Well besides the ACP party and weekly poll on Club Penguin, Billybob says the storm (Which is coming this Friday) may be damagful but will bring a new level in a game. Here is what he said:
Also, I can’t give away too much, but the storm off the coast is going to start causing some trouble on Club Penguin Island this weekend. Be sure to check it out and read the newspapers for more details! The storm will also bring in a new level on one of the games, but I can’t tell you any more than that. You’ll have to check it out on Friday!
Filed under: ACP |
OAGALTHORP I Have a deal for u i want to make the biggest alliance with acp and i want to start a united armys or allied forces to destroy uma and i wanted to make a huge alliance with u acp and vikings could be the leaders of the unitee armys do u accept my deal plz write bacck
hi sir is pete vance second comment yay
i bet you the new level with be in jetpack or biscut
crap! im still gonna miss the celebration and i knew they would give up.
oh yah, oagalthorp do you think you could make a logo for the RPF? the RPF needs a logo bad, so yah just write back if you consiter making one.
nevermind oagalthorp the CPN made a logo for us
Ever wanted to be a pirate of Club Penguin? Visit my site today!
guys im srry for saying those bad things about u im just mad because i lost wow i must really have no life because my hobby is making ppl act gay wow that dosent sound write but hu cares i mean im in a gay army anyways
Hey i think the storm will come out like last few mouths ago you can cheak it out int he cove binoculars!!!!!!!!!!!
Saint is leader now!!!
found post on random
Jan. 30, 2010