The new clothing catalog is out!. And the best outfits came back, including very cool new outfits!.
New Items (and old favorites):
-Bee Antenna: 200
-Bee Costume: 450
-Bee Wings: 350
-Skeleton: 450
-Princess Hat: 300
-Magic Wand: 150
-Princess Costume: 550
-Clown Wig: 210
-Clown Suit: 450
-Clown Shoes: 300
-Ghost Costume: 600
Secret Items:
-Red Electric Guitar: Press the Blue Rollerskates.
-Fairy Wings: Press the Princess Costume
-Viking Helmets:
———Red: Click the penguin face.
———Blue: Click 4 times the penguin face.
Mike’s Forum:
Want to discuss information about Club Penguin?. Want to play funny games?. Go to Mikepain911’s forums!.
We currently have 17 users!. Join Now!
Battle Information:
Here are the battle tactics:
-Follow Oagalthorp.
-Do whatever he says.
-Watch Oagalthorp to see if he has new orders.
-Charge when Oagalthorp says “Charge”. When you charge, hold the “Tab” button, and click at the feet of GPR people, so you will stand over them, to look bigger. Then say “ACP” A LOT.
-Say “ACP” A lot anyway.
-Don’t ask questions or ask to be Oagalthorp’s buddy.
October 14
-Deep Freeze Dojo
-10:00am PST
This is everything!
-Tom Yellow
Filed under: ACP |
3RD COMMENT WOOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL
3 post hey tom!
Third comment!
How did you do that?
You are posting before me?
No IM 7th
And nith
Im ninth ha ha
Yea we know.
This is getting confusing
THIS IS WHAT RPF SECRET INFO [AGE SAYS This page is the R.P.F secret information page, i will keep you updated on whats secret that the public cant know yet.
This is our battle plan, we need to take over the town and fast. It would allow us to get more troops if we controled that sector, leave a comment and tell me what you think about this plan.
The meebo network works like IM only you can have chat rooms, we can use this “meebo” to talk to each other and converse ideas and tell battle plans, a room that the commanders or generals are talking in will be posted in the comments of the first post on home.
R.P.F Battle Fortress
We didnt really construct it but we have taken it over and it will alow us to stop UMA from going around club penguin easier. This Fortress is aslo cool because it has 2 guard towers, a main viewing platform, 2 bridges , entrence area with platform above, and special rooms in the base of the structure.
R.P.F Troops
The RPF is growing very rapidly thats why we have planned a ambush of the town this Friday(15th). This will alow us a new troop bay and better transport areas, also blocking the flow of UMA troops into the snow forts, please leave a comment about your opinion on this matter.
Armies Gathering
Oagalthorp sent me an letter about being allies, we are for sure now and the other armies are going to team up against UMA. we have accpted I will inform you on whats happening.
UMA leader a slacker?
The UMA new leader(mariospy007) does not know how to run a army. Take a look at this picture its funny to,
Im working on my best plan ive ever thought of right now, but I cant tell you it not even on the secret information page this plan is that secret, all tell you when i get it operational.
Another Update: The Leader of the UEA and DACO is not Commando 717. I am TayTay606. TayTay606 is the co-founder of the RPF. I designed the name, and the army itself. I just wanted you to be aware that I am of importance.
Big Daddy54 is going undercover into the UMA, he will join UMA and be loyal to the leaders and earn their respect. Then perswade them to give the passwords to big daddy54 which go to the RPF so we can get secret information on them. Please note that he will act like hes a full UMA.
we have found out some passwords,
UMA information page password- Uma,Rpf,enemys
ACP I.A. page password is- ( going to ask ogalthorp if its ok to post it)
Golds Events page password- (still cracking code)
More information on enemys
UMA status- enemy
UMA stands for underground mafias army
UMA leader is angel g8i
ACP status- ally
ACP stands for Army of Clubpenguin
ACP’s leader is Oagalthorp
Golds status- ally
CPVA status-neutral
CPVA stands for clubpenguin vikings army
CPAF status- neutral
CPAF stands for clubpenguin airforce
leader Db penguin
Oagalthorp I hope you dont mind if i use some of your information.
more information coming soon
Uma information page gone!?
You got that right the UMA information page is gone, we are still looking into this matter, we will update you on this later.
Yes I have it on my comp to
Puna7 found there pass
This page is the R.P.F secret information page, i will keep you updated on whats secret that the public cant know yet.
This is our battle plan, we need to take over the town and fast. It would allow us to get more troops if we controled that sector, leave a comment and tell me what you think about this plan.
The meebo network works like IM only you can have chat rooms, we can use this “meebo” to talk to each other and converse ideas and tell battle plans, a room that the commanders or generals are talking in will be posted in the comments of the first post on home.
R.P.F Battle Fortress
We didnt really construct it but we have taken it over and it will alow us to stop UMA from going around club penguin easier. This Fortress is aslo cool because it has 2 guard towers, a main viewing platform, 2 bridges , entrence area with platform above, and special rooms in the base of the structure.
R.P.F Troops
The RPF is growing very rapidly thats why we have planned a ambush of the town this Friday(15th). This will alow us a new troop bay and better transport areas, also blocking the flow of UMA troops into the snow forts, please leave a comment about your opinion on this matter.
Armies Gathering
Oagalthorp sent me an letter about being allies, we are for sure now and the other armies are going to team up against UMA. we have accpted I will inform you on whats happening.
UMA leader a slacker?
The UMA new leader(mariospy007) does not know how to run a army. Take a look at this picture its funny to,
Im working on my best plan ive ever thought of right now, but I cant tell you it not even on the secret information page this plan is that secret, all tell you when i get it operational.
Another Update: The Leader of the UEA and DACO is not Commando 717. I am TayTay606. TayTay606 is the co-founder of the RPF. I designed the name, and the army itself. I just wanted you to be aware that I am of importance.
