• Welcome to the official Army of Club Penguin! Established September 29th, 2006, we have been the largest and best Club Penguin community since. Enlist today and start your journey!

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Idiot (Former) Soldiers

In my past post, you may have noticed how a few people have been causing a bit of a riot. I am not going to tolerate this any longer. Here is what they said, and here are my responses:

“Oagalthorp, you don’t have 3,000 soldiers, you only have 100”

-Oagalthorp’s reply: And how would you know? Everyone who said this obviously hasn’t been in the ACP that long. Months ago, we had a list of soldiers. We had well over 350 soldiers, and only a few of them quit. A month or two later, we counted the number of different people asking to join. It was over 1,000. With how rapidly we are growing lately, it is at least 2,500, but most likely in the 3,000’s. But just so you quit annoying me and causing spam, I am going to lie right here, and say we have 100 soldiers. I know this isn’t true, and so do most people. But I want you people to quit annoying me, so there. Now you can tell all of your little friends that you were immature enough to get Oagalthorp to lie about the number of soldiers in the ACP, and say only 100. It’s really not a big deal.

“The ACP is crumbling”

-Oagalthorp’s response: Also wrong. Infact, we are stronger than ever. That is a rumor people are making up because either they don’t like us and want us to crumble, or are talking all of those idiots’ comments about us falling literally.

“The Nachos could beat the ACP easily!”

-Oagalthorp’s response: Yet again, wrong. We had an invasion against the Nachos,  and won almost all of the battles. In the first day, most of the Nachos already wanted an alliance. We won. And if we were to go to war with the Nachos right now (Which we won’t), I can almost guarantee you that the ACP would win.

“The Silver Surfers are rising!”

-Oagalthorp’s response: No, they are not. Again, the people who say that just don’t like the ACP and want us to fall, or are just mistaken. We could whoop their butts easily.

“The ACP is sooo unfair to non-members”

-Oagalthorp’s response: Incase you haven’t notices, the ACP was the first army with a non-members section, and we gave you a leader and a server. Not to be mean to our allies, but the UMA, Nachos, and our enemies the Silver Surfers don’t even have non-member groups. All you have to do is go to the meetings in Fjord, and come to the battles in un-full servers. If not, just get a freakin membership! It’s only six dollars, most of you could afford to get that in a week.


I hope this clears some things up. I would also like to point out another problem: People are posting comments contradicting me, and don’t listen to when I respond. Anyway, for now on, whenever someone complains, I will edit their comment telling them what to do or what my response to it is. If they don’t listen and make the same comment again, or someone else makes the same comment, I will mark it as “spam”. If you get over three comments marked as spam, you can’t post on this site or any other WordPress for that matter. If you continue to misbehave, I will ban you from the ACP Forums and Chat.



Until later,

March on!

62 Responses

  1. 1 comment and your right oagal

  2. We dont have non member sections but we let them in if they ask. And I wouldnt say if you would win if we had a war. We would be even becuase uma would probley help us and rpf would help you.
    Oagalthorp: I know non-members can join, but I reccomend you make a section for them. And UMA would probably stay neutral, and RPF might too, but them might help us. Anyway, it’s nothing to argue about becasue it’s not going to happen.

  3. right

  4. Ok, But I would be careful if I were you. It may just look like a couple of soldiers but it may grow and youll have another civil war.
    Oagalthorp: I wouldn’t go that far. It is only a few, non-member soldiers who don’t even go to battles anyway, and can’t get on Mammoth. If they try to fight by posting spam on this site, I will just delete their comments and mark them as spam, then they won’t be able to post on any WordPress sites for a long time. I can also ban them on the forums and chat.

  5. two things oagal um what about the invasion arent u going to post about that and two can u reply to my e mail i sent u 3 or 4 days ago plz

  6. oh and can we set up some plans about the tma plz

  7. i have to admit, that is a nice header!
    Oagalthorp: Thanks, that means a lot coming from the Anti-ACP leader. Lol

  8. yeah, the header is cool. I love making stuff like that! I draw stick figures, and one pushes the other off a cliff, or he picks up the other one and throws him. Then smiles.

  9. HI! I saw you in the dojo today at mamoth why werent you talking so much????

    GO TO http://www.xatech.com/ClubPenguinTroopers
    Oagalthorp: No I didn’t, it was probably an imposter.

  11. 2 things Oagalthorp:

    1. Wanna be allies?
    2. I can guarantee that you don’t have 3000 soldiers. If UMA provides a list, I bet you that they have around 200-500, and since Pink Mafias has quit, with her blog over 1,000,000 hits, I think that UMA is stronger than you, but if they only have around 200-500, you can’t have over 1000. Provide us a list of who is in, and I will believe you.
    Oagalthorp: Just read what I said about that in my post. 🙄 . And yes, we can be allies.

