two tough armies and alsou wont get frozen easy either because AWA(RCP)owns it and is on all the time

  145. also FGR will be there too to defend Frozen allongside AWA

  146. this was the first time i was ever in a picture I remember it fondly
    Fort retired b4 the battle
    we were without our leader
    we won
    I went on vacation

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