Nachos: I find it dumb how Zippy500 is not attending the war. I mean, he will start a war if someone throws a snowball, but not if someone cusses at you and insults your nation?!? Anyway, here is what I am doing. If any Nachos want to come to the battle, they can. We have a top-secret mission for them, and it is needed for an absolute victory. So tell my if you will be attending. Remember why you should come:
-The GPR said the USA did nothing is WWII, when infact we were the main Ally army, and we won the entire war in the Pacific, and most of the war in Europe.
-This dishonors our soldiers who gave their lives for this great country, and the entire world!
-The GPR said we have a stupid Government, when in reality we had the first Democracy, a more practical form of Government than a King and Queen like they had.
-The GPR said Americans are fat, only about 15% are actually “overweight”, and any one of them is as great of a person as you and me.
-The GPR blamed America for the bombings all over the world, even though we were the first to be bombed, and are practically the only country that stood up for ourselves by capturing the criminals who did this.
-The GPR has “slave labor”, mocked and cussed at American armies, and was already enemies (before this war) with the people they promised to ally with.
Tactics: I have made the tactics for all of the armies during the battle, and it will be posted soon.
Speach: The day before the first battle, at 4:00pm PST, I will give a speach on the ACP Chat. I hope you can come!
Invasion Information: We must defend our pride and honor those who the GPR have mocked. If they don’t come, they forfeit.
ALL SOLDIERS MUST ATTEND, IN UNIFORM! I suggest you wear the American Flag Pin.We must win! We will not forfeit until they surrender and apologize.
-Sept. 29-Sept. 30
-Mammoth Dojo
-11:00am PST
Until later,
March on!
Filed under: ACP |
ogalthorp i will try to be there to fight with acp acp is a very strong honering army and no one should mock them i will tell everyone at school and everyplace i go to be there this will be the biggest club penguin war ever and i am going because acp rules
Oagalthorp: Thank you, that will help a lot.
cool i think we should add acp bounty hunters
🙁 i cant gety on the chat my mom doesnt like the words that the ppl say so she banned me from the chat srry sir
p.s. GO CPAT
Zippy gave us an order and we need to follow it.
Oagalthorp: Those soldiers have the right to fight in the battle and defend their pride and their country. I’m not letting Zippy hold them back from fighting for what they believe.
shadow, honestly.
im learning more and more about gpr. it seems they have a separate army for girls ( which is entirely stupid, an army shouldnt be separated into groups by gender, unless its called the girl army, or the boy army. ) and have like, 7 sites. if you go around there you might actually think their more organized than anyone, which intimidaes me a little. i dont usually get intimadated. also, im sure ill be able to make it to your speech.
Oagalthorp: That’s the oposite of intimidating, that means thay they are disorganized. Even better for us.
yea ogal, you speak truth.
Oagle stop trying to make my men come! Also i will not start a war if some one throws a snow ball and oagle you leave my army alone or their will be problems. Any nachos who come to that battle are an insult to america,same with the other armies too.
Oagalthorp: Your soldiers can do what they want. You are keeping them from doing what they want to do, and what they know is right. Keep your opinions on your site, because no one here cares about lies.
Guess what oagal! You have a new enemie. Tell your ideotic allies (the rpf) that i’m comming with 1 hundred men. So long die acp!! hahahahahah
Oagalthorp: Bring it on.
This is a fake zippy500.
Let me give you some advice…
You have no right to do this, and you can tell any nachos who wants to come to dress as acp or somin like that. But you can’t declare war for us.
P.S. Your a bad leader(dictator). You shouldn’t command other armies, you brag, you lie, you cheat, and you are just plain out idiotic.
Oagalthorp: As always, I’m not making anyone do anything. I am just saying that they CAN come, because this is more than a war on Club Penguin. They attacked us in words, worse than any snowballs can do.
Yeah right…
Ogle i talked to most of the high ranking nachos about what they though and they said “they can say what they want but we dont care we know their wrong and why start a war over this?” Most of my army comes when a well known person comes.
Oagalthorp: Ok, then what is a good reason to start a war? I’de like t see you answer this one. 🙄
oagal i have my own army i will come we are CCP i sam the leader cool colb
When people try to torture cp citizens.
I found an answer…
Oagalthorp: Such as “slave labor”? GPR has that. And not even that is as bad as what they said.
