Bye Bye

OAGALTHORP: From now on, I want everyone to keep their personal issues OFF of these posts. You guys, especially (you know who you are), need to stop this instant or you will be removed from the ACP. Look at what you did? You made one of the greatest ACP soldiers of all-time QUIT. That right there is enough reason for me to fire you! So keep your personal stuff off of this site, or I will take action.

For those of you who don’t like me: I was about to leave for good, but this little conflict urged me to come back and try to solve this.

Fort and TomY: This right here is one reason I didn’t want any more Authors than necessary. I highly suggest that you guys step up in situations like this rather than leaving it to me. This is your army, and you shouldn’t need me to keep it alive for you.

Everyone else: You guys need to have an election to select new leaders (not to replace Fort or TomY, but to pick new top-soldiers). As of right now, the ACP has given all of its power to the select few high-ranked officers, and you need to distribute that power throughout the ACP soldiers.


I quit ACP.

Thank you to these people for making me who i am now:





Penquin Jim









Etc Etc Etc

Bye Bye

Fort57 Edit: Look, I still have company over, and I should be fully back by sometime tommorow, and at least I have no idea where TomY is, so how could we prevent this? This fight also started when Oagal modded Sheila when she wasn’t supposed to be a mod. The System is Brigadier or up.

Head: Look Luc, If you put the blame on me i wont be very nice for a couple of days. For that little edit below, i wasnt meant to shout at you…i put it in CAPITALS because i want it to get noticed…Sorry

43 Responses

  1. I will miss you Luc
    *salutes luc*

  2. im arosso13 btw

  3. so long. uh, yup.

  4. We were pals, Luc. Good luck ahead. Peace out.

  5. C ya. Make apost once in a while or somthing. Hope to see u around and thnx for putting me in your post.

    ~penquin jim~

  6. wat the heck.why luc it was fien today.qhy are u it cuz of sorry


  8. Luc I would say goodbye, but fortunately I don’t have to. You’re only quitting ACP to play MS. I’ll still talk to you all the time. Well, thank you for your great service to the ACP. *salute*


  10. Wow. I’ll miss you luc.

  11. no reason to quit but bye

  12. To join the Nachos.

  13. wooooooooootttttttttttttt ROCK HOPPER IS COMING

  14. You suck Luc and I’m gonna miss throwing random things at you. 🙁

  15. you see there is a problem… a bunch of people dont like me and they will vote… idk why they dont like me. i apoplogise for anything i have done, and as my friend connor says, i have gotten les n00bish. so please, if there is an election for ‘top soldiers’, elect me. i think i deserve it, as i have done (and will be doing) a lot of stuff for acp and i am very active. again, i apologise for any past offenses.

  16. and by the way, so long luc. it was great having you as a fellow soldier.

  17. and sorry about the name before, i changed my rank

  18. ugh so now everyone is gonna blame me for no reason.Just so everyone knows.i didnt make luc quit.luc told me it wasnt my fault that it was head’ i dont want anyone coming up to me saying luc quit cuz of me

  19. Yes sir Oagal!

  20. ….
    It’s never anyone’s fault, is it?

    Peer pressure claims yet another…

  21. For this post, “Torn” By Disturbed is a really good match for the mood.

  22. Uh, Oagal, you can’t do that, no offense. Your just the advisor. And cya Luc. *Half Salutes*

  23. Why can’t we all just get along?

  24. I like the election idea. It really is getting how to say dis-organized around here. Not blaming anyone. And the only people who should be mods is who wins the election no more of tis random modding especially people from other armies.

  25. yea oagals right….if this conflit continues the ACP might not exist no more!

  26. um i dont really like the modding idea. anyone who has the rank above brig. should be a mod. And plus, the only people in other armies who are mods are leaders of other armies (ex: Zippy, Daigla[not any more], etc.) JUST SAYING: IF SHABOOMBOOM EVER OUTRANKS ME I WILL QUIT ACP! SO FORT, PLEASE DONT LET HIM OUTRANK ME OR YOU WILL LOSE A GOOD SOLDIER!