Big Daddy54 is going undercover into the UMA, he will join UMA and be loyal to the leaders and earn their respect. Then perswade them to give the passwords to big daddy54 which go to the RPF so we can get secret information on them. Please note that he will act like hes a full UMA.
we have found out some passwords,
UMA information page password- Uma,Rpf,enemys
ACP I.A. page password is- ( going to ask ogalthorp if its ok to post it)
Golds Events page password- (still cracking code)
More information on enemys
UMA status- enemy
UMA stands for underground mafias army
UMA leader is angel g8i
ACP status- ally
ACP stands for Army of Clubpenguin
ACP’s leader is Oagalthorp
Golds status- ally
CPVA status-neutral
CPVA stands for clubpenguin vikings army
CPAF status- neutral
CPAF stands for clubpenguin airforce
leader Db penguin
Oagalthorp I hope you dont mind if i use some of your information.
more information coming soon
Uma information page gone!?
You got that right the UMA information page is gone, we are still looking into this matter, we will update you on this later.
Not you
I KNOW TAHST WHERE I GOT IT FROM This page is the R.P.F secret information page, i will keep you updated on whats secret that the public cant know yet.
This is our battle plan, we need to take over the town and fast. It would allow us to get more troops if we controled that sector, leave a comment and tell me what you think about this plan.
The meebo network works like IM only you can have chat rooms, we can use this “meebo” to talk to each other and converse ideas and tell battle plans, a room that the commanders or generals are talking in will be posted in the comments of the first post on home.
R.P.F Battle Fortress
We didnt really construct it but we have taken it over and it will alow us to stop UMA from going around club penguin easier. This Fortress is aslo cool because it has 2 guard towers, a main viewing platform, 2 bridges , entrence area with platform above, and special rooms in the base of the structure.
R.P.F Troops
The RPF is growing very rapidly thats why we have planned a ambush of the town this Friday(15th). This will alow us a new troop bay and better transport areas, also blocking the flow of UMA troops into the snow forts, please leave a comment about your opinion on this matter.
Armies Gathering
Oagalthorp sent me an letter about being allies, we are for sure now and the other armies are going to team up against UMA. we have accpted I will inform you on whats happening.
UMA leader a slacker?
The UMA new leader(mariospy007) does not know how to run a army. Take a look at this picture its funny to,
Im working on my best plan ive ever thought of right now, but I cant tell you it not even on the secret information page this plan is that secret, all tell you when i get it operational.
Another Update: The Leader of the UEA and DACO is not Commando 717. I am TayTay606. TayTay606 is the co-founder of the RPF. I designed the name, and the army itself. I just wanted you to be aware that I am of importance.
Big Daddy54 is going undercover into the UMA, he will join UMA and be loyal to the leaders and earn their respect. Then perswade them to give the passwords to big daddy54 which go to the RPF so we can get secret information on them. Please note that he will act like hes a full UMA.
we have found out some passwords,
UMA information page password- Uma,Rpf,enemys
ACP I.A. page password is- ( going to ask ogalthorp if its ok to post it)
Golds Events page password- (still cracking code)
More information on enemys
UMA status- enemy
UMA stands for underground mafias army
UMA leader is angel g8i
ACP status- ally
ACP stands for Army of Clubpenguin
ACP’s leader is Oagalthorp
Golds status- ally
CPVA status-neutral
CPVA stands for clubpenguin vikings army
CPAF status- neutral
CPAF stands for clubpenguin airforce
leader Db penguin
Oagalthorp I hope you dont mind if i use some of your information.
more information coming soon
Uma information page gone!?
You got that right the UMA information page is gone, we are still looking into this matter, we will update you on this later.
Theres more:
Uma information page gone!?
You got that right the UMA information page is gone, we are still looking into this matter, we will update you on this later.
Werty Gerty is going undercover into the UMA to find out secret information, so dont think hes a traitor. Just so you know, commando out.
Operation Nation
Im sure that all of you have been wondering what this “operation nation” is, im not going to tell you all of it right now but it is about 30% complete.
Trust me this is gonna change alot once we finish it. Heres a hint, its bigger than clubpenguin itself.
In case of Nacho emergency we will strategize a code red event. If the Nachos do not comply with our demands we will devise an attack strategy. It
will be similar to that of the UMA destrucion plans devised approxemately one month ago. We will attack Nachos at the dojo every night at 5 pst on
mamoth from mon-friday, of next week, that is unless they willingly surrender to our demands. This is a top security project that will be referred to
as code green. Stay on watch for further instructions.
The new and improved RPF, that is allies with both UMA and ACP, declares that we are terminating the UEA, due to the fact that UEA stands for UMA
extermination agency. We no longer have to exterminate an allie.
The UEA is now the RUEA, stands for Rogue UMA Extermanation Agency. Letting you know.
– Commando717
Somthing Fishy…
Keep an eye on Zippy500, he looks like hes being all nicey nicey, but im almost positive that anybody who turns around that quickly is going to plan a
strike. Watch out and don’t let your guard down.
– Taytay606
GPR are not aware of this, we have spys in the GPR. These are not regular spys though, they are GPR that have been in GPR for months. They are
castrobutus, 8th leader of the GPR and Richyboy1111, 2nd in command of GPR. They have been giving us information but are not heard from commonly.
Do not tell anyone about this because this is Top Secret Level 2.
– Commando717
GPR might still have their slave branch, if so, they are hiding it. Find out any information you can of this.
– Commando717
Richboy1111 and castrobutus are working for GPR, they are trying to earn our trust so they can get info out of us. We must make them think that they
are successful.
– Commando717
This page is the R.P.F secret information page, i will keep you updated on whats secret that the public cant know yet.