  12. I actually believe most of it, but the silver surfers are rising, but not enough to win against ACP and RPF.

    As for the number of troops, DEAD FALSE, the join page only has 2576 comments as of now and only half are join comments. The average amount of people who come is 833.33333……. which I just figured out, and a lot of people who come here are not even in ACP. So by saying you have 3000 troops is a lie. You don’t have 3000, you barely have 1000, it’s probably about 500.
    Oagathorp: First of all, most of our soldiers don’t even join through the “Join” oage, they ask me personally or in some random ohter area. Second, yeah, we can beat the Surfers.

  13. not trying to be mean or anything. but silver surfers are rising. and since im in no army, im giving you this information. THEIR LEADER QUIT GAHAHAHAHAHAAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ( yes i am crazy) HES MAKING A PEACE GROUP CALLED THE GOLD GLIDERS!! I JUST SAW HIM IN THE PLAZA GAHAHAHAHAAHAHAH!!!!

    P.S this is not a fake.so please dont say this is ill get very offended


  14. Sir, as you know, we had a large battle today. You were a strong leader, and I am proud to be under such a wonderful commander. Although, after you left, our regiment’s discipline collapsed. I did the best I could to lead them, but when I was the only one left, I gave up. I am sorry for my actions, and would like to apologize.

    My dearest apologies,
    Major Ace16161
    Oagalthorp: Thanks for showing patriotism, and helping the ACP.

  15. sir can i biuld an army then b allies wit u??
    Oagalthorp: Of course.

  16. … what no edit on my comment?!?!

  17. oh right now nahcos are saying ” our allies left us to lose ” thats kinda true during the battle all the acp ( except ace, he stayed pretty much the whole time ) left the nachos and ice warriors to fight the rouge ppls.
    Oagalthorp: I guess they left when I left. I had to eat dinner.

  18. Or get on Mammoth.

  19. Fine Oagal, but if u call me and Tidle, idiots again, u will be sorry. Anyway Silver Surfers are powerful but can’t beat RPF. But anyway Oagal just to clear things up I WASN’T PLANNING MUTINY! I’m not that stupid. Even your most loyal soliders wouldn’t join with me. And another thing I’m not a Silver Surfer. Someone banned my member account(wasn’t mine someone gave it to me). So I couldn’t talk to Omega.
    Oagalthorp: You did plan and do mutiny. You planned it, and you can’t deny that. That right there is enough to get you fired. Then you joined the Surfers and told me you would tell them my plans. If that isn’t mutiny, it’s still treason or rebelling.
    PS. Ok, at first you say you joined the Surfers, then you said you didn’t, then you said you did again, and now you say yo didn’t? You need to stick with the same story.

  20. Hello all ACP soldiers. i am leader of CPC(Club Penguin Calvary) and we would like to be allies with ACP. Plz all soldiers visit our site at _________ and check it out! Thank you for listening.
    Blackburnt, Leader of CPC
    Oagalthorp: Stop spamming.

  21. Sir, can I re-join ACP? I’m sorry I ever quit, and I would like to apoligize for saying an unkind comment saying you were unfair. I will try to become a member again soon.

    P.S. I like the new header. It’s awesome!

    Thanks and sorry again,
    Oagalthorp: Of course you can rejoin, but if you break the rules again it won’t be this easy to re-join.

  22. ok thnx its called CPAT (club penguin army of texas) thnx again

    texas vs a

    p.s. to join go to http://titans3.wordpress.com

  23. It would be too close to call for the battle against acp and nachos now. We have about five hundred soldiers now. Admit it would be hard Oagal.

    P.S. You really don’t have three thousand soldiers. I was browsing through Join the ACP, and i saw gu gu pengu asking to be in acp (can you believe that?). I saw about one hundred people that are in differ armies now. I didn’t even finish reading it.
    Oagalthorp: I never said it wouldn’t be hard to beat the Nachos.
    PS. We have had 3,000 soldiers join. End of story. You even said it yourself, you didn’t finish reading. And they don’t only ask in the Join ACP place, infact they mostly join from Club Penguin and in other areas of the site.

