New Game Sneakpeak + Other things

Hey guys. On July 16th Screenhog posted about the new DJ Table game and released this preview.

Now, on the blog the picture has been changed. Here is the current preview of the DJ Table Game.

Here are the differences that I noticed between them:

  • The Penguin’s color is now green.
  • There are yellow, and blue wires from the DJ Table.
  • There is a dark red circle in the bottom corner by the wires.
  • The centerpiece, by the penguin has a small white glow.

These are the ones that I have found. Comment if you see anymore.


he Club Penguin Team added another update to the igloos on the map. Now, there is a list with all of the open igloos.

The best part is that the list is in alphabetical order. I think this is a great update and will make finding igloos much easier.


News on a sneak peek for the club penguin music jam 2008!

This is a picture of the forest. Comment and tell me what you think!


Newspaper is coming tomorrow! I will post it as soon as possible.


” Fortune favours the brave” -Headofpolice

23 Responses

  1. first comment woot!


  3. There are like 2 little snails on the new version and on the old version there aren’t

  4. Maybe they changed the penguin from sky blue to green because sky blue will be a new color, and someone accidentally put that in there. And maybe that centerpiece is glowing because it will be a new pin!

  5. Um just to point out only a tiny thing but if you like in the green part with the Bass line bars on the top pic the bassline is bigger

  6. does anyone else see fevers name on the sub woofer to the right above the red buttons. or am i just seeing things

  7. oh and the little picture on the dj table says DJ 3K which stands for disk jocky 3000 which is the machine

  8. i see fever too

  9. i see fever too

  10. Theres a Small logo on the side of the Record player things…

    There is also more bars on the screen on the first photo…

  11. kool

  12. NIce post head.
    PS I could’t get on yesterday b/c Time Warner cable was down.

  13. I know! The first picture is higher up than the second. I can’t believe you guys missed that. 😕

  14. I’m doing CP oscars.
    Just enter your entry at
    Here’s the info needed. All are accepted 🙂
    I do CP oscars. If you want to enter your CP movie to me and a panel of Judges [I’m chairman] we can decide.

    Just enter your movie, by the deadline August7th.

    The awards include [these aren’t all of them]

    Best Actor
    Best actress
    Best Supporting Actress
    Best supporting actor
    Best Director
    Best Art Director

    If you want to do an CP TV then tape your penguin doing a CP video news, like CNN.


  15. On the old version theres a little line of black on the top box. on the new version there isn’t one.

    this is one of the best armies!
    some of u guys are in it the rest of u should join it too!

  17. ——————/´ ¯/)–/’–/)
    ——–(’(———- ¯~/’–’)

    Oagalthorp: Cool! A peace sign, probably sent as a symbol of our stable alliance. How thoughtful!

    P.S. Gotcha.

  18. Just in case I don’t get to talk to Fort any time soon, here are a few things that we were to discuss, which can help make and keep the ACP strong at at the top.

    New Medal System

    – Attenting an ACP Server Patrol (ACPSP) ~~~ 1 medal

    – Starting and leading an ACP Server Patrol (ACPSP) ~~~ 2 medals

    – Defeating an enemy army or militia group while on an ACP Server Patrol (ACPSP) ~~~ 2 medals

    – Defeating an enemy army or militia group while starting and leading an ACP Server Patrol (ACPSP) ~~~ 3 medals

    – Validly recruiting a group of 1-3 new soldiers ~~~ 3 medals

    – Validly recruiting a group of 4+ new soldiers ~~~ 4 medals

    – Staying loyal to the ACP for each week ~~~ 5 medals

    – Attending a small, organized battle* ~~~ 5 medals

    – Attending a medium-sized, organized battle* ~~~ 10 medals

    – Attending a large, organized battle* ~~~ 15 medals

    ~~~ *=The ACP leader decides how many medals each battle is worth, these are just the estimated amount of medals

    – Stayling loyal to the ACP for each a month ~~~ 20 medals

    – Performing a heroic or noble act for the ACP without expecting or asking for reward ~~~ ACP Medal of Honor

    ~~~ NOTE: Medals decide how good a soldier is, not his/her rank. You gain medals for loyalty and dedication to the ACP, while you gain rank for your leadership abilities.

    A New Nation

    I believe that the armies, especially the ACP, need to reorganize the nations system.

    ~~~ Each major army should get one chunk of servers that must be in order . . .

    ~~~ . . . must be a reasonaly size . . .

    ~~~ . . . and must be in ONLY either the left or right column of servers.

    The ACP Nation (DRACP) should stretch from Breeze – our WWIII memorial server – to Mammoth -our capital. That is 23 sevrers, roughly the size of our old nation. This is quite reasonable. But we must discuss each army’s nation location before making it official, so we don’t run into the confusions and disputes from the last time we had nations. Plus we need some area set off as a reserve for smaller armies to grow.

    Other Stuff

    I need to get off my computer now. I’ll discuss the rest later.

    P.S. What’s nice about you an I, Fort, is that I have great ideas and you have the uncanny ability to follow through with ideas, an ability that I lack. All of this will work, but there can’t be anything half-way about it. Its an all-or-nothing deal, and I think “all” would be better. Thanks for taking the job of leading the ACP upon your shoulders, Fort. Right now I am tired and babbling – undoubtedly with numerous typos. I need to get some sleep. See ya tomorrow.

    Fort57: Sounds good to me, except I’ll have a couple other people give out medals just so it’s easier to distribute

  19. Oagal, at the ANTA meeting, we decided that each large army gets 2 servers and smaller armies get one…

    White House



  20. \I think they changed colour coz that blue might be a new colour kinda like what happend with the jet pack thing and they had different colour black

  21. Oagal,,

    You dont have the power…..

  22. It is good to see Oagal back!
    O yeah and WTF???Have u noticed it says Fever on the picture near the 5 red buttons.

  23. IM READY TO ROCK !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YES I AM

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