This is our battle plan, we need to take over the town and fast. It would allow us to get more troops if we controled that sector, leave a comment and tell me what you think about this plan.
The meebo network works like IM only you can have chat rooms, we can use this “meebo” to talk to each other and converse ideas and tell battle plans, a room that the commanders or generals are talking in will be posted in the comments of the first post on home.
R.P.F Battle Fortress
We didnt really construct it but we have taken it over and it will alow us to stop UMA from going around club penguin easier. This Fortress is aslo cool because it has 2 guard towers, a main viewing platform, 2 bridges , entrence area with platform above, and special rooms in the base of the structure.
R.P.F Troops
The RPF is growing very rapidly thats why we have planned a ambush of the town this Friday(15th). This will alow us a new troop bay and better transport areas, also blocking the flow of UMA troops into the snow forts, please leave a comment about your opinion on this matter.
Armies Gathering
Oagalthorp sent me an letter about being allies, we are for sure now and the other armies are going to team up against UMA. we have accpted I will inform you on whats happening.
UMA leader a slacker?
The UMA new leader(mariospy007) does not know how to run a army. Take a look at this picture its funny to,
Im working on my best plan ive ever thought of right now, but I cant tell you it not even on the secret information page this plan is that secret, all tell you when i get it operational.
Another Update: The Leader of the UEA and DACO is not Commando 717. I am TayTay606. TayTay606 is the co-founder of the RPF. I designed the name, and the army itself. I just wanted you to be aware that I am of importance.
Big Daddy54 is going undercover into the UMA, he will join UMA and be loyal to the leaders and earn their respect. Then perswade them to give the passwords to big daddy54 which go to the RPF so we can get secret information on them. Please note that he will act like hes a full UMA.
we have found out some passwords,
UMA information page password- Uma,Rpf,enemys
ACP I.A. page password is- ( going to ask ogalthorp if its ok to post it)
Golds Events page password- (still cracking code)
More information on enemys
UMA status- enemy
UMA stands for underground mafias army
UMA leader is angel g8i
ACP status- ally
ACP stands for Army of Clubpenguin
ACP’s leader is Oagalthorp
Golds status- ally
CPVA status-neutral
CPVA stands for clubpenguin vikings army
CPAF status- neutral
CPAF stands for clubpenguin airforce
leader Db penguin
Oagalthorp I hope you dont mind if i use some of your information.
more information coming soon
Uma information page gone!?
You got that right the UMA information page is gone, we are still looking into this matter, we will update you on this later.
I got that part.
All ACP soldiers please visit
We are CPC or Club Penguin Calvary!
Blackburnt, Leader of CPC
There is more you know?
Here is all of it:
New things on this page will be at the bottom
This page is the R.P.F secret information page, i will keep you updated on whats secret that the public cant know yet.
This is our battle plan, we need to take over the town and fast. It would allow us to get more troops if we controled that sector, leave a comment and
tell me what you think about this plan.
The meebo network works like IM only you can have chat rooms, we can use this “meebo” to talk to each other and converse ideas and tell battle
plans, a room that the commanders or generals are talking in will be posted in the comments of the first post on home.
R.P.F Battle Fortress
We didnt really construct it but we have taken it over and it will alow us to stop UMA from going around club penguin easier. This Fortress is aslo cool
because it has 2 guard towers, a main viewing platform, 2 bridges , entrence area with platform above, and special rooms in the base of the structure.
R.P.F Troops
The RPF is growing very rapidly thats why we have planned a ambush of the town this Friday(15th). This will alow us a new troop bay and better
transport areas, also blocking the flow of UMA troops into the snow forts, please leave a comment about your opinion on this matter.
Armies Gathering
Oagalthorp sent me an letter about being allies, we are for sure now and the other armies are going to team up against UMA. we have accpted I will
inform you on whats happening.
UMA leader a slacker?
The UMA new leader(mariospy007) does not know how to run a army. Take a look at this picture its funny to,
Im working on my best plan ive ever thought of right now, but I cant tell you it not even on the secret information page this plan is that secret, all tell
you when i get it operational.
Another Update: The Leader of the UEA and DACO is not Commando 717. I am TayTay606. TayTay606 is the co-founder of the RPF. I designed the name,
and the army itself. I just wanted you to be aware that I am of importance.
Big Daddy54 is going undercover into the UMA, he will join UMA and be loyal to the leaders and earn their respect. Then perswade them to give the
passwords to big daddy54 which go to the RPF so we can get secret information on them. Please note that he will act like hes a full UMA.
we have found out some passwords,
UMA information page password- Uma,Rpf,enemys
ACP I.A. page password is- ( going to ask ogalthorp if its ok to post it)
Golds Events page password- (still cracking code)
More information on enemys
UMA status- enemy
UMA stands for underground mafias army
UMA leader is angel g8i
ACP status- ally
ACP stands for Army of Clubpenguin
ACP’s leader is Oagalthorp
Golds status- ally
CPVA status-neutral
CPVA stands for clubpenguin vikings army
CPAF status- neutral
CPAF stands for clubpenguin airforce
leader Db penguin
Oagalthorp I hope you dont mind if i use some of your information.
more information coming soon
Uma information page gone!?
You got that right the UMA information page is gone, we are still looking into this matter, we will update you on this later.
Werty Gerty is going undercover into the UMA to find out secret information, so dont think hes a traitor. Just so you know, commando out.
Operation Nation
Im sure that all of you have been wondering what this “operation nation” is, im not going to tell you all of it right now but it is about 30% complete.
Trust me this is gonna change alot once we finish it. Heres a hint, its bigger than clubpenguin itself.
In case of Nacho emergency we will strategize a code red event. If the Nachos do not comply with our demands we will devise an attack strategy. It
will be similar to that of the UMA destrucion plans devised approxemately one month ago. We will attack Nachos at the dojo every night at 5 pst on
mamoth from mon-friday, of next week, that is unless they willingly surrender to our demands. This is a top security project that will be referred to
as code green. Stay on watch for further instructions.
