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Battle Brilliance: Kailey and Kailey

BLIZZARD, Shamrock Bulletin Headquarters – Welcome beloved darlings, to the second issue of Battle Brilliance, hosted by Colonel Myth! This week’s edition will be featuring not one, but two Kailey’s, as we take a look at General and Advisor Kailey’s favourite battles.

General Kailey joined the Army of Club Penguin over a year ago, enlisting back in December 2019. Being one of the few members of our high command, Kailey has seen a substantial amount of battles. Out of all these battles Kailey’s has witnessed, however, a certain army stood out: Chaos:

I think winning against the Ice Warriors was pretty cool. My favourite battle battles were the practice battles with Chaos. I loved those.

One of many Chaos practice battles

Advisor Kailey, often regarded as the ‘Clover Queen’ has also seen her fair share of battles. Being the 49th leader of the famed clover defenders, Kailey has been around for some of the biggest battles in the army’s history during the CPPS era. But just one of them takes the top spot:

My favorite battle? The Holiday Championship against the Rebel Penguin Federation in 2019. The room was packed, the stakes were the highest they’d ever been, the staff and army were motivated, and we were determined to win. The odds were against us and we were the underdog. We all gathered in VC and Koloway gave a speech. We were PUMPED! Oh and the freaking battle music!!! Same Ol’ by the Heavy. That will FOREVER be the ACP anthem and no one can convince me otherwise. I was so goddamn nervous. We’d all been working so hard for this moment. All eyes were on us. The moment of truth, make it or break it. We fought our hardest. Every room was filled to the brim and the lag was unbearable. As the battle finished nerves were at an all-time high while we waited for the judges to come back with the results. They deliberated for a few hours. Finally, when the results came in, Koloway announced on VC that we had won! That moment felt so freaking incredible. Koloway had talked about reaching the top of the mountain and seeing that amazing view at the top in his speech and that was the perfect way to describe what that victory felt like. Then I was awarded the bronze medal. My efforts had paid off. I came to ACP at one of the lowest points of my life and here I was being appreciated and loved by the family that is ACP. That victory meant so much to all of us. I want everyone in ACP to experience reaching the top of that mountain someday. The feeling at the top is unlike any other when it comes to armies.

Holiday Championship vs RPF

Both Kailey’s have selected stellar battles as their favoruites, with Advisor Kailey sharing her fond memories of the tournament battle that saw her awarded the Bronze Medal Award. Who will we be speaking to in next week’s edition? And what was your favourite battle?

What do YOU think? Let us know YOUR thoughts in the comments below!


ACP Colonel & Shamrock Bulletin Reporter

2 Responses

  1. Great responses! That Holiday Championship Finals was certainly one to remember…!

  2. cool post 😮

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