Our Enemies Don’t Understand…

The PMA doesn’t really understand how war is done. Just because we post about the war on them, they get all worked up and say “ACP and RPF don’t have lives”. They obviously don’t understand that it’s JUST A GAME. Most of this “angry” stuff is just an act or being competitive.


Battle today, don’t forget!


Until later,

March on!

45 Responses

  1. hey ogalthorpe

    I am currently not a member of any army. i don not want to join acp or any other army, but if acp needs help, i will be there just ask me. im good at getting info so if you need any just tell me and ill do my best to get it.

  2. oagal im sorry but i need a break i will take a break after pma war. i will attened meetings sometimes and attend all wars all the time but i will be out of uniform. after the war i will take a small break. ok sir?

    private lucario

  3. ill be in uniform at war just not other times. ok?

  4. Dumb PMA’s.

    What is their uniform?

  5. there uniform is anything green

  6. new site

  7. (crys) I won’t be there. Unless someone is willing to share a member account with me. I’m sorry Oagal just don’t kick me off the team

  8. sorry sir until we have wars in small servers us non members cant attend

  9. (crys) Yeah why is it always in Mammoth. Oagal please change it to another server please. I’M BEGGING U.

  10. man i hate those pma people they are so annoying

  11. Hey Oagal let’s change the war to the Rocky Road server.
    Oagaltorp: No, we already have it in Mammoth

  12. cmon oagal think about how ALL of your soldiers can make it if its in a small server!!!!!! there is tons of non member acp soldiers me and CTar are begging you cmon oagal please

  13. Yes what Zeuss said. I mean Zeuss and I have dreamed of being in a big war, please change it!

  14. There Outfit Is A Copy of my Army The GGS.
    Jbl44s Out

  15. no oagal forget the N00bs and leave it with mamoth its better than a low rate N00b server! :p

  16. dont listen to the dum N00bs stay with mamoth its better than any N00b server!

  17. Don’t be a whiner bro. I mean we’re going to Mammoth so stop whimpering.


  19. YO Extreme, don’t call my bro a dumb noob.

  20. ya seriously if we do it in a small server the WHOLE army would be able to atend me and CTAR cant fight for you if we cant make it so please do all of us nonmembers a favor and please fight in small servers

  21. Oagal please.

  22. we beg you please you wont regret it

  23. respect nonmembers or else!dont call nonmembers N00BS or else that is the way to respect nonmembers and please dont call us N00BS.

  24. (crys) Forget it zeuss. Oagal isn’t going to change it. I’m quitting.

  25. Oagalthorp: No odvertising your army on my site. It would be in a different server, but most ACP already go in Mammoth. We can have wars anywhere, but we already decided for it it be in Mammoth: We can’t change it with only an hour to go

  26. The PMA are annoying weaklings too!

    – See Ya

    – Head General Troano of RPF

  27. Thtas a lie. Its u guys that are all worked up!

  28. I’m quitting too. If my bro can’t come then why should I.



  31. Oagalthorp u r unfair. U let Cikman advertise his site. What u gotta say about that?

  32. whats PMA’S site?


  34. www,lpg123.wordpress.com

    join rockhoppers army

  35. no, you guys don’t understand. I saw people in your army say “we surrender”

  36. yeah. and dude thats not the only thing I’m mad and worked up about. I’m not mad about the posts i”m mad about people coming to my site and spamming and stuff and swearing to me just because of that and I’m sick of it!!!!!!!

  37. I make one animation to support my army then people start calling you names and declairing war on you and ‘m sick of that and it’s only been happening for a week or so but thats enough time to drive a person up the wall!!!!!! 😡

  38. ok and CTAR was the one who impersonated me and said “can we change it to rocky road” because I didn’t say that and also it would have an avatar by the comment.
    P.s. oh yeah and on my comments my name is R2DP (aka cpfanatic) not plain R2DP

  39. Leave my bro out of this.

  40. hi all of u f***ing b***s

  41. 😯

  42. freakin jerks of PMA i was at that war and they did say that. IT IS A GAME! And if your on PMA yall guys we are tired of versing you wimps!

  43. 6. billybob – August 3, 2007
    The Club Penguin Team is currently searching through all of the WordPress blogs involving Club Penguin. A lot of them break Club Penguin’s registered trademark by putting pictures from Club Penguin on their blogs without permission. This is a crime called plagiarism. Take rpfrulers.wordpress.com for example. Commando717 claims to have his pictures and that it’s his work, except for one difference. The pictures he took of Club Penguin were made by the Club Penguin Team. Therefore committing Plagiarism. As I type these words the team is going through all of the Club Penguin WordPress blogs and checking for trademarks. The consequences could be more than getting banned. It could end up being a fine or incarceration. My advise is to get out of any army and if not turn it into a just a team.
    This is serious and I hope you read it well.It is more than just pictures. It’s what these blogs are doing to Club Penguin. People on this website for example, are using bad language which could get them banned and spread to Club Penguin. It already is. It’s also that people are spreading hacks onto Club Penguin and cheating as well. We’ve stopped hacks a long time ago but want to stop people from finding new hacks. It’s not just this blog. It’s other blogs such as pinkmafias.wordpress.com paintboy100.wordpress.com or rpfrulers.wordpress.com.As for pictures, it isn’t Disney thats doing this. It’s both our policy of a safe environment for children and our trademark which we want to keep. Having pictures still up violates our trademark.As a result our team is going to put up warnings soon and not responding to them could be dangerous. I’m putting up less demanding warnings in order to help keep your blog in tact. Getting rid of all Club Penguin pictures and preventing anyone from using bad language could persuade the team to still allow blog about Club Penguin. The Club Penguin team started their search from your links and found so many wordpress blogs all of which will soon get the same warnings. My advise is to do this before they spread their demands.

    until then waddle on!


  44. billybob –
    The Club Penguin Team is currently searching through all of the WordPress blogs involving Club Penguin. A lot of them break Club Penguin’s registered trademark by putting pictures from Club Penguin on their blogs without permission. This is a crime called plagiarism. Take rpfrulers.wordpress.com for example. Commando717 claims to have his pictures and that it’s his work, except for one difference. The pictures he took of Club Penguin were made by the Club Penguin Team. Therefore committing Plagiarism. As I type these words the team is going through all of the Club Penguin WordPress blogs and checking for trademarks. The consequences could be more than getting banned. It could end up being a fine or incarceration. My advise is to get out of any army and if not turn it into a just a team.
    This is serious and I hope you read it well.It is more than just pictures. It’s what these blogs are doing to Club Penguin. People on this website for example, are using bad language which could get them banned and spread to Club Penguin. It already is. It’s also that people are spreading hacks onto Club Penguin and cheating as well. We’ve stopped hacks a long time ago but want to stop people from finding new hacks. It’s not just this blog. It’s other blogs such as pinkmafias.wordpress.com paintboy100.wordpress.com or rpfrulers.wordpress.com.As for pictures, it isn’t Disney thats doing this. It’s both our policy of a safe environment for children and our trademark which we want to keep. Having pictures still up violates our trademark.As a result our team is going to put up warnings soon and not responding to them could be dangerous. I’m putting up less demanding warnings in order to help keep your blog in tact. Getting rid of all Club Penguin pictures and preventing anyone from using bad language could persuade the team to still allow blog about Club Penguin. The Club Penguin team started their search from your links and found so many wordpress blogs all of which will soon get the same warnings. My advise is to do this before they spread their demands.

    until then waddle on!



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