The new and improved RPF, that is allies with both UMA and ACP, declares that we are terminating the UEA, due to the fact that UEA stands for UMA
extermination agency. We no longer have to exterminate an allie.
The UEA is now the RUEA, stands for Rogue UMA Extermanation Agency. Letting you know.
– Commando717
Somthing Fishy…
Keep an eye on Zippy500, he looks like hes being all nicey nicey, but im almost positive that anybody who turns around that quickly is going to plan a
strike. Watch out and don’t let your guard down.
– Taytay606
GPR are not aware of this, we have spys in the GPR. These are not regular spys though, they are GPR that have been in GPR for months. They are
castrobutus, 8th leader of the GPR and Richyboy1111, 2nd in command of GPR. They have been giving us information but are not heard from commonly.
Do not tell anyone about this because this is Top Secret Level 2.
– Commando717
GPR might still have their slave branch, if so, they are hiding it. Find out any information you can of this.
– Commando717
Richboy1111 and castrobutus are working for GPR, they are trying to earn our trust so they can get info out of us. We must make them think that they
are successful.
– Commando717
This page is the R.P.F secret information page, i will keep you updated on whats secret that the public cant know yet.
This is our battle plan, we need to take over the town and fast. It would allow us to get more troops if we controled that sector, leave a comment and tell me what you think about this plan.
The meebo network works like IM only you can have chat rooms, we can use this “meebo” to talk to each other and converse ideas and tell battle plans, a room that the commanders or generals are talking in will be posted in the comments of the first post on home.
R.P.F Battle Fortress
We didnt really construct it but we have taken it over and it will alow us to stop UMA from going around club penguin easier. This Fortress is aslo cool because it has 2 guard towers, a main viewing platform, 2 bridges , entrence area with platform above, and special rooms in the base of the structure.
R.P.F Troops
The RPF is growing very rapidly thats why we have planned a ambush of the town this Friday(15th). This will alow us a new troop bay and better transport areas, also blocking the flow of UMA troops into the snow forts, please leave a comment about your opinion on this matter.
Armies Gathering
Oagalthorp sent me an letter about being allies, we are for sure now and the other armies are going to team up against UMA. we have accpted I will inform you on whats happening.
UMA leader a slacker?
The UMA new leader(mariospy007) does not know how to run a army. Take a look at this picture its funny to,
Im working on my best plan ive ever thought of right now, but I cant tell you it not even on the secret information page this plan is that secret, all tell you when i get it operational.
Another Update: The Leader of the UEA and DACO is not Commando 717. I am TayTay606. TayTay606 is the co-founder of the RPF. I designed the name, and the army itself. I just wanted you to be aware that I am of importance.
Big Daddy54 is going undercover into the UMA, he will join UMA and be loyal to the leaders and earn their respect. Then perswade them to give the passwords to big daddy54 which go to the RPF so we can get secret information on them. Please note that he will act like hes a full UMA.
we have found out some passwords,
UMA information page password- Uma,Rpf,enemys
ACP I.A. page password is- ( going to ask ogalthorp if its ok to post it)
Golds Events page password- (still cracking code)
More information on enemys
UMA status- enemy
UMA stands for underground mafias army
UMA leader is angel g8i
ACP status- ally
ACP stands for Army of Clubpenguin
ACP’s leader is Oagalthorp
Golds status- ally
CPVA status-neutral
CPVA stands for clubpenguin vikings army
CPAF status- neutral
CPAF stands for clubpenguin airforce
leader Db penguin
Oagalthorp I hope you dont mind if i use some of your information.
more information coming soon
Uma information page gone!?
You got that right the UMA information page is gone, we are still looking into this matter, we will update you on this later.
Uma information page gone!?
You got that right the UMA information page is gone, we are still looking into this matter, we will update you on this later.
Werty Gerty is going undercover into the UMA to find out secret information, so dont think hes a traitor. Just so you know, commando out.
Operation Nation
Im sure that all of you have been wondering what this “operation nation” is, im not going to tell you all of it right now but it is about 30% complete.
Trust me this is gonna change alot once we finish it. Heres a hint, its bigger than clubpenguin itself.
In case of Nacho emergency we will strategize a code red event. If the Nachos do not comply with our demands we will devise an attack strategy. It
will be similar to that of the UMA destrucion plans devised approxemately one month ago. We will attack Nachos at the dojo every night at 5 pst on
mamoth from mon-friday, of next week, that is unless they willingly surrender to our demands. This is a top security project that will be referred to
as code green. Stay on watch for further instructions.
The new and improved RPF, that is allies with both UMA and ACP, declares that we are terminating the UEA, due to the fact that UEA stands for UMA
extermination agency. We no longer have to exterminate an allie.
The UEA is now the RUEA, stands for Rogue UMA Extermanation Agency. Letting you know.
– Commando717
Somthing Fishy…
Keep an eye on Zippy500, he looks like hes being all nicey nicey, but im almost positive that anybody who turns around that quickly is going to plan a
strike. Watch out and don’t let your guard down.
– Taytay606
GPR are not aware of this, we have spys in the GPR. These are not regular spys though, they are GPR that have been in GPR for months. They are
castrobutus, 8th leader of the GPR and Richyboy1111, 2nd in command of GPR. They have been giving us information but are not heard from commonly.
Do not tell anyone about this because this is Top Secret Level 2.
– Commando717
GPR might still have their slave branch, if so, they are hiding it. Find out any information you can of this.
– Commando717
Richboy1111 and castrobutus are working for GPR, they are trying to earn our trust so they can get info out of us. We must make them think that they
are successful.
– Commando717
Yeay, CPC, im so unhapy.
