Wow, you guys really didn’t know how to act when I made that last post. Anyway, this is more trouble than it’s worth. So I am forgiving anyone who is banned on the Chat. On one condition: You apologise for what you did, and promise to not do it again. Just do this, and you are unbanned from the Chat, and forgiven for what you have done.
I am not going to get stricker on the Chat, as long as you people promise to follow the rules. If you don’t you know how mad I can get.
Invasion: We will have an invasion in Mammoth soon. Get ready! I will make a post on this tomorrow.
Until later,
March on!
Filed under: ACP |
K Oagalthorp I see some ppl who ban ppl for no reason just because they dont like them like
P.S First Comment O yea
second comment lol
thanx oagal im sorry
ok i forgive you. Just unban taylor i need that guy
Oagalthorp: What? No, you need to say sorry.
umm do i? wanna be allies?
ok, first of all, i was banned by TEXAS. not you, TEXAS. i dont need to apologize. you need to apologize, and think before you post. when you posted that, almost a quarter ( which is like, 20 ) of your soldiers quit. they might rejoin, but you need to apologize first. 1. for banning green and jas forever ( dude, dont you think at least 6 hours is enough? plenty of mods swear when your not on ) 2.putting LUCARIO as a mod. before you even started banning everyone for no reason, lucario kept kicking me and telling me to leave. 3.WTP!?!? APOLOGIZE TO YOU?! your a fricken dictator for petey’s sake!!!
dude, apologize to ME KONA ABBY JAS AND GREEN.
Oagalthorp: I did not make this post to apoligize to rule breakers who don’t deserve to be forgiven. Now this may be your only chance, don’t waste it.
PS. No soldiers quit when I made that.
Oagalthorp’s Response: Technically, this is my publication, so I have the right to say/have anyone say anything I want. Read my edit on your last comment.
I’m sorry Oagal. I was being a jerk over the last few weeks. So I’m sorry. And please believe me I never joined Silver Surfers, so could I rejoin ACP. And u did the right thing banning Green, and Jasariel forever. She cursed, and so did Green Maflas. So I’m sorry sir.
Oagalthorp: I forgive you.
!?!!? CTAR?!?!?! :'( goodness ctar if you were actually jas and green’s friend you’d feel differently… and so there is no comment wars and you dont get really annoying and make me pissed, ( again ) i will only apologize about ONE THING and ONE THING ONLY!! for rebeling. i didnt rebel. i actually just quit. nothing else.
Oagalthorp: What are you trying to say?
PS. Those “Gold Gliders” won’t last. He should have stuck with the Surfers.
….. um…. idk?
Oagalthorp: Lol
omg tidle just say ur sorry cause u know thats its not going to end pretty
more like its not going to end pretty if you dont shut up *bangs fists together*
ok im sorry, im sorry for all the trouble i did. i promise to not do it again. Oh and Also, you dont have to mkae me a mod anymore.
Still Friends?
Oagalthor: I forgive you. And I will unban Taylor once he apologizes.
But can you plz unban taylor, he’s a nice guy
plz if you have anytime unban jas and green, they didnt mean to do anything.
im sorry for if i did any thing on that chat.tidle do not add on to this comment lol
well i guess im sorry oagal.but plz dont become really mad!!!!i was scared!!!!
thanks oagal when i read that last post I was like”holy cheese and crackers did somebody hack oagal he would never say that”
P.S. iceblueice you stole my yoshi. 🙁 :MAD:
did you just delete that post?
its 10:55 cp time and im on and green mafias is on ACP chat
oagal i have always followed the rules can you make me a mod