Elections, Semi-Finals, ACP VOTE!


Please vote in each poll, please vote for active ACP soldiers that will do well, try not to vote for yourself unless you honestly think you are the best choice, and don’t just vote to vote; actually choose someone you think will do well. Voting will end Monday, at 3:00pm PST.

Campaign Rules:

  • No spamming (Being annoying, repeating the same comments over and over again)
  • Be fair
  • Only one speech per person (You can make one speech per website, too)
  • No advertising in posts (Not comments) in other websites
  • No advertising for yourself unless you give a speech on why you should be elected. If not, just say vote, not for anyone in specific. 
  • Be nice, and good luck to everyone



Those who win in their specific poll will go on to the Finals. At the Finals, the winner will be the Vice President, and the loser will be a Top Senator. The two people who get second will be Top Senators, and everyone else will be Senators. If anyone doesn’t do their job well, they will be impeached.


Nacho Empire (Again):Some people complained in the last post about the Nachos making an empire, and controlling servers. As I have said before; it’s the same thing as what we do, only worded differently.


Reconstruction Era:Don’t forget about the Reconstruction Era! Infact, this whole election is just one of many parts of the Rec Era. So get ready!



Until later,

March on!

38 Responses

  1. good luck everyone
    Oagalthorp: You (And oll the other candidates) should give a speech before everyone already votes.

  2. Wow I made it! For those who didn’t make it, I hope you will run again.

  3. Hey I’m Blackburnt with the news on Club Penguin!
    I interviewed a Ice Warriors soldier to see what the army life was like. Here are the Q’s:

    Is Iceyfeet a good leader? Soldier: He is very strong and good!

    What is your rank in Ice Warriors? Soldier: Just a regular soldier.

    What is your goal with the Ice Warriors? Soldier: To make Soldier of the Month and Buddy of the Month!

    Thats it for this interview. For glitches, cheats, secrets, and fun go to and check it out!
    ~ Reporter Blackburnt
    Oagalthorp: Lol, I think you have your facts wrong in the “Top Ten Armies” page of your site. The ACP weakening? I don’t think so. Lol!

  4. Thanks Guys. Congratulations. I guess I did well.

  5. ok here’s my speech
    Hi my name is Texas vs a I have been ACP for about 5 months now I love the ACP cause they fight for freedokm and for the rights of club penguin!
    If I was elected I would keep Club Penguin as safe as possible and keep the ACP in order i love to listen to soilders problems because then I know how to help them. I think i have more friends that are ACP then over alol on club Penguin.

    I would never try and insult an ACP saoilder ever!!!!!!!!!!!

    Thats my speach texas vs a

  6. sweet it was in bold awesome

  7. cool I really won sweet.

  8. And why is everybodys words in bold?

  9. heres my speach

    Hello my name is Tuxedo Mac and I am running for ACP Vice President. I will be a fair Vice President. I will teach penguins how to be a good soldier and I will care for ACP. My penguin is Tuxedo Mac . Vote Tuxedo Mac he’s got your back!

  10. cool i made it here is my speech
    Hello im talyor455 a follow acp soilder and a leader.I Want to make lclubpenguin safe from armies like the ice warriros.And make everyone happy.I Help in wars allot.IVE BEEN TOO OVER 70 wars helpin acp.Ive been in these armies uma,rpf,ewf,golds,nachos.I have alot of expercine since ive been in for 5 mouths.I will listen to your susgentions to make things better. I will try to make everyone the best soilders tehy can be.We will throws partys once in a while.I Cant do alot about promotiong you but just work hard dont give up and dont betray acp. Talyor out

  11. Also on club penguin im usally in mammoth and tuxedo as my penguin talyor455.And i will try to make some buddy spaces if you want to be my buddy

  12. You right Oagalthorp. I posted that a few weeks ago because that’s what I heard. Ill change it.

  13. good job everyone who made it to the Semi-Finals!