New things on this page will be at the bottom
This page is the R.P.F secret information page, i will keep you updated on whats secret that the public cant know yet.
This is our battle plan, we need to take over the town and fast. It would allow us to get more troops if we controled that sector, leave a comment and
tell me what you think about this plan.
The meebo network works like IM only you can have chat rooms, we can use this “meebo” to talk to each other and converse ideas and tell battle
plans, a room that the commanders or generals are talking in will be posted in the comments of the first post on home.
R.P.F Battle Fortress
We didnt really construct it but we have taken it over and it will alow us to stop UMA from going around club penguin easier. This Fortress is aslo cool
because it has 2 guard towers, a main viewing platform, 2 bridges , entrence area with platform above, and special rooms in the base of the structure.
R.P.F Troops
The RPF is growing very rapidly thats why we have planned a ambush of the town this Friday(15th). This will alow us a new troop bay and better
transport areas, also blocking the flow of UMA troops into the snow forts, please leave a comment about your opinion on this matter.
Armies Gathering
Oagalthorp sent me an letter about being allies, we are for sure now and the other armies are going to team up against UMA. we have accpted I will
inform you on whats happening.
UMA leader a slacker?
The UMA new leader(mariospy007) does not know how to run a army. Take a look at this picture its funny to,
Im working on my best plan ive ever thought of right now, but I cant tell you it not even on the secret information page this plan is that secret, all tell
you when i get it operational.
Another Update: The Leader of the UEA and DACO is not Commando 717. I am TayTay606. TayTay606 is the co-founder of the RPF. I designed the name,
and the army itself. I just wanted you to be aware that I am of importance.
Big Daddy54 is going undercover into the UMA, he will join UMA and be loyal to the leaders and earn their respect. Then perswade them to give the
passwords to big daddy54 which go to the RPF so we can get secret information on them. Please note that he will act like hes a full UMA.
we have found out some passwords,
UMA information page password- Uma,Rpf,enemys
ACP I.A. page password is- ( going to ask ogalthorp if its ok to post it)
Golds Events page password- (still cracking code)
More information on enemys
UMA status- enemy
UMA stands for underground mafias army
UMA leader is angel g8i
ACP status- ally
ACP stands for Army of Clubpenguin
ACP’s leader is Oagalthorp
Golds status- ally
CPVA status-neutral
CPVA stands for clubpenguin vikings army
CPAF status- neutral
CPAF stands for clubpenguin airforce
leader Db penguin
Oagalthorp I hope you dont mind if i use some of your information.
more information coming soon
Uma information page gone!?
You got that right the UMA information page is gone, we are still looking into this matter, we will update you on this later.
Werty Gerty is going undercover into the UMA to find out secret information, so dont think hes a traitor. Just so you know, commando out.
Operation Nation
Im sure that all of you have been wondering what this “operation nation” is, im not going to tell you all of it right now but it is about 30% complete.
Trust me this is gonna change alot once we finish it. Heres a hint, its bigger than clubpenguin itself.
In case of Nacho emergency we will strategize a code red event. If the Nachos do not comply with our demands we will devise an attack strategy. It
will be similar to that of the UMA destrucion plans devised approxemately one month ago. We will attack Nachos at the dojo every night at 5 pst on
mamoth from mon-friday, of next week, that is unless they willingly surrender to our demands. This is a top security project that will be referred to
as code green. Stay on watch for further instructions.
The new and improved RPF, that is allies with both UMA and ACP, declares that we are terminating the UEA, due to the fact that UEA stands for UMA
extermination agency. We no longer have to exterminate an allie.
The UEA is now the RUEA, stands for Rogue UMA Extermanation Agency. Letting you know.
– Commando717
Somthing Fishy…
Keep an eye on Zippy500, he looks like hes being all nicey nicey, but im almost positive that anybody who turns around that quickly is going to plan a
strike. Watch out and don’t let your guard down.
– Taytay606
GPR are not aware of this, we have spys in the GPR. These are not regular spys though, they are GPR that have been in GPR for months. They are
castrobutus, 8th leader of the GPR and Richyboy1111, 2nd in command of GPR. They have been giving us information but are not heard from commonly.
Do not tell anyone about this because this is Top Secret Level 2.
– Commando717
GPR might still have their slave branch, if so, they are hiding it. Find out any information you can of this.
– Commando717
Richboy1111 and castrobutus are working for GPR, they are trying to earn our trust so they can get info out of us. We must make them think that they
are successful.
– Commando717
I allready posted the new stuf.
Ha ha
I already said those things on post #32
U SUCK RPF WOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
New things on this page will be at the bottom
This page is the R.P.F secret information page, i will keep you updated on whats secret that the public cant know yet.
This is our battle plan, we need to take over the town and fast. It would allow us to get more troops if we controled that sector, leave a comment and
tell me what you think about this plan.
The meebo network works like IM only you can have chat rooms, we can use this “meebo” to talk to each other and converse ideas and tell battle
plans, a room that the commanders or generals are talking in will be posted in the comments of the first post on home.
R.P.F Battle Fortress
We didnt really construct it but we have taken it over and it will alow us to stop UMA from going around club penguin easier. This Fortress is aslo cool
because it has 2 guard towers, a main viewing platform, 2 bridges , entrence area with platform above, and special rooms in the base of the structure.
R.P.F Troops
The RPF is growing very rapidly thats why we have planned a ambush of the town this Friday(15th). This will alow us a new troop bay and better
transport areas, also blocking the flow of UMA troops into the snow forts, please leave a comment about your opinion on this matter.
Armies Gathering
Oagalthorp sent me an letter about being allies, we are for sure now and the other armies are going to team up against UMA. we have accpted I will
inform you on whats happening.
UMA leader a slacker?
