Next Battle

No schedualled battles yet. We will have some soon.

17 Responses

  1. We may have a battle against the UMA, bu we need time to let this army grow and get more people in the ACP to join this.

  2. cool

  3. ps i think i can get my freind tojoin

  4. his name is blak41

  5. hi

  6. Yo I said the NCP wants to battle you I run the NCP and your gonna lose go to my site at

  7. today in the dojo i saw someone say ACP is stupid.really!On the server ice berg

  8. dudes let me join

  9. Not to much of the greatest army ever. Come and face us on Friday
    Frozen, Iceburg, 8:00pm to 9:00pm
    You will all die.

  10. i really need to know when the next battle is plz tell me it is April 15 in the US ok?

  11. can u tell me when the next battle ix go on the server bigfoot at 7:OOPM EASTERN TIME mt penguin is named green8547 meet at the dojo plz on the 23,2007 of april

  12. Oagaligop is a ass hole

  13. 😮 I will be at the battle once I get a time travel machine!

  14. ppl these days

  15. lolwut

  16. Pengy38088 owns ALL POSTS by Oagalthorp.

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