Well, I can get on now! And I must say, you guys did a great job while I was gone.
Here is the news. UMA is falling apart. Uma is going WAAAY down-hill because Pink Mafias quit, our enemy will quickly lose power, leaving us to grow. So here is what I have to say about this:
UMA quit before its too late. Any soldiers of that army that DO NOT what to go down as a fool or loser, join the ACP now, and you will be forgiven. The UMA is at an end, and the ACP is rising.
Until later,
March on!
Filed under: ACP |
about time your back, dont worri your troops are fine the RPF took out the UMA easily. oh yah first comment!
oh yah oagalthorp your troops should all get promotions or medals or somthing because they helped us out alot in the battles
we even made it to the meeting yesterday i wont be able to make tonights though and RPF is in a middle of a day off(saturday)
oagalthorp email me at commando4343@aol.com because we could plan a battle for Friday other wise i got to go cya
oagal am i the site adim yet and iam i a general
o shut up acp is losing and uma is incresing and u know it from the battle today because you kept running away
look at my website for what happened after you left
georgiafan7 your just jealous that uma is falling apart and by the way we were not running away the place was too crowd so we move to a different spot
Oagalthorp your troops did well while u were gone. I saw them all over doing well. U should be proud of your troops. ACP ACP ACP ACP!
Oagalthorp, this is CPN leader Silverburg. I have found out that a recruit of urs named allen105 I belive, sasy he wants 2 join the uma and spy on ur amry. For proof, u can go 2 umarocks.wordpress.com and click on “uniforms” tab.
Hi Oagothorp im Pingu4299 and i have made my own penguin chioce awards and i have chosen 2 people for the 1st round and you are one! Look at thepenguinchoiceawardsbypingu4299..wordpress.com!
Do you want to be in the first round?
Hey Ogal This is not spam even though I have said it at least a billion times but what is your email adress? mine is jbbammer@gmail.com 🙂
I have taken control mammoth Migrator, It is myHQ so please dont take it from me 🙁
oagal iam i a general yet and if iam does that make me one of the most importent soilders?
Hey all I am at mammoth
oh and does anyone need help with pin?
Ok thanks
Tommytooshoe and CPPM Pirate are up for grabs for who ever has an email adress and wants to join CPPM
Oagalthorp the UMA is still strong. They tried to take over the Migrator but My penguin CTAR and the CPAF held them off. Intimdating out.
EVERYONE LISTEN UP! There’s something u should know about girlpenguinx. SHE’S UMA!
Hi Oagl im Pingu4299 and when you was away i:
1. I dressed up as a UMA and spyed on them!
2. I started to fight the UMA!
3. About everyone 6 minits i looked at this site!
Oagalthorp do u know anything about charts.
The UMA has these mysterious charts, but here’s the catch. The Vikings fear these charts.
P.S. PLZ Respond
Oh and Oagalthorp I found out about another army. They’re called the Sea Monsters.
Ogal what you email adress?
Ya right commando. We won 6 wars yesterday. The Umas might be haveing a hard time at this point but things will be getting back the way it use to. Anyway oagalthorp RPF is so much better then ACP!
angel g8i ACP and RPF are the same in how good they are. by the way you were there for only a few seconds yesterday during the war at snow forts. if you don’t like ACP than you hate club penguin and mods.
Oagalthorp I think we should move our base to the White House server. It’s never crowded and people can make it to the meetings.
My unit again attacked and beat off a UMA meeting
i will do anything 4 u Oagal
Pvt Bigt, out!
Ya I was doing stuff that hole day. I dont hate anything? sorry 😛
im a cpaf lutenent and we have been snooping around on uma lately. Angel is currently trying her hardest right now. we need a final battle to end uma. Please wait three weeks if you want to bring cpaf in because db will be back and a member again. CALING ALL TROOPS THE NEW UMA SITE IS umarocks.wordpress.com GO MESS IT UP!
i like this site!
Hello Oagalthorp,
I am YPA03 (aka Rockon62) and I am leader of the YPA and I want My army to be an ally with with your army. If your interested leave a comment at http://www.rockon62.wordpress.com
Lol Intimdating I think everyone already knows Im in UMA.
am a acp. some one told me that acp was falling but i now no it is the uma that is falling
am a acp . some one told me that acp was falling but the uma is falling good
some one told me that the acp was falling but the uma is.