The UMA new leader(mariospy007) does not know how to run a army. Take a look at this picture its funny to,
Im working on my best plan ive ever thought of right now, but I cant tell you it not even on the secret information page this plan is that secret, all tell
you when i get it operational.
Another Update: The Leader of the UEA and DACO is not Commando 717. I am TayTay606. TayTay606 is the co-founder of the RPF. I designed the name,
and the army itself. I just wanted you to be aware that I am of importance.
Big Daddy54 is going undercover into the UMA, he will join UMA and be loyal to the leaders and earn their respect. Then perswade them to give the
passwords to big daddy54 which go to the RPF so we can get secret information on them. Please note that he will act like hes a full UMA.
we have found out some passwords,
UMA information page password- Uma,Rpf,enemys
ACP I.A. page password is- ( going to ask ogalthorp if its ok to post it)
Golds Events page password- (still cracking code)
More information on enemys
UMA status- enemy
UMA stands for underground mafias army
UMA leader is angel g8i
ACP status- ally
ACP stands for Army of Clubpenguin
ACP’s leader is Oagalthorp
Golds status- ally
CPVA status-neutral
CPVA stands for clubpenguin vikings army
CPAF status- neutral
CPAF stands for clubpenguin airforce
leader Db penguin
Oagalthorp I hope you dont mind if i use some of your information.
more information coming soon
Uma information page gone!?
You got that right the UMA information page is gone, we are still looking into this matter, we will update you on this later.
Werty Gerty is going undercover into the UMA to find out secret information, so dont think hes a traitor. Just so you know, commando out.
Operation Nation
Im sure that all of you have been wondering what this “operation nation” is, im not going to tell you all of it right now but it is about 30% complete.
Trust me this is gonna change alot once we finish it. Heres a hint, its bigger than clubpenguin itself.
In case of Nacho emergency we will strategize a code red event. If the Nachos do not comply with our demands we will devise an attack strategy. It
will be similar to that of the UMA destrucion plans devised approxemately one month ago. We will attack Nachos at the dojo every night at 5 pst on
mamoth from mon-friday, of next week, that is unless they willingly surrender to our demands. This is a top security project that will be referred to
as code green. Stay on watch for further instructions.
The new and improved RPF, that is allies with both UMA and ACP, declares that we are terminating the UEA, due to the fact that UEA stands for UMA
extermination agency. We no longer have to exterminate an allie.
The UEA is now the RUEA, stands for Rogue UMA Extermanation Agency. Letting you know.
– Commando717
Somthing Fishy…
Keep an eye on Zippy500, he looks like hes being all nicey nicey, but im almost positive that anybody who turns around that quickly is going to plan a
strike. Watch out and don’t let your guard down.
– Taytay606
GPR are not aware of this, we have spys in the GPR. These are not regular spys though, they are GPR that have been in GPR for months. They are
castrobutus, 8th leader of the GPR and Richyboy1111, 2nd in command of GPR. They have been giving us information but are not heard from commonly.
Do not tell anyone about this because this is Top Secret Level 2.
– Commando717
GPR might still have their slave branch, if so, they are hiding it. Find out any information you can of this.
– Commando717
Richboy1111 and castrobutus are working for GPR, they are trying to earn our trust so they can get info out of us. We must make them think that they
are successful.
– Commando717
OH YEA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
TOO BAD I ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
New things on this page will be at the bottom
This page is the R.P.F secret information page, i will keep you updated on whats secret that the public cant know yet.
This is our battle plan, we need to take over the town and fast. It would allow us to get more troops if we controled that sector, leave a comment and
tell me what you think about this plan.
The meebo network works like IM only you can have chat rooms, we can use this “meebo” to talk to each other and converse ideas and tell battle
plans, a room that the commanders or generals are talking in will be posted in the comments of the first post on home.
R.P.F Battle Fortress
We didnt really construct it but we have taken it over and it will alow us to stop UMA from going around club penguin easier. This Fortress is aslo cool
because it has 2 guard towers, a main viewing platform, 2 bridges , entrence area with platform above, and special rooms in the base of the structure.
R.P.F Troops
The RPF is growing very rapidly thats why we have planned a ambush of the town this Friday(15th). This will alow us a new troop bay and better
transport areas, also blocking the flow of UMA troops into the snow forts, please leave a comment about your opinion on this matter.
Armies Gathering
Oagalthorp sent me an letter about being allies, we are for sure now and the other armies are going to team up against UMA. we have accpted I will
inform you on whats happening.
UMA leader a slacker?
The UMA new leader(mariospy007) does not know how to run a army. Take a look at this picture its funny to,
Im working on my best plan ive ever thought of right now, but I cant tell you it not even on the secret information page this plan is that secret, all tell
you when i get it operational.
Another Update: The Leader of the UEA and DACO is not Commando 717. I am TayTay606. TayTay606 is the co-founder of the RPF. I designed the name,
and the army itself. I just wanted you to be aware that I am of importance.
Big Daddy54 is going undercover into the UMA, he will join UMA and be loyal to the leaders and earn their respect. Then perswade them to give the
passwords to big daddy54 which go to the RPF so we can get secret information on them. Please note that he will act like hes a full UMA.
we have found out some passwords,
UMA information page password- Uma,Rpf,enemys
ACP I.A. page password is- ( going to ask ogalthorp if its ok to post it)
Golds Events page password- (still cracking code)
More information on enemys
UMA status- enemy
UMA stands for underground mafias army
UMA leader is angel g8i
ACP status- ally
ACP stands for Army of Clubpenguin
ACP’s leader is Oagalthorp
Golds status- ally
CPVA status-neutral
CPVA stands for clubpenguin vikings army
CPAF status- neutral
CPAF stands for clubpenguin airforce
leader Db penguin
Oagalthorp I hope you dont mind if i use some of your information.
more information coming soon
Uma information page gone!?
