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New ACP Server: Snow Fort

Today the ACP held a small-scale invasion on the server Snow Fort, due to the newly arisen need for non-member access into the ACP’s nation, the DRACP. Snow Fort was chosen not only because it is scarcely populated, but also because the concept of the first modern army – the ACP – was born there, when I (Oagalthorp) designed the Alliance of Snow Fort, which was later disbanded and transformed into the ACP, which was first based in Mammoth.

Since our former non-member server, Breeze, has been bumped to the top of the list, it is now a major city, and rendered inaccessible to our non-member soldiers. In response to this, Zippy ordered Terryking to send Nacho troops to Snow Fort to set up a counter-attack, even if it meant WWIV. Once in Snow Fort, ACP soldiers encountered a group of Nachos, who were quickly overpowered, then sent into retreat. From that point the ACP stormed the Snow Forts, Plaza, Forest, Cove, Town, Dock, Beach, Lighthouse, and many other rooms. Soon Fort gave the order and the ACP claimed the server Snow Fort as an official ACP server.


Meanwhile, the Nachos responded by conquering Brumby, a large city on the first page. We find this unfair and unorthodox; the ACP only took Snow Fort because both of our servers were usually full to non-members, while the Nachos took a generally highly-populated server in retaliation, that would do nothing more for their nation’s or army’s non-members. In other words, we had a reason for taking over a server, and they did not. If they had taken an unpopulated server for their non-members, we’d be ok with that. But they didn’t.

It looks like we are at the dawn of a Cold War-style arms race, but instead of nukes, we’re stocking up on servers. So you may vote which server we are to conquer next:
What should be our next server to invade and conquer?
( surveys)
Here is a list of servers each side of this conflict owns:

Free World Allies (ACP, RPF & UMA)………………………The Empire (Nachos & IW)


Breeze………………………………………………………………………………………..White House

Snow Fort…………………………………………………………………………………………..Brumby




This should be fun, but also a little bit dangerous. The more servers each side has, the more difficult they are to defend. Here is how each side gains servers:

  1. The conquering side must make a post on their main website stating the time and place for their invasion.
  2. The conquering side must gain dominance in that server and hold it for at least 15 minutes before it is officially theirs.
  3. Each side can only conquer one server a day.
  4. Each side can invade and conquer servers owned by their enemies, as long as the rest of these rules are followed. Capitals cannot be conquered, but invasions can be made simply to stage an attack.

I want you troops ready! Here are a few ways to prepare for this conflict:

  1. Patrol at least two Free World servers each day for at least 15 minutes.
  2. Don’t fire until you are fired upon.
  3. Be in ACP uniform as much as you can on CP, and do a few chants to recruit new soldiers.

-Over and out.

63 Responses

  1. 1st and now acp will be on snow fort right
    Oagalthorp: Our capital is Mammoth, but our two other servers are Snow Fort and Breeze.

  2. 3rd!!!!!!!!!!11

  3. ok so we want more severs

  4. :O I was there!
    My name got cut off in half the pics though (XD)

  5. also, 5th comment 😛

  6. are we still on mammoth just this is a new acp town

  7. i was in that and i was in most of them pcs


  9. sir this means we need more troops then we can put half in half some in mamoth and some in snow fort

  10. i will be at snow fort not mammoth ok

  11. Oh theres gonna be a war theres gonan be a war.. hell its gonan be a world war between teh 2 armies

  12. Wtf oagle? I was joking around with terry. your just making this real so you can conquer servers you power hungry dog. Nachos will not take part in this.


  14. Oagal your gonna be in BIG trouble !! This is madness! Jeeze oagal your gonna start a world war!

  15. i like war WE WILL WIN ANY WAYS

  16. snow fort!

  17. actually, i think he wants to start a world war. 🙂 some of us are bored!

  18. No offense, but ACP is stupid. You want to stop peace, and yet you are the ones ‘invading’, ‘fighting’, etc. and have you realized that some of your soldiers are being jerks? No offense to those, however….

  19. Two things, whats your email Oagalthorp, and Tundra is part of the USRPF. If you invaded Tundra that would be an act of war and RPF would be forced to respond.

  20. hmmmm Commando has a point

  21. I wasn’t able to make it due to some complications… but I’ve finished patrolling. I got 2 recruits, who’ll hopefully comment soon.
    PS Sounds like Good ‘ol Oagal’s back xD

  22. well i voted for frozen so i hope it wins.

  23. This is messed up. Oagalthorp go back to your mental home ok? You have no part in ACP anymore. You are retired. You were supposed to have left in March and never come back. GO AWAY! YOU AREN”T LEADER OF ACP ANYMORE!

