Prepair for the Attack!

Just to remind you, the attack begins today!

These are the times of the attacks:











Here is what to do at the battle:

-Do whatever Oagalthorp tells you to do.

-Follow Oagalthorp, unless he says to split up or something like that.

-Go to whatever room Oagalthorp tells you to go to.

-Attack UMA soldiers AT ALL TIMES.

-Say “ACP” as much as possible.

-When we charge, say “Charge!”


In other news, we fought some Nachos yesterday. They outnubered us 2 to 1, and we still didn’t beat them. The ACP can beat anyone smaller than us, anyone as big as us, and almost anyone bigger than us. But we almost didn’t win. So this is a reminder, follow Oagalthorp’s orders.


P.S. penquin Jim will soon be able to be an Editor on this site, congratulations!



Until later,

March on!

31 Responses

  1. yay im first comment again awsome and at 5 00 not at 3

  2. Club penguin wont let me log on. no server will work. anyone else experiencing this?

  3. get ready to win guys, the end of the UMA is near!

  4. don’t doubt ur enmies.

  5. don’t doubt ur enimies.

  6. be prepared to end the fight vs uma!i the mammoth server is full oagalthorp i cant help you today unless th server goes unfull

  7. i will b there and ready and ill be helping u the most i can

    texas vs a

  8. im sooo sorry im leaving for a week the 16th icant make it sorry

  9. by the way theflame betrayed acp

  10. Ill be there sir

    -Colonel Orcacam07

  11. Orcacam what if the defensive force won’t listen to me because I am technically not really ACP!

  12. Wait I have an idea. Texas Vs A, you can be my advisor! you can tell me good plans and good routes! What do you say?

  13. is it ok if i have Texas, and Trylltur with me? I want people who can help me lead us to success in the boiler room, and I want permission to have some of the best of the best!


    defensive force leader

  14. It looks like the UMA are preparing, there is a large group of them at the dojo right now. i shall continue spying on them because I can’t take them on all at once.

  15. oagalthorp this is cpdude678 colonal of RPF!! UMA is already attacking RPF forces at dojo at sum ACP to!! bzzzzp bzzbbzzp loses transmission

  16. I had to get out of disguise this may be my last transmission HEY GET OFF OF THAT [slashes UMA but radio is destroyed]

  17. [spare radio goes on] sorry about that. I should probably lay low until more ACP come. See you in 1 hour 21 mins. over and out

  18. cpdude678 your pmf admiral not a rpf

  19. Dew, if it gets out of Control, me And Oagalthrop will come down. They’ll listen to us. We’ll tell them that you are in charge.

    -Colonel Orcacam07.

  20. u guys are cheesy and odd. i hate u!!!!!!!!!!!!! UMA FOREVER!!

  21. the end of the UMA is near!

  22. ACP IS STUPID!!!!!!!

  23. guys ill be using green maflas right now

  24. sir im going 2 use a peng named Zueus
    4 further ACP war effort on full servers

    ~Pvt Bigt, out!
    (Sargent Zueus)

  25. im in the forest as Zueus with UMA closing in
    i need back up!
    *pssssshhhhh* (Uma destroys transmitter)

  26. dew ill help
    for the acp

    texas vs a

  27. Hello?

  28. Anyone there

  29. wow

  30. Wow…this is the only post I’ve seen where Oagal couldn’t spell.

  31. Is Nachoz our enemies?

    – Corporal darkstar346

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