You got that right the UMA information page is gone, we are still looking into this matter, we will update you on this later.
Werty Gerty is going undercover into the UMA to find out secret information, so dont think hes a traitor. Just so you know, commando out.
Operation Nation
Im sure that all of you have been wondering what this “operation nation” is, im not going to tell you all of it right now but it is about 30% complete.
Trust me this is gonna change alot once we finish it. Heres a hint, its bigger than clubpenguin itself.
In case of Nacho emergency we will strategize a code red event. If the Nachos do not comply with our demands we will devise an attack strategy. It
will be similar to that of the UMA destrucion plans devised approxemately one month ago. We will attack Nachos at the dojo every night at 5 pst on
mamoth from mon-friday, of next week, that is unless they willingly surrender to our demands. This is a top security project that will be referred to
as code green. Stay on watch for further instructions.
The new and improved RPF, that is allies with both UMA and ACP, declares that we are terminating the UEA, due to the fact that UEA stands for UMA
extermination agency. We no longer have to exterminate an allie.
The UEA is now the RUEA, stands for Rogue UMA Extermanation Agency. Letting you know.
– Commando717
Somthing Fishy…
Keep an eye on Zippy500, he looks like hes being all nicey nicey, but im almost positive that anybody who turns around that quickly is going to plan a
strike. Watch out and don’t let your guard down.
– Taytay606
GPR are not aware of this, we have spys in the GPR. These are not regular spys though, they are GPR that have been in GPR for months. They are
castrobutus, 8th leader of the GPR and Richyboy1111, 2nd in command of GPR. They have been giving us information but are not heard from commonly.
Do not tell anyone about this because this is Top Secret Level 2.
– Commando717
GPR might still have their slave branch, if so, they are hiding it. Find out any information you can of this.
– Commando717
Richboy1111 and castrobutus are working for GPR, they are trying to earn our trust so they can get info out of us. We must make them think that they
are successful.
– Commando717
RPF is having a bad day.
Poor Commando707
He must be in agony.
May I remind you I posted the secret information first?
This is geting long quickly.
Big 50 comment! 😛
Commando I bet you realy hate puna7 right now don’t you?
The leak in your army.
Tom you forgot the swim goggles in the desiner glasses.
We know em all already.
Before Kg 007 was supposed to lead GHOSTS but know he changed the name to GRA
Ghosts Roman Army, and I talked to Dj and we are in the Roman Allience
We are still at
You know, I am posting this on my website.
Now how mad are you Commando717?
New things on this page will be at the bottom
This page is the R.P.F secret information page, i will keep you updated on whats secret that the public cant know yet.
This is our battle plan, we need to take over the town and fast. It would allow us to get more troops if we controled that sector, leave a comment and
tell me what you think about this plan.
The meebo network works like IM only you can have chat rooms, we can use this “meebo” to talk to each other and converse ideas and tell battle
plans, a room that the commanders or generals are talking in will be posted in the comments of the first post on home.
R.P.F Battle Fortress
We didnt really construct it but we have taken it over and it will alow us to stop UMA from going around club penguin easier. This Fortress is aslo cool
because it has 2 guard towers, a main viewing platform, 2 bridges , entrence area with platform above, and special rooms in the base of the structure.
R.P.F Troops
The RPF is growing very rapidly thats why we have planned a ambush of the town this Friday(15th). This will alow us a new troop bay and better
transport areas, also blocking the flow of UMA troops into the snow forts, please leave a comment about your opinion on this matter.
Armies Gathering
Oagalthorp sent me an letter about being allies, we are for sure now and the other armies are going to team up against UMA. we have accpted I will
inform you on whats happening.
UMA leader a slacker?
The UMA new leader(mariospy007) does not know how to run a army. Take a look at this picture its funny to,
Im working on my best plan ive ever thought of right now, but I cant tell you it not even on the secret information page this plan is that secret, all tell
you when i get it operational.
Another Update: The Leader of the UEA and DACO is not Commando 717. I am TayTay606. TayTay606 is the co-founder of the RPF. I designed the name,
and the army itself. I just wanted you to be aware that I am of importance.
Big Daddy54 is going undercover into the UMA, he will join UMA and be loyal to the leaders and earn their respect. Then perswade them to give the
passwords to big daddy54 which go to the RPF so we can get secret information on them. Please note that he will act like hes a full UMA.
we have found out some passwords,
UMA information page password- Uma,Rpf,enemys
ACP I.A. page password is- ( going to ask ogalthorp if its ok to post it)
Golds Events page password- (still cracking code)
More information on enemys
UMA status- enemy
UMA stands for underground mafias army
UMA leader is angel g8i
ACP status- ally
ACP stands for Army of Clubpenguin
ACP’s leader is Oagalthorp
Golds status- ally
CPVA status-neutral
CPVA stands for clubpenguin vikings army
CPAF status- neutral
CPAF stands for clubpenguin airforce
leader Db penguin
Oagalthorp I hope you dont mind if i use some of your information.
more information coming soon
Uma information page gone!?
You got that right the UMA information page is gone, we are still looking into this matter, we will update you on this later.
Werty Gerty is going undercover into the UMA to find out secret information, so dont think hes a traitor. Just so you know, commando out.
Operation Nation
Im sure that all of you have been wondering what this “operation nation” is, im not going to tell you all of it right now but it is about 30% complete.
Trust me this is gonna change alot once we finish it. Heres a hint, its bigger than clubpenguin itself.
In case of Nacho emergency we will strategize a code red event. If the Nachos do not comply with our demands we will devise an attack strategy. It
will be similar to that of the UMA destrucion plans devised approxemately one month ago. We will attack Nachos at the dojo every night at 5 pst on
mamoth from mon-friday, of next week, that is unless they willingly surrender to our demands. This is a top security project that will be referred to
as code green. Stay on watch for further instructions.