No they don’t. And you’re a dictator…
dictator is worse than slave labor.
Oagalthorp: Currently there are no dictators other than Gu Gu. It’s not considered dictatorship when you lead your own army, it’s called leading an army. Gu Gu tries to control all of England and slaves. Dictator.
PS. Slave labor is worse than dictatorship. Ask almost anyone, and that would be there opinion too.
jafjaf is right, seriously nachos get off your lazy butts and fricken avenge YOUR FRICKEN COUNTRY! also, shadow, you kept on nagging ogal to stop the ninja idea and give it to someone else. WHAT THE HECK?!!? seriously!!!! you stop commanding THEM. lol, on darkknights comment you were all like, BRING IT ON MAN!! EN GARDE!!! GAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!
it wasnt just us. we were only a about 1/3. dont get arrogant. we both provided something in WWII
Oagalthorp: Didn’t say it was just us. But it makes me mad that the people who did less than us complain, saying WE didn’t do anything.
yep, slave labor is worse.
slave labor will be stopped now!!
nachos can come if they want but i think zippy will not be present do to this anti-war statement of his
oh and darknight67, i wonder what WOULD happen if acp lost, and here is my estimations,:
acp-number of fighters: 3256-number of fighters on club penguin on at 1 time: 300
rpf-number of fighters: 2000-number of fighters on at 1 time: 100
oagal PSF will fight with you can you andd me to your blogroll im manjensen.wordpress.com
so even 100 fighters stand no chance to my estimate:
cpf on at 1 time-100
rpf and acp combined on-400
Oagalthorp im coming to the war (I hope i can go) but I think that if Zippy doesnt want him or his army to fight in the war well thats his decision.We cant really make him and his army fight in the war.Im not trying to start an arguement but this is my opinion on the situation.
Oagalthorp: 🙄 I’m not ordering the Nachos to do anything, as you should know from reading my post, and as everyone should know. I am telling them they can come if they want to.
dude. seriously if they dont come im taking them off my mental trusted army list.
Good reson to start war if some one attacks you alot and tries to invade your land. This reson is stupid.
Oagalthorp: Wow, that’s weak. I can see you are running out of issues in this argument. First of all, they attacked us verbally. It’s way worse than snowballs. They insulted dead Americans, victims of the 9/11 attacks, and our soldiers who have died for us all over the world. Second off, face it what they did is way worse than “invading our land”, and you know it.
PS. I think you are jsut avoiding this war becasue you wanto to be strong for you “war” you will have. Against who, and for what reason?!? COuld it at all be worse than what the GPR did? And fighting the GPR would make you grow. In CP, wars make armies grow, not shrink like in the real world.
And its a cp game theirs no such thing as slave labor. You can just leave the room.
………………………….zippy, they verbaly hurt us, seriously. you hate your country dont you? thats the only smart excuse.
………… actually there is a way to make slaves, of course usually they have to be willing servants.
oagal please answer
Dont tell me what i hate or dont hate tidle.What do you know your just a traitor to evry army you join. What do you know about honor.
Oagalthorp: And what do you know? You don’t defend your country, and you end alliances your former, better leader set up, becasue of extrememly biased personal issues.
Oagle you did not list those things they said about dead americans on what the said about america. I think your starting to lie now. And they insulted us so what? I know their idots but starting a war over this is going to start problems with little kids who will grow up hating englad. Is that what you want?
Oagalthorp: No, they insulted the Ameircan heros. I only listed the general things, and the insulting would go under the WWII and terrorist bombings issues. They also said some pretty mean things to the ACP personally. Such as “**** AMERICAN ****** GO TO **** WITH THE REST OF YOUR ARMY!”