  24. i am startng an army i will always be in uniform its called CCP. i am the leader i would like to be ACP ally. tell oagal that

  25. Oh okay, misunderstandimg. Oagal said three thousand people joined ACP, okay. Oh and Oagal I’m not trying to get into a comment war, but I never joined Silver Surfers, never told them anything about ACP plans. So if that isn’t not commiting treason then I don’t know what is. And if u don’t believe u can talk to Omega he’ll probably say he don’t know who I am. So there u go and I never changed the story.
    Oagalthorp: Just admit you did say you joined them, we all know you did, and if you tell the truth I might forgive you. 🙄

  26. Would u people stop pestering Oagal and ACP. (excluding Tidle Fin). Oagal said that 3000 people joined. He never said he had 3000 troops. People read his edited comment on Shadow.

  27. Oagal, Wtf, I dont think you have a life, Get outside play football
    Instead your a stupid ten year old who sits on the computer all day trying to defend a computer game. You use snowballs, thats pretty gay. Mods can protect the game, Oagal, your a real loser.
    oagalthorp: How about you get a life? Quit being mean to people that happen to be more successful than you on this game. You abviously care about this, that is why you are commenting. So don’t be a hypocrite. And I do have a life, thank you very much.

  28. Uh oh Oagal just pulled out the uh……….
    Oagal Stunner! Yeah Oagal Stunner. I never joined Silver Surfers Oagal. My membership expired before I talked to Omega. I don’t lie.

  29. I’m CTAR’s best friend. I know when he goes on Club Penguin. He never joined Silver Surfers, if he did he would have told me. Sir Ctar may have said those things to see how u would react. All I know is, that he never joined Silver Surfers.


  31. Hi, this is Duges from the Yellow Penguin Airforce, and we would like to know if you want to be allies with us. We arnt a huge army, but we are very experienced and never lost a battle. Our site is yparocks.wordpress.com, leave a comment if you want to be allies.

  32. dude nice animation. Also i believe that theres 3000 acp but its true lately many acp soldiers tired to make there own army. Some penguins of the ACP got mad cause they didnt get there way.

  33. Shutup Thogan right now no one should care what you think, plus one of your army leaders, not to menchin any names but, Mumble05!!!!!! got Fort57 banned. I know mumble did it, because i was there when he was the only one trying to attack Fort, because he was ACP.

    YOUR JUST JEALOUS WE HAVE A BIGGER ARMY. AND ACP DOSEN’T GO AROUND BANING PEOPLE. ASK MUMBLE05 HE DOES IT. ( he banned me) So Thogan ya we probably don’t have that many most real armies have about 100 to 200 people and half of them don’t get mentioned, but YOUR ARMY has maybe 15 soldiers at best. You guys aren’t that big. So if I were you I would stop making enemies with the big armies, and maybe try to get allys. So stop acting like your a HUGE ARMY.

  35. Yes, that did just come from an Non-ACP soldier Thogan, go RPF and allies like ACP.

  36. Tell Mumble05 to meet me on acp chat Friday the 21st, at 7:30 Eastren Time. I’m putting an end to Mumble’s big plan on banning people. and ACP has around 350 while the rest have 100 – 200 ,
    Oagal its just that people from ACP go on here a lot, and just about every pearson that’s really apart of an Army goes on here a ton.

  37. Oagalthorp,
    For real, no army has 3,000 soldiers. I dont want to start an arguement but seroulsy thats an outrages amount. You told me that ACP started taking off in the past few months during RPF, based on how many soldiers RPF is getting compared to you, to think of it I would guess you guys have about 1,500 and RPF has about 1,000. How do I know this? Because when ACP started taking off so did RPF, ACP got about as many soldiers as RPF during this time. RPF got about 900 soldiers for sure due to that theres about 1,000 comments on our joining page. More than half are applications and the other percent is anwsers to the applications and plain comments. ACP had tons of soldiers before RPF did so this is why I think that you have about 1,500. I know that you could probably prove me wrong on this but I just wanted you to know my opinion on this.

    People are saying ACP is crumbling because its growing quickly and theres alot of confusian. Theres ACP fireing at RPF because they think its UMA, the RPF fire back then the UMA help because UMA thinks were UMA. Then theres all this crap that ends up happening its just crazy. Im not saying ALL ACP fires back at RPF when this happens, only the members that dont know and are new do so.

    Ok thats what I just wanted to say in this, commando out.

    – Commando717
    Oagalthorp: Wow, finally a productive comment in here. Anyway, yes, the ACP started growing at about the same time as RPF, but before that happened, we had apporxamately 1,000 soldiers. That plus our “growth spurt” is 2,000. And in the 50,000 more views to this saite, there have been many new soldiers arriving. So other than the first part, this whole comment is true.

  38. that is where you are worng sir rpf was the first one who allowed non-members to there army not like you
    Oagalthorp: No. First of all, we allowed non-members to join since we started, a year ago. Second, we were the first to make a non-members section.