The new and improved RPF, that is allies with both UMA and ACP, declares that we are terminating the UEA, due to the fact that UEA stands for UMA
extermination agency. We no longer have to exterminate an allie.
The UEA is now the RUEA, stands for Rogue UMA Extermanation Agency. Letting you know.
– Commando717
Somthing Fishy…
Keep an eye on Zippy500, he looks like hes being all nicey nicey, but im almost positive that anybody who turns around that quickly is going to plan a
strike. Watch out and don’t let your guard down.
– Taytay606
GPR are not aware of this, we have spys in the GPR. These are not regular spys though, they are GPR that have been in GPR for months. They are
castrobutus, 8th leader of the GPR and Richyboy1111, 2nd in command of GPR. They have been giving us information but are not heard from commonly.
Do not tell anyone about this because this is Top Secret Level 2.
– Commando717
GPR might still have their slave branch, if so, they are hiding it. Find out any information you can of this.
– Commando717
Richboy1111 and castrobutus are working for GPR, they are trying to earn our trust so they can get info out of us. We must make them think that they
are successful.
– Commando717
😛 😛 😛 😛 😛 😛 😛
New things on this page will be at the bottom
This page is the R.P.F secret information page, i will keep you updated on whats secret that the public cant know yet.
This is our battle plan, we need to take over the town and fast. It would allow us to get more troops if we controled that sector, leave a comment and
tell me what you think about this plan.
The meebo network works like IM only you can have chat rooms, we can use this “meebo” to talk to each other and converse ideas and tell battle
plans, a room that the commanders or generals are talking in will be posted in the comments of the first post on home.
R.P.F Battle Fortress
We didnt really construct it but we have taken it over and it will alow us to stop UMA from going around club penguin easier. This Fortress is aslo cool
because it has 2 guard towers, a main viewing platform, 2 bridges , entrence area with platform above, and special rooms in the base of the structure.
R.P.F Troops
The RPF is growing very rapidly thats why we have planned a ambush of the town this Friday(15th). This will alow us a new troop bay and better
transport areas, also blocking the flow of UMA troops into the snow forts, please leave a comment about your opinion on this matter.
Armies Gathering
Oagalthorp sent me an letter about being allies, we are for sure now and the other armies are going to team up against UMA. we have accpted I will
inform you on whats happening.
UMA leader a slacker?
The UMA new leader(mariospy007) does not know how to run a army. Take a look at this picture its funny to,
Im working on my best plan ive ever thought of right now, but I cant tell you it not even on the secret information page this plan is that secret, all tell
you when i get it operational.
Another Update: The Leader of the UEA and DACO is not Commando 717. I am TayTay606. TayTay606 is the co-founder of the RPF. I designed the name,
and the army itself. I just wanted you to be aware that I am of importance.
Big Daddy54 is going undercover into the UMA, he will join UMA and be loyal to the leaders and earn their respect. Then perswade them to give the
passwords to big daddy54 which go to the RPF so we can get secret information on them. Please note that he will act like hes a full UMA.
we have found out some passwords,
UMA information page password- Uma,Rpf,enemys
ACP I.A. page password is- ( going to ask ogalthorp if its ok to post it)
Golds Events page password- (still cracking code)
More information on enemys
UMA status- enemy
UMA stands for underground mafias army
UMA leader is angel g8i
ACP status- ally
ACP stands for Army of Clubpenguin
ACP’s leader is Oagalthorp
Golds status- ally
CPVA status-neutral
CPVA stands for clubpenguin vikings army
CPAF status- neutral
CPAF stands for clubpenguin airforce
leader Db penguin
Oagalthorp I hope you dont mind if i use some of your information.
more information coming soon
Uma information page gone!?
You got that right the UMA information page is gone, we are still looking into this matter, we will update you on this later.
Werty Gerty is going undercover into the UMA to find out secret information, so dont think hes a traitor. Just so you know, commando out.
Operation Nation
Im sure that all of you have been wondering what this “operation nation” is, im not going to tell you all of it right now but it is about 30% complete.
Trust me this is gonna change alot once we finish it. Heres a hint, its bigger than clubpenguin itself.
In case of Nacho emergency we will strategize a code red event. If the Nachos do not comply with our demands we will devise an attack strategy. It
will be similar to that of the UMA destrucion plans devised approxemately one month ago. We will attack Nachos at the dojo every night at 5 pst on
mamoth from mon-friday, of next week, that is unless they willingly surrender to our demands. This is a top security project that will be referred to
as code green. Stay on watch for further instructions.
The new and improved RPF, that is allies with both UMA and ACP, declares that we are terminating the UEA, due to the fact that UEA stands for UMA
extermination agency. We no longer have to exterminate an allie.
The UEA is now the RUEA, stands for Rogue UMA Extermanation Agency. Letting you know.
– Commando717
Somthing Fishy…
Keep an eye on Zippy500, he looks like hes being all nicey nicey, but im almost positive that anybody who turns around that quickly is going to plan a
strike. Watch out and don’t let your guard down.
– Taytay606
GPR are not aware of this, we have spys in the GPR. These are not regular spys though, they are GPR that have been in GPR for months. They are
castrobutus, 8th leader of the GPR and Richyboy1111, 2nd in command of GPR. They have been giving us information but are not heard from commonly.
Do not tell anyone about this because this is Top Secret Level 2.
– Commando717
GPR might still have their slave branch, if so, they are hiding it. Find out any information you can of this.
– Commando717
Richboy1111 and castrobutus are working for GPR, they are trying to earn our trust so they can get info out of us. We must make them think that they
are successful.
– Commando717
Tom Yellow: I was not deleting the comments!. I don’t have enough power to delete comments.
Oh lol sorry.
Idiot, soccerboy dosnt know that the information on our information page was all false to fool anyone who gets in :p