  27. Bye Luc. You were a great soldier.
    And I agree with Oagal. People should keep personal issues to themselves, or at least on their personal blogs.

  28. Oagal, the posts did NOT cause Luc to quit. Luc only quit because he’s addicted to MapleStory. So don’t go blaming this on Head and Luc.

  29. or me.Fort is right.Ogal it is his army and you modded sheila for no reason.Then i tell her she isnt supposed to be one than the fight started.It isnt anyone’s fault except yours and sheila for causing confusion within the people on chat.Its not your army anymore it is fort’s

  30. ? This is bad:(

  31. Tsk. You guys, I’ve observed this behaviour ever since. I lead a community of armies. All of them have complaints. Some were about ACP not listening to them and stuff. Also, I’ve been trying to defend ACP’s name. It just hurts to see that some soldiers aren’t what I thought they would be. Lots of the content of our army (if not an army) was made by an ACP soldier. And that is ACP Embassador 1. Guys, if you even care to look at other sites, you would see how much ACPE1 has helped them. And he is STILL an Embassador. He’s helped and changed many small groups. He’s made them what they are now. I’m just saying. Also, the behaviour of some ACP get too much…..’over’. Most want to have fun but some,…Also, kids come to play CP and look for this site, if they see alll that swearing and other stuff, it would be very hard for them to take in.

    I’ve lead my army for almost half a year now, we are still very few and WE ARE NOT TO BE CALLED AN ARMY. That is hard for most small ‘armies’ to say. Even though we may just be a group with a goal to become like the ACP, Nachos, etc. we have never given up. We try to make people understand. Who knows? In the future, we MAY be the future armies of CP.

    Well, I just wanted to say that, everyone should start actoing maturely. Oagalthorp is my idol. He made me create my army ever since read about him. So no one should say Oagal sucks coz he’s got the charisma and skill of a true leader.

    I know some of you might think “BIG DEAL”. But the first time I saw ACP, it was a growing communtiy with humbe, well-trained soldiers. Now, I don’t know. I train my soldiers to become humble and be respectful. That’s our number 1 policy.

    Anyway, I would like to join the ACP and hope to have a great time in it.

    So I’m joining ACP.

    ~Mr Deedledoo~
    ~RPA Leader~

  32. Cya luc you were never nice to me! infact you were a big rolling tird to me but cya *pretends to cry as luc walks past and puts kick me sign on Lucs back*

  33. and another thing no need to be rude to my elders but Ogal could you just stop clinging to this army when you promised you would leave here is what you said:
    Why am I, Oagalthorp, making this post? To point a few things out, that’s why. ……. But there is another reason I am making this post. I am asking Fort57 to rejoin the ACP as the Supreme Commander. ……….I want you to lead this army, even if that means I resign from being an adviser, stop editing posts, and never step foot in the ACP Chat again. …Even if you would be to lead the ACP into a certain demise, I wouldn’t say a word. Fair enough? Fort, your soldiers need you.END QUOTE

    The One just one post later BACK IN GREEN:Yup Fort’s back……so many ACP troops wanted me back…..ACP Forever END QUOTE

    I know this may look like some kind of rebellion but im telling you the truth in your words! SO ogal please keep your word and leave ACP alone i mean if you like armies so much make your own!

  34. Does any one know the real reason why i quit -_-

  35. Thanks for putting me in your post luc. I’ll see you round I guess.


  36. Power does need to be distributed. Please make a poll of like almost all of the soldiers. We should know who actually works and doesn’t get in arguments.


    hi this is my website join my army acpp [army of club penguin protectors]

  38. Bye luc.

  39. Lol, mrdeedledoo.

    “Oagal is my idol.”

    No offense, but that just made me laugh.

  40. oh oagle, why cant you leave for good?? No one likes you, and I mean that

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