Im sorry

EDIT: Please look on the ranks page, i want EVERYONE to look at it. That is proof of me demoting myself and im proud of it! So that just prooves that im not doing an act.

Hi people,

Ok i had enough, I just want to say sorry for acting like a jerk the past few days. I think its because i came to Germany i dont know.. So i want EVERYONE to post a comment saying how i can change. And i want everyone to say what they dont like about me and what they want from me to stay the same.

(Some of it suggested by Shaboomboom)

Ok, so from now i want everyone posting a comment saying:

What i can change

What i should stay the same

What you dont like about me.

I will try to change. If you dont think by next week im not changing the way YOU wanna change you tell me!!


P.s: If you want me to give up co leader then i will. But im going down to cooltigers/lucs rank, Not below.

51 Responses

  1. 1st!

  2. Umm, you could not be as power hungry, nicer, and also not as paranoid.

  3. 3rd

  4. Ps 2nd and 3rd =P xD

  5. Head please stop swearing and yelling also i want you to give up co commander spot and go down to field marshall to show us you mean it Second Comment

    Head: Ok anything but giving up my co commander spot.

  6. dont be power hungry dont be a little nicer and try to get back together with abercrombe and give me a promo

  7. Oh well, then 4th

  8. I don’t think you should cuss people off as nuch

  9. 5th

  10. Fiddy Aber is going out with Fort. Yh and Head give me a promotion too.

  11. yea giv up second in command rank to show us u really mean your apology

  12. Uhmm.
    I’m not sure what to put…
    I guess..
    1. Swearing… it gets out of hand
    2. Acting like you know everything.
    3. Being a jerk to friends.
    4. Uhmm…. idk what else..

    I guess this is going to help… I didnt exactly know what to put.

  13. yeah you know don’t swear and don’t act like the leader and blah blah blah i don’t care.

  14. ok head your a very nice 999999999999999 etc guy and all but when you ban people on chat like me dont ban them for life ok i had to stop the traitor saint or else she would hack the site when saint said ogalthorp sucks it was me i had to stop saint at all times or hacked chat and the site ok sorry

  15. saint almosted hacked the site so fire her NOW

  16. Head, just try not to be s abusive of your power. You think you can be mean just because you are high ranked. Yes, you’ve gotten beter, but try to improve more 😉 lol.

  17. and head one more thing form the noka now makeing acp tube vids lol

    add saintnicksc2 to the ranks and i will be all happy

  18. and ban saint 1994 for life on chat and fire here then i me and jungle n will be happy

  19. i think ur fine the way u r but i did here that u did call people names so maybe u can change that

  20. Head you act like a buthole. In fact, i think you are a buthole. I hope i made myself clear to you. I dont mean to be mean but,,,,,, you are a buthole.

    P.S. No offense


  21. your becomeing alot nicer and have more plans

  22. also treat every acp troop with respest and train them if you want to

  23. you could put more people on ranks like me and a lot of other people that ask, i like that you are becoming nicer and apologizing about what u did, i don’t like that u aren’t at the parties or wars so i cant be your buddy……………. so be my buddy go to the pet shop august 6 on klondike asap at 12 pst!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  24. Calm down that’s all I need you to do

  25. Fort57 i’ve been telling you to please add me to the ranks.i’ve been saying it for a couple days please put me on there!36mike

  26. Omg Noka, saint is not a traitor. 🙄
    And Head…
    1. Be a little calmer. Don’t diss ppl behind their backs. Don’t listen to Noka/Saintnick. 😆
    2. Umm, idk?
    3. U ban ppl 4ever.
    -Jedi, you stole my signiture >.>-

  27. head I want you to give me a rank and then I wont mention wat you did to dog today

  28. you better gotcha

  29. plz head give me a rank and I wont tell everybody what you did to dog ok!

  30. Get the hell outa germany xD

  31. but dont give up co leader you belong there

    thanks ganger90

  32. dude luc! I would like to go to Germany luc you would probably too!

  33. luc you need to stop talking bad about that he didnt just say he wanted to go to germany but I would

  34. What i can change
    everythign and stop lying

    What i should stay the same

    What you dont like about me

  35. How u can be better.

    Get to know the lower ranking soliders better.

    And find a way to get the nonmember soliders promoted better.

  36. You could start by adding dedicated people who have been here for months to the ranks… and I tried not to be harsh on that one. Also, fueds should be cut down. Everything else is fine- I really don’t have any problems with you.

  37. Less cussing and swearing this is about club penguin so we have to keep it nice and safe

  38. :arrow:What i can change:
    Everything. Yes, Everything.

    :arrow:What i should stay the same:
    Did you not hear the Everything Part?

    :arrow:What you dont like about me.

    Head, you know that out of everyone here, YOU have treated ME the WORST. What you should do is forget about Headofpolice and make a new penguin and start over. And hopefully you don’t screw up anybody’s fun time on here again.

    You never deserved your rank. You Whined and Cried to Oagalthorp and TomY for it. And the reason why you stayed there is so that Fort wouldn’t have to put up with the whineing and crying 24/7. Also, is it a Coincidence that you got ranked right after I left? You never thanked me–or apologized to me PROPERLY for everything you have done to me.

    If your not going any lower than Head General, then make me one too. I deserve it way more than you do. What would really show that your sorry is if you demoted yourself to Noob. That would make my day.

    Alot of Offence,

    Head: Ok, um no affense but im going to ignore your comment. 🙂

  39. What i can change
    Stay cool dude. (H)

    What i should stay the same
    Your a nice dude.

    What you dont like about me.
    Cussing. Cool people dont need to cuss.(H)


    Thats an order. (XD)

  40. The only thing I dont like about you head in my 4 or 5 months here is that you bring things up…like this thread of demoting yourself and bringing up the argument of you and nakib just let things go. You sometimes use your higher rank to have superiority. But seriously dont take this comment that seriously your a great leader and you deserved that rank without demoting yourself.

  41. 1. What i can change

    Be calmer

    2. What i should stay the same

    Stay nice

    3. What you dont like about me

    Sometimes you let your anger control you

    Keep it up, you have come a long way no matter what other people say…

  42. Am I the only one who did what he said?

  43. I think u should change to being more well calm and u should stay mostly the way u are and i dont like the way u cuss.

  44. Head , dont take it personally , but I think if tomY stays inactive , you can still be a co-leader ,if not , then go down to luc’s rank . Head , here is a tip – Do not boss people around on websites – I mean CP cheats could mean a Cp blog

  45. i dont think you should quit i just think u need to not be so much ”i’m a higher rank so respect me!” and well just stay the way you are and youve always been ;););););););););)

  46. yeah!!! TREAT US LIKE AN ARMY AND FIGHT HONERABLY!!!! i mean club penguin rangers

  47. I think u shud be a bit calmer and i think u shud get to know the lower ranked ppl a bit better

  48. Think of other ppl head! a little more often!

  49. um head thanks for putting me in the ranks.

  50. dude why do you swear so much? i mean there are little kids reading this.
    -peter smith

  51. i like how you talk to people

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