A Letter to the Soldiers

Hello soldier! This is the ACP (Army of Club Penguin) site. The ACP is the biggest and best army in Club Penguin history. As of February 4, we has 276 troops, plus about a thousand fans who join us whenever they want.

The ACP is not an evil army, but we fight to keep gangs and bad armies out of Club Penguin. The ACP is, as I have said, the best army in Club Penguin history.

SO what are you waiting for? Join the ACP and be a member of the best army in Club Penguin! 💡

42 Responses

  1. Hi, this is a comment.To delete a comment, just log in, and view the posts’ comments, there you will have the option to edit or delete them.

  2. June, 2006: The ACP was first thought of

    September 29, 2006: The ACP was first formed

    October 13: The ACP defeated the Roman Army, despite overwhelming odds. At that point we bacame the greatest army of the time.

    Later on: The ACP became the best army in Club Penguin history.

    February 4, 2007: ACP thread was closed, but we still remained alive.

    February 18: The ACP is moved to WordPress.com

  3. Heylo. Don’t forget to say that we got 1000 pages On Miniclip.

  4. hey i gess your not adding loosing big time to uma

  5. I was wondering if i can get into the ACP. I have tried other sites but the just havent added me. My penguin name is 93bambam13. Please add me as a buddy and inform me if I can be in the army.

  6. ogalthorp cpm is coming back so now i got sf to post he on my buddy o pink got banned for ever i no her site i just trick her at that place its pinkmafais.com?wordpress so we should invade it to make it harder to join

  7. also cpm counts in acp army just has a different part of the group and a different name but we say that we help u alot ogal i no u havent lost a war even thought u trick em sometimes because u never lose. also no losing count without us im general the sites pretty old cpm club penguin marines a general premoted me up 9 days ago we a little bit befor anyway march on general

  8. opps its pinkmafais.com/wordpress
    make the uma site useless post on there site if u can

  9. pleeze let me join i am very,VERY loyale

  10. http://www.roguesqaudron.wordpress.com

    Oagalthorp, are there other enemies you consider allies of the ACP? Or do you prefer ACP to stand alone?

  11. HI ,THIS IS THE LEADER OF THE NEW ARMY P.P.A(Polor Penguin Army) . i was wondering if YOU could be our first ally(but you dont have to replay until june 20,2007).VISIT THE WEBITE at ppaarmy.wordpress.com.

  12. I would loooooooooooooooooooove to join da ACP, please let me in i am loyal, young, courages,strong, and black hearted, i will make a great soldier if you let me join, my penguin name is Jiggily Joo

  13. hi

  14. ACP FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  15. ok?

  16. well the post is still posted on so i came here to say hi!

  17. well well well i was here

  18. That letter is phony its not right to say that its the best army in club penguin history it makes other penguin feel bad

    PS Im going to war with you

  19. ummmmm . . . tomtwelve told me to comment here . . . do i win?

  20. im so bored

  21. Sweet the first post

  22. It’s the first post ever!!!
    It’s the first post ever!!!
    It’s the first post ever!!!
    It’s the first post ever!!!
    It’s the first post ever!!!
    It’s the first post ever!!!
    It’s the first post ever!!!
    It’s the first post ever!!!

  23. Look at Oagal’s comment!

  24. …February 18: The ACP is moved to WordPress.com

    May 31, 2008: ACP fell 99.9%

  25. 26th w00t

  26. hi this is the furture.

    I Nooner the proud Commondore looked in the archieves and found this , this old post.

    I never knew it was over 2 years old.

    Ogal nower days your trieing to become leader again , when you’ve retired.

    oh and its the 2008 Halloween party and the weather , very stormy clouds

  27. and ACP rocks UMA!

  28. im now Colonel!

  29. cool first post

  30. Are you evil?

  31. wow the first post of acp 😀 🙂

  32. first post :O

  33. Wow… the first post.

  34. ACP’s first post in history! Major awesomeness! This started the tradition of ACP with the awesome and amazing Oagalthorp! For any (freaks) that thought this army wouldn’t amount to anything, WHY DON’T YOU LOOK AT US NOW? HM? YEA! ACP FOR LIFE, BABY! ACP ACP ACP! Um, spaztastic breakdown there. You should post about this Boomer!

  35. Mr wordpress is so lucky, he got the first comment ever!

  36. I like pie

  37. Spiff, we all like pie and XD @ Seane. Anyhow… PIE!

  38. y do people cooment on old stuff

  39. Dude! look at that polar penguin army site, duuuuuude, last post in nov 2007.

  40. :O First post

  41. Whoa ACP’s first post! :mrgreen:

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