  24. im in the 8th pic my name is thunder562

  25. ok guys delta and marines want truce with acp just saying! i know cause i fought hard with two delta soldeirs and we drawed and he said they want truce

  26. person is sorta right, yall. Well I personally do not remember having a date or time set for our invasion. And if nachos are our allies, they don’t need to be attacking. They could always do their protection line unit thing but as an ally they need to know what is right and wrong.

  27. oagalthorpi recommend a new kind of warfare.

  28. ok i am governer of that dracp snow fort so idk whta im supposed to do now fort please tell me on acp chat.

  29. ok cool

  30. Ok sounds cool, this isnt a huge event, but it definetly can make us or should i say clearly make us the most dominant army in CP again. We have to start with tundra the city is losing some of its “people” of the new server arrangements, yet it is still a popular one with many new recruits. So tundraa first. I suggest that if you trust in ACP soldiers enough that we can take over a server every 3 to 4 days or so. This is going to involve alot of dedication. If you shall make a 2 week long schedule of conquerings.

  31. On Aug 5 at 2:00 pst you will get attacked by CPSO on Mammoth~!!!!!!!!!!! CPSO Leader~Mustang422

  32. We will take over Mammoth

  33. In thwe Cove!!!!!!!!!

  34. We want Oagal back in power !
    O ya , and I had to go but I recruited Flipthebest , and please rank him .

  35. I would personally like to invade ICICLE

  36. Dude I quit the invasion

  37. wait a minute is that Itachi6dark? hes leader of the red raiders! i think weve got a double agent

  38. i gotta insist with u oagal that battles tough i got beaten up alot in the battle and as u know before my arch nemisis known as excalibor was fighting on mammoth last night at snow forts and today vikings were fighting at mammoth snow forts against us IT WAS REAL THOUGH. well its all part of the battle that counts.

    urs sincerly
    bigguyben lieutenent of the acp
    and the acp team

  39. Oagal, zippy has retired. You obviously haven’t kept yourself updated.

  40. I am trying to take Belly Slide right now!

  41. I need backup

  42. I stayed there for 16 minutes



  45. awsome i was there at the invasion plus can i get ranked ive recruited two penguins and i hav sniperfire

  46. heyfort can u add BVLA to the list of free world allies cause im trying to bring a new eara of peace between the armies so and if u do add husky to the list of servers

  47. I’m a non-member and i’m glad your getting a server for non-members but that was a bit over the top. Negotiate, don’t fight if you dont have to.

  48. Hehe we nachos and iw have claimed mamoth

  49. wwhat!

  50. dude. when is it?


  52. Thank god for this! This is what I have wanted for years, I’m so sick of abseloute peace, a cold war is just the kind of thing to get RPF back on track. Nothing fixes an army like a good old war. Finaly the major powers are split this may not turn into a world war but it sure would be great to at least have some political tention again.

  53. I hate it all.

  54. I was there w00t lol

  55. Does this mean anta aliance is broken we are against all other armys exept Uma And RPF

  56. […] Click here to see how this war really began, plus a quick explanation of the purpose and factors of this war. […]

  57. Yah you guys used my idea. Thanks.

  58. Abominable

  59. Alright ACP: You guys have agreed to my idea, so I’ll draw the official plans (just don’t tell the other armies) now. It will be a “server-hopping” campaign, not unlike the Pacific front of World War II. I HAVE TESTED THIS ON A SINGLE SERVER.

    Phase I: Recruit as many possible soldiers as possible. Find an official HQ (command center at an ACP soldier’s igloo, you can use mine, but it’s tiny).

    Phase II: Attack a “countryside” or Australian server (preferably Australian, because the enemy won’t even guess we’re there, and cause Australia rocks)

    Phase III: Formulate the indiviidual plans in a closed (open to let in ACP leaders, then closed) HQ, and attack a large yet mostly unguarded sever. Complete these steps until we achieve domination like before the update.

    I have tested this on a large, neutral server in a ton of igloos. Good luck!

  60. Good news Fort or Head or Oagal- I don’t even know who ’cause the army’s gone through too many changes in leadership- but that’s not important to this news. Alright sorry for the wait- I’ve captured Snow Cone! I took it out with my small test army the Blacks and also another small army, the Navy Seals. They agreed to it being an ACP base.

    In other news- ACP REBELLION!!! I’ve led the Blacks, Navy Seals, and scattered ACP in a landing at Mammoth’s cove. It was successful, but not as much as it could be, because there were so few enemy guys there.

  61. zippy stop playing around so much u where bout to get your nachos kicked of the plate!

  62. Lmao. This is proof of how you treated your allies (Nachos nad IW) by giving them an evil name. This moronic war is how ya lost Mammoth Oagaldork 😉

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