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First Battle of a New War

As you know, we are at war with the PMA. They plan to ambush us at our daily meetings, so be prepaired. Our first big battle will be Friday, July 27, Mammoth Dojo, at 3:00pm PST. We need every soldier available oto come! I hope to see everyone there!


Even though the big assault on the UMA is over, we still have meetings every day, in the Mammoth Dojo, at 3:00pm PST.



Until later,

March on!

25 Responses

  1. yay first comment oagal we both posted at the same time

  2. also moderate the comments on the cheat site i gave away alot

  3. srry i will be late because of stuff. if the wars loger then 20 mins then ill be there

  4. Rogue Uma is getting big. Also I will help you in battle. You will see penguins with mine hats and scuba tanks.

  5. I will be there. Even though I’m not a member. I have a plan.

  6. Ill come to i hat them but you have to make a truce with me theres a guy named imperial47 and another named iceboy37 or something and they say they will help u there bad there in scuba tanks and mining helmest you have to get rid of them with ACP they say there good but no they might want to join with u but dont let them

  7. check rpfs site

  8. ill try to be there and i will start spying on the PMA
    with my secret peng of course 😉

    ~Lt. Bigt 8)

  9. Bigt don’t spy on them. They want u to do that. I repeat all ACP, RPF, and UMA members do not spy on the PMA.

  10. Oagal, U And Penguinjim have both been Nominated For The Best Leader Award. Spread the Word. http://clubpenguinwarnews.wordpress.com/

  11. go to http://titans3.wordpress.com
    and Oagalthorp i will b there k

    texas vs a

  12. oraglthorp its the ppa leader tell commando and put on the website the ppa as allies u 2 forgot so plz dont and i dont know the uma website so can u ask them if the ppa can be there allies.

  13. hey the spartans are rebelling they are getting huge. reddems is the leader but they are rebelling watch them

  14. zeus out

  15. nvm sir they decided to rebel against the militias with us im sorry about that
    zeus out

  16. Ambush you,aye?Those guys are not retards like the rouge UMA…

  17. i will come and destroy the PMA
    with the ACP sir

  18. Look at my last comment

  19. ill try to be there sir OH AND VOTE FOR oagalthorp as penguin jim said goo ACP

    Diaa lotfi

  20. I have an idea, ACP is allied with lots of armies, so maybe there should be a United Nations thing where we talk and learn to know eachother.

  21. oagalthorp what rank am i

  22. Dew 170 your idea is really nice

  23. Oagalthorp im RPF and i know u are only buddies with ACP only but can u plz be my buddy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!PLZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  24. I can’t make it, I have scout camp!

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