  39. im gonna keep spamming as long as theres a new post

  40. You have WAYYYYYYYYYYYYYY to much time on ur hands.Here is some simple advice that even YOU can understand.GET A LIFE!

  41. that spammer due needs a life! cmon! we want to read the good stuff like commandos comment!!!!!!!! 😡 😡

  42. weeeeeeee no fun in that. and commando makes all the sense in the world, well kinda. rpf started, like, what, two weeks ( possibly months ) before acp? rpf was CROWDED with soldiers. acpdidnt have alot .so there
    Oagalthorp: The ACp started September 29, 2006, almost a year ago. RPF started four or five months ago.

  43. im sorry but it wasnt oagal, it was a fake

  44. spam is advertising and that war was ww2 bc color war and vikings and romans aernt real wars and nachos and UMA was the first war.whoo ima veteran of both war!!
    Oagalthorp: Definition of spam: Spamming is the abuse of electronic messaging systems to indiscriminately send unsolicited bulk messages.
    PS. WWI was the Color Party. Almost everyone in Club Penguin was either Red or Blue, and only a few were Purple. And they fought. Therefor, it is a Club Penguin WW. The Roman Invasion was a mass assault of unorganized Romans attacking all over Club Penguin, in October, 2006. (The ACP fought in WWII). WWIII was UMA and Nachos vs. ACP, RPF, CPAF, and many other small armies. All of them are World Wars, and I fought in all of them. There were a few pig wars before those, but these right here are by far the biggest. One that is almost a World War is the Nachos vs. CPA War, but not enough is known about it, because most of the veterans of that war have already quit, except Tom Wolf. I was in Club Penguin at that time, but I didn’t participate in the war.

  45. spamming is advertising not making bad comments.
    Oagalthorp: Official definition of “spam”: Spamming is the abuse of electronic messaging systems to indiscriminately send unsolicited bulk messages.

  46. Everyone, the spammer dude made it so you cant really see my comment. My comment is right before the spammer came in. I want everyone to see my opinion on this, because seroulsy there is no way that any army could have 3,000 soldiers at this time. This will be possible in the future, months till that point. Ok i have to go because i left this comment from school, cya.

    – Commando717
    Oagalthorp: 1, I banned the spammer from WordPress, Muahahahahaha! 2, read my edit on your post.

  47. hey oagal thenx for letting my army be allies with you

    texas vs a

    p.s. to join go to http://titans3.wordpress.com

  48. Oagal As a former ACP solider there is no way like Commando said u can’t have three thousnad soliders. And if u did u sure don’t have them now. I’m not trying to start a comment war, but Oagal everyone’s been telling u the same thing. So u might as well accept. On the outside. Just say ur right, but in the inside u know ur right. It’ll save comment wars.
    Oagalthorp: over 3,000 soldiers have joined, and very few have quit. The numbers don’t lie. And I’m not going to lie by saying we have less soldiers than I really have. Read my post, because if you did, you would A: know not to argue about this, and B: accept that I know what I know. Go ahead and think I have 100 soldiers, but I don’t. No further argument.

  49. even though i admit you had a non-member section as 1 of the 1st to get a nonmembers section, my army is mostly nonmember and i have to admit my army is too small to do anything and like commando said, you can’t have more than 3000 ii think you have maybe 2000 while rpf has maybe 1500 and nachos has maybe 300
    and romans has 100 and uma has maybe 400.ADB has maybe 100

  50. Here is the correct list of amount of soldiers (I cannot include the source, because secret information would be given away). These are the Top Ten.

    1. ACP-3653 (and counting)
    2. UMA-3210 (and counting)
    3. Nachos-2984 (and counting)
    4. RPF-2707 (You get the point)
    5. Vikings-2692
    6. Ninjas-2676
    7. Romans- 2030 (This is the most recent number,
    but the whole empire collapsed last April)
    8.Ice Warriors-1875 (The Fastest Growing For Some Reason)
    9. Golds-1822
    This is the complete list at exactly 6:13 on September 21, 2007

    Major Ace16161


  52. I now have an army. can we be allies? It is the CPFF (club penguin force fighters) plz!? Thanks, i am not stupid



  55. god oagal y do u always leave when there a little battle going on that is just wrong

  56. 3000 may have joined…but only like 1000-2000 are still in, im sure a lot of them quit cp or joined different armies

  57. Who cares? We still win even though we’re normally outnumbered when we’re in battle.

  58. I don’t want to get on you bad side but Proud ACP soilder are you talking to me? because i was just asking to join.

  59. No I was talking to Anonymous. If you would like me to talk to you I could. 🙂

  60. So…are you still on?

  61. I guess not bye

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