PS. I don’t hate England, and I’m not teaching kids to hate England. Infact i love England, it’s in my top five favorite counrites. But it’s the GPR that I have a problem with.
i have much more honor then you will ever have, foolish nacho. and im 10, i dont HATE hate england. seriously its where harry potter is ! 🙂
Zippy, I hate you. THIS Is a dumb reason? A DUMB reason is virtual snowball fighting just for fun, when its gets you nowhere! (no offense Oagl) They Made Fun of My HOME, our COUNTRY, and I wont fall until they loose and apoligize, and i sugguest you do the same!
your probably dont remember, but the vikings pretty much gave full protection to the nachos way back when uma was still a problem in mammoth, ( though i think this was in blizzard ) when you allied with uma,,, piiiiiisshhhhh god was everyone wringing your necks! the uma promised tom wolf that they would support nachos through everything and anything. but the uma betrayed nachos. nachos got their allies again. but the nachos ept making peace with uma, and the uma kept betraying them. if uma were still evil, and with zippy as leader, they would have kept on making peace and war and peace and war time and time again. tom wolf stopped it by just staying away from uma but being allies with them at the same time. ogal sir wanted to allie with nachos, tom wolf wanted to allie, but he retired before he made it official. you ripped apart the treaty ( figure of speech ) and said no way! finally we allied and you got support from several armies, and yet your soldiers gave us no respect. its almost like your saying, hey gpr! keep insulting us ok? if you want to keep your resources and support, your gonna march in the dojo and freakin avenge your country. in other words, im disappointed. I MISS TOM WOLF AS LEADER! 🙁
whoah i made a long comment. and orcacam is right. freakin read our comments.
actually oagal france created democracy
Oagalthorp: No, the French made a Democracy about 10-20 years after the USA did.
sorry we will join you
Sorry I haven’t posted in a while. Anyway I don’t see why the Nachos won’t fight. Like Oagal said, They insulted people who died in 9/11. How would u feel Zippy if u had a relative who died during 9/11. Oagal we never should have allied with them. Allies help each other through thick, and thin. AND AVENGE THEIR COUNTRY!!!
Oh and Oagal u spelled speech wrong. It’s spelled speech.
People need to stop posting other comments on other people’s names…
like imitating zippy on comment #8 and #
and #31
P.S. Oagal, if you want nachos to come…
This is making me think we should make a cp president…
Ready to fight Oagalthorp! Ready for the secret mission your assigning nachos to do!
~Nacho General Ponchon~
Shadow2446? Shadow2446 I want a little respect. If I don’t like the nachos by the end of the weekend I’m quitting.
Shadow2446 who cares! We don’t have to look like ACP!!!!!! You pretty much make a big deal out of a lot of small things! O M G!
you are very patriotic oagalthorp! i will stand by you always. expect me there!
sorry i wont be there but hopefully one of my higher ranks ( morsels or texas vs a ) will help out and lead the romans and kill the gpr
p.s the nachos are stupid and i think they shouldnt be our allies
p.s.s that smiley is a complete imposter im the leader of the romans he thinks hes leader well ive been around more than 10 months as leader so guess what smiley !@#$ off
Ponchon, first off you are an a**. Second off, you are not even a general. Third, you can’t disobey orders from your leader!!! You can get fired for that.
P.S. Ponchon…. You’re DEMOTED! for insulting a higher rank officer.
P.S.S. And Oagal can’t command nachos to do a secret mission. It isn’t his army.
P.S.S.S. I’m gonna come to this battle so I can command any nachos who try to listen to you.
hey oaglathorp i went on gugus youtube account and said we would win and i posted a vid of faith hill singing the national anthem
hey guys i really dont think those wimpy gpr are even gunna show up to the war. i guess its good to be prepared just in case, but i think this may be an easy win. also, the dojo is gunna be FULL. very full. Alot of the armies that want to be in the war may not be able to get in lol. But no matter what, we need to defend our country! We will see you at the war everyone.
p.s. actually the first democracy was in Rome before it fell to the barbarians.
acp u are freakin retards!!!!!!!!!if u no wats good for u then shut up about nachos!!!
Tidle you dont know about are army history. know one defended us and we were enemies with vikings uma have nevr betrayed us yet and Tom actuly didnt want to be allies with acp. I dont care what they say about my country, its a kids game and by doing this little kids are starting to hat england. I know the gpr are wrong and they are losers they wont come to your battle so why even fight. Not coming to this stupid war wont make me less of an american.
Oagalthorp: A famous quote from Zippy: “I dont care what they say about my country“.
fake zippy comment above.
good, because even zippy should know that the vikings did much for the nachos, and that the uma betrayed you many times. and i know much about the cp war history ( i just didnt know we divided the wars into actual world wars, i just thought it was some extra thing a n00b came up with XD ) more than alot of people commenting on this site.also, what can i do that is special in the war ogal?!
