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ACP Magazine!

A new magazine about ACP is being made!.

Here will appear:

-News about ACP

-Upcoming Wars

-Club Penguin News

-Interviews to ACP soldiers

-And more!

The first issue of the magazine is being made. You will can choose the name of the magazine. This wednesday, I will make a poll to choose the official new ACP magazine name!. Also, if you want to be part of the interview, just comment here.

Oagalthorp: Good idea, it fits in with my idea that will be taking place after the GPR War. Anyway, I like the idea of just an ACP magazine, with a section talking about other armies and stuff. Remember this is the ACP site, not the site for all of the armies.


Battle Information (EVERYONE READ, PLEASE!):


Here are the battle tactics:

-Follow Oagalthorp.

-Do whatever he says.

-Watch Oagalthorp to see if he has new orders.

-Charge when Oagalthorp says “Charge”. When you charge, hold the “Tab” button, and click at the feet of GPR people, so you will stand over them, to look bigger. Then say “ACP” A LOT.

-Say “ACP” A lot anyway.

-Don’t ask questions or ask to be Oagalthorp’s buddy.



October 14

 -Deep Freeze Dojo

-10:00am PST   


This is everything…by now! 

-Tom Yellow

52 Responses

  1. 1ST

    and acp

  2. Better idea ARMY MAGAzine. All the info on amries war and interviews with leaders. You dont have to do it its and idea.

  3. I like your idea zippy I would like to be interviwed by the way.

  4. can i be interviewed im in the golds but still i have a good story.

  5. I want 2 be interviwed


  7. can i be interviewed? and this idea is AWESOME. i also agree with zippy, ( for once ) you should make an army magazine, its better than a bunch of magazines for each army. how exactly will you be making this? is it something we print out or something we read online?

    Tom Yellow: We read this online!.


  9. ya! i like zippys idea and tom,can i be interviewed?itd be soooo cool man!

  10. im bored lol

    go to http://titans3.wordpress.com and comment

    thnx texas vs a

  11. Why are you making it just acp interviews can you please make it army interviews and interview solders and leaders?

    Tom Yellow: Ok. It will be interview soldiers.

  12. Hello im Agent Scar I was a member on Club Penguin Apperantly it EXPIRED on September 27,2007 I would like to work for the ACP Magasine but if people are going to be intervude by me they would have to go to Wool Socks,Canada (Its in Club Penguin) and to tell me who im intervueing tell me on ACP Chat I try to be on every day, oh ya and tell me were to meet them and ill invite them to my igloo to be intervued.
    Thank you for reading. -Agent Scar

    P.S Oagalthorp please comment on my comment and say if im in or not.Please And Thank You.
    P.S.S im also in the ACP.

  13. My idea is pretty good oagle. I would think about it.

  14. …… now u just braggin

  15. Yea lol

  16. I HATE U TIDLE!!!!!!!!!

  17. I am acp can i be interviewed im buddies with Tom Yellow on CP?

  18. How about the:
    ACP Times?
    ACP Chronicle?
    ACP News?
    ACP Report?
    CP Weekly? (I said CP [Not ACP] on purpose)
    I can’t think of anymore
    See ya

    Tom Yellow: Well, but the ACP Magazine is a MAGAZINE!. But anyways, there’s many ACP newspapers. 😮

  19. hi can the ppa make a magiziene plz im asking u because u made it

    Tom Yellow: I don’t have any trouble with it. Yes, you can make it. But I believe that is better to ask Oagalthorp.

  20. ps were allies

  21. Oagalthorp, I stopped advertising. But you said that you will put my blog on the site blogroll today.

    The interviews will be put in a comment. Each soldier will be interviewed in each issue. The magazine can be ready this thursday!. 😮

  22. oagla the battles on the 13th not the 14th just letting u know

  23. can i be in an inteviev

  24. YO!!

    Can i be interviewed sir?I really want to be a little famous



  25. NO NO NO!
    I wanna be interveiwed im ACP/MCPA leader I lead MCPA guys(Oh by the way nice idea zippy but um DON’T BRAG!)!!

  26. P.S. 25th comment
    Nakib how do you tm your name?

  27. P.S.S.Please put my site on the blogroll its


    Please go there thanks TomY and Oagalthorp!

  28. LIKEWISE SOCCER!!!!! and um….. alot of ppl go on here even if they arent acp. like me for example.

  29. I say again, I want to be interviewed. I’ve been in many armies, have been around since november 1st of ’06, and i have a great story with many interesting ordeals. PLZ pick me

  30. Ive got a few idieas:
    ACP report
    ACP central
    ACP (People would just say ACP magazine)
    ACP rules

  31. The Acp journal im just remixing the name of my citys news paper

  32. i would like to be interveiwed please.

    the acp journal sounds great

  33. Hey I dont know who to contact when I want to talk to Oagothorp but our army finaly got a Blog and we are having supprise success with it. We are looking to allie with you and we think that would be a start that we are looking forward too. Our army is the P.R.A. Peoples Republic Army and we beleive in a free Republic (democracy) Contact us if you would like to join or not but here is my website. Thanks


    Leader of P.R.A.


  34. Yeah ogalthorp Collinzfresh is our ally to at http://www.cpcclubpenguincalvary.wordpress.com

  35. Why does the war gotta be on Sunday? And I am up for interveiws. Because I think the Magazine is an awesome idea! And also me being a leader of a CP army I don’t know how to get people to visit my blog. so, that’s kind of why I come here. I am also a member of ACP though.

  36. My armies blog is rapidy.wordpress.com

  37. Interview me! Please.

  38. oagal what if i were to tell you im gonna help UK.


  39. i would like to interview

    27misha27 was banned for a long time meaning u banned her. i would like to know y she is banned and if i can un ban her.


  41. Can I work for it. I could right about new armies and stuff like that. Pleeeeeeeeeease!!! I could also right a column about hints for battles.

  42. If you ever need help, I’ll help. You probaly know I have a magazine on the MC forums.

    Tom Yellow: I heard about your magazine. The Rockhopper Tracker Magazine. I would to join, but I can’t enter to the forums.

  43. thanx navy war lord lik i said i was just mixing up my cities newspaper its the career journal so i just thought of acp journal

  44. hey can i be interviewed plz? i want to be famous! =D

  45. 854326803965230655464288 46805245623107 74720822807905434029061
    Try to decode that.

  46. It’s the ultimate code!

  47. You can send messages to the leaders without anyone knowing!
    That is if I tell you the code.

  48. Hello ACP, my name is Duges, leader of the YPA. now i have an important idea for you. We are currently in the process of making a new army, but i thought that possibly i could make a whole-nother division of the ACP with its own website to help u guys out with anything u want. Im sure ur thinking that why should u choose me for making the new division. Heres why: i am very experienced with making sites and managing armies, i am very trustworthy and will obey your commands, and my members and i are very battle trained. im still brainstorming some ideas so if your interested please comment on my site: yparocks.wordpress.com.

  49. can i be interviewed

  50. CLICK ON MY NAME NOW!!!!!!!!!!!

    Hey Everyone!! This is Major Ace16161. Today is my penguin’s 400th birthday!! I’m not having my party today, I’ll be having it this Saturday from 7:00 PST to 12:00 PST. I’ll see you there!!

  52. juju ur smexy

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