  14. OK, WHAIT A MIN, since i’m not in there 🙁 am i still a senator???

    sad and mad thebest22

  15. this is my speech

    Well i have been in cp for 356 days and acp for 4 months and i would make a great vice president because i have leadership and experence in leadership vote me!

    long live acp

  16. Hey ACP Voters! Want fun? Want glitches? Want Secrets? Good! Go to **********for all of that! We even have the top ten Armies in Club Penguin and Penguins of the Month! Every penguin wants fun. Every penguin wants BlackbruntCentral!
    Oagalthorp: STOP SPAMMING!!!!!

  17. Allright here is my speech,

    As we know Club Penguin has had a ton of armies, a few have worked, a million have not. The ACP is one of the elite armies that have been around for a while. The ACP has a proud history and tradition. We have had memorable moments, like when we WON WWIII, and then made allies, with an army that we had a grudge against. Now we have a great allience with UMA. We had gone to war with GPR, because they insulted OUR country. Now they won’t even go on an American server. We have proud soldiers and a great leader. The ACP has great alliences who have always been right up there with them like RPF, to name one of many more. Now that the ACP has been around for over a year, and The ACP is still strong. Every ACP soldier should be proud to be apart of this army. Every soldier has a purpose in the ACP, and every soldier is important. The ACP gives all credit to the soldiers that have been with them and loyal. Allthough Oagal is the face of ACP, the soldiers are what make it great. So go out there and vote.

    I am Fort57 and I aprove this message!

  18. aww man i im not a senator or top senatori will never will be

  19. man i lost! i only had 3 votes :'( oh well at least i was one of the first poeple to run for vice p. for acp 🙂 Ajf77 don’t worry in 2 months u will be able to run again in 2 months

  20. hahah tidle u got dissed in the last post! you and your stupid little puppies will go down if you are ever lucky enough to fight acp!

  21. But, on zippy’s blog he said:

    “Yes it is true nachos are now an empire! I am not copying other armies infact i told oaglethorp about this idea along time ago. Here is how it works we control all the south servers in america and blizzard. Our capital is Altitude, I have choose my genreals and loyal nachos to run theese servers. Unlike other armies we control theese servers not protect them. When we have war with an enemy we will invade their servers and claim them as ours.”

    see? he says he would CONTROL them not protect them
    Oagalthorp: He is just saying that because it sounds better, and none of his enemies view his site so no one will critisize him. We both basically have the same thing, becasue you can’t “control” a server.

  22. hey ogal next election can we make more than 1 spech pere a canadiat? and i quote
    Only one speech per person (You can make one speech per website, too) cuz what if we get new idies

  23. ogal i was just wondering who owns sub zero and what is their web site? and if no one owns it can i use it to help start my own army? also can you change your training server to Brumby because it is never full? please reply

  24. RPF has one of there bases on that server. Sorry

  25. RPF has sub zero as one of their bases.

  26. i would like to be elected because i could really help ACP in cival problems

  27. am i still in???

  28. HEY WAIT A MINUTE HOW COULD TOMTWELVE NOT MAKE IT IN???!!! :angry: :angry: :angry:
    👿 👿 👿

    but then again, he hasn’t been doing so well the last couple of months… :rolleyes:

  29. lol

  30. AW, no nija mask.

  31. can i join

  32. as u know im with acp and vikings for now on beacuase the acp and vikings need help from me to do a very important heroic mission its penguinkinds last hope ect saving cp from the biggest threats ever. salute over and out 😀

  33. here is my speach

    hi my name is bigguyben and im acps corporal now before i was a lieutenent in every battle before i became a corporal by nakib its a great hounor to be a corporal for eternety and cp 😀 this time acp will thrash all of our enamies ‘cos we hate ’em these enamies try to des troy us but we destroy them

  34. Wow, nice site! I’m really impressed!

  35. HI!Ijust joined acp on the 9th of october 2008.I whould like to be a leader of acp.Ive een fighting with acp for a while then i joined.

  36. PICK ME!


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