I think this is just a plan so Oagal can get more fame.
i doubt it
guys i tried to make a penguin spy named acp pooo but that name was already taken. isnt that ironic?
oagle please reply to this: I will help you ion this war since those GPR idiots are america haters. reply and tell me if i can help in any way.
oagle please reply to this: I will help you ion this war since those GPR idiots are america haters. reply and tell me if i can help in any way.
double comment. and no, ol’ ogal ( i made a name for him ^_^ ) wont be looking for fame. he wont get too much or to lil.
and no, a cp president would have to be on 24/7 and it would take days to get the news to everyone seriously involved in cp politics. there would also have to be one in each country, have the president live in the city server, ( the most popular server, and yet has no wars, Ex: for uk frozen, for america Blizzard,etc. ) and the president to visit every server in the country server at least once a week to see that everything is in order. hmm. perhaps only in certain servers. theres an inappropeite problem in altitude with people being pro girls and boys. there arent enough police to stop it, so we should get a leader, guards, news reporters, and history recorders. the leader to led them, the guards to make sure its ‘the easy way’ news reporters to go to other servers and yell out the noise, and history recorders to post the news on every clubpenguin site, and to make it recorded in cp history.
Ive been rallying other armies to our cause, the GPR are going down. Oh yah, zippy, i told most of them that the nachos will probably attend. If i were you i would help out in this war. Drew, this is cool because even our enemys are helping and our allies the nachos arnt! Thats funny in my opinion. Ok well everyone make sure you show up, also check the RPF site to see our plan.
RPF site is at: http://www.rebelpenguinfederation.com (just click “news today”)
– Commando717
yyyyyyyyeeeeeeessssssss sir sir sir bleh.
zippy the answers simple its pie!
(yes i failed math lol jk)
Why is GPR against USA? We’ve done no evil!
aliens are coming they called us fat and insulted our great nation u know wat i am done with gpr! ALIENS INVADE! lol the aliens will be there if i have to make them miss there favorite show lol
go to http://iceblueice2.wordpress.com to join the P.P.P or join hockey or join some other thing!
hmm……. your lucky ogal. if you did your speech an hour later i would miss the latest episode of avatar! IF I MISS AVATAR I KILL ALL!!!!
Shadow thats me. And vikings did crap for the nachos and uma have always been loyal. Tom never did want to make allies with the acp and all the comments i have been writting are actuly me. If you want proof just ask.
Crap, I meant to go to the speech, but had a lot of homework. Sry.
… what is the website anyways?! and zippy, you obviously havent been there or dont remember. ah yes, i remember the days of vikings protecting the nachos in blizzard. but also, tom wolf was there. he would remember. and yea, uma betrayed nachos. like, 4 or 5 times?? i obviously know more than you do zippy, dont question.
You dont know any thing about that and what vikings might have helped us once but uma betrayed us 0 times but those uma that attacked us didnt know we were allies.
u and uma have always been allies (dur dur dur)
yea lol we might betray you. DUN DUN DUN DU
yea and we might defeat you AGAIN DUN DUN DUN!!!! yea, like i said dont question the vikings did help you the uma did betray you, just deal with it, someone knows more than you do.
Oagal I will honor my country and come to this war! the Brits are mocking us and they are the one to be mocked. I shall run around CP telling everyone to fight for us! ACP rules! I don’t care what Zippy and Major General say. You are a GREAT Leader. Way better than Zippy or Gugu. I liked Tom Wolf better than Zippy by far… Those nachos are immature babies and don’t honor their country. WE SHALL FIGHT FOR OUR HONOR! ACP! ACP! ACP! ACP! ACP! ACP! ACP! ACP! ACP! ACP! ACP! ACP! ACP!
http://www.acparmy.wordpress.com! JUST CLICK ON MY NAME TO GO TO IT!
You were a nacho for 1 month. you know crpa about the nachos. We were in blizzard in octtober and september i dont think you were even playing club penguin then. The uma never declared war on us but some uma did not know we were allies so they attacked us, it happens with all alliances when they start. We were always enemies with vikings but a couple times they might have helped us in batte. I know more about the nachos then you ever wiil.
Were the babies? Im not the one acting like a retart saying
ACP ACP ACP ACP ACP you sound like an idot. But you already are one so i guess it fits you.
and so gpr can call us fat but u guys dont care?ingrate.i can call u fat fatty.lol fat fat fat fat fatty mcfatty.just like garfield!fatty!
um dude, i may have been a nacho for only one month, but i have been in blizzard for A LONG time.i joined vikings three weeks before we started protecting you guys. a few weeks later i learned from some viking generals that there was an evil army called the uma in mammoth. i went there and to their base, and yes, i saw many uma. a few weeks later, nachos allied with uma and soon the uma betrayed the nachos by firing. ( note that these were the same uma who allied with them ) later the nachos forgave the uma, and the uma promised they would never do it again. they betrayed the nachos four more times. zippy, you really should shut yer yap.
and there it is. nachos not giving acp respect, tsk tsk tsk zippy…. one more slip up and you could end up losing your allies…
look at my name!
oagal,i saw akash13 a mod,swear more than 5 times.just telling
Every thing you said is wrong. The uma began in feburary so how were we in blizzard at that time? Get your facts right. Are only enemy in blizzard were vikings and romans, we made allies with romans but not with vikings. The cpm and roman war made us leave mamoth. Uma have never betrayed us before but we did have war with them and then made allies and since then they have never declared war on us. The people who fired at us didnt know who the enemy was and acp dont show respect to us at all. I really wouldnt care if the alliance ended.
ok, you want your army to fal.. not my prob yo, oh and, vikings helped you and uma betrayed you, deal with it. goodness.. glad i left nachos, their so stubborn now, cept for ponchon, hes cool yo.
Pocho isnt even a genrel, and i know your wrong just like the gpr but i really dont care. This is all coming from a traitor who joins strong armies but when other strong ones come you join them. I dont care about your opinion.
Yea Ice ur right i did swear more than 5 times but i was getting mad cuz u and other people were cussing/fighting and i yelled at yall to stop but u guys didnt listen so i banned u all that were fightin
Zippy: couldnt have anger managment much! God, you are annoying! All you think about is armies on the computer you dont even care for you own country! If you were a true CP army leader you would help in this fight, man zippy, you are a pain some times and no im not breaking the alliance between RPF and the nachos. Btw me and shadow are attualy good friends. Ok i have to go now, commando out.
– Commando717
that commando is a fake.
i like tidle fin from reading his comments.
no offense oagle, but are you sure they said all of those things as exact quates? I mean, is anybody really that ignorant? Another thing is that, we actually SAVED them in WW2, but i wanted to say that americans are actually more overwieght than that… thats why i went on a diet last year and lost 50 pounds. I dont know if what your saying is an exact quote. Is ANYONE that ignorant?????
Oagalthorp: Yes, they are that ignorant. And yes, a lot of Americans are “overwieght”. My friend is “overwieght”, he is 120 pounds. But it is all muscle, no joke. If that’s what the world calls overwieght, I want to be overwieght too!
Hey, I don’t really want to wear the American Flag… I’m Canadian. Is it ok if I wear a Canada pin?
grant, im a GIRL. no, the commando better not be a fake, even if he is the guy who acted like him made some real sence. zippy you ARE a pain in the ass.
Hello all ACP soldiers and Oagal, I am leader of the CPC (Club Penguin Calvary) and we would like it if all ACP would go to http://www.cpcclubpenguincalvary.wordpress.com and read a little bit about us. We have thirty men, so Oagal I would like to be your ally. Plz visit the site and my army will help invade against GPR.
Blackburnt, Leader of CPC
Some things are true what GPR said but it’s true Usa did alot of good things too.
wutever mario i would shut up if i were u
go to http://iceblueice2.wordpress.com and titans3 u can shut up too
oagal i see u on clubpenguin u reely gotta get outta dat uniform and party stop bein so serios lightin up
Heres an idea…All of u shut up! There problem solved
ur a serious person oagol but loosen up,fiting doesnt ALWAYS solve problems
This is jmr989, i can spy on the GPR if nessecary my dad is a colonel in the army and i dont stand for his insults!
Private Jmr989
The ATM will come, to talk to me go to http://www.gugusucks.piczo.com
you guys talk back to each other and you guys are freken mean and im gu gu pengu the leader of GPR we will take you over idoits!