Donator Discussions with Mocha New

BLIZZARD, Shamrock Bulletin Headquarters – Welcome back to another edition of the Donator Discussions column, this time featuring Mocha! This series is our way of showing gratitude to our incredible donors! It’s time to learn more about Mocha for our latest Donator Discussion!

Hi Mocha!! Welcome to our Donator Discussions column! Could you please introduce yourself to our readers – who you are and maybe a fun fact about you that not a lot of people know!

Hallo im Mocha I’m just a regular high school student who plays cpa. A quick fun fact about me is that I joined cpa around December of 2022 into the army Dark Vikings at the time I didn’t know anything about Club penguin but throughout the years I learned a lot!

Thank you for donating to our server btw! Did you have any reason to support ACP this way and what does ACP really mean to you? :]

Ofc! There wasn’t a reason for donating just wanted to help out! ACP means a lot to me it’s like one big family that supports each other no matter what army you’re from

Sooo, I was wodering if I could get your opinion on one of the trending topics going on in the community right now! What do you think of the halloween theme slowly approaching the army community? Any things you’d like to do?

Halloween in the army community is one of the best themes throughout the year! I hope to keep seeing the Halloween spirit next year as well! As for things I’d like to do, I can’t think of anything at this current moment.

You’ve probably become friends with a lot of people here! However, if you had to pick out one of them – who would it be and why?

That’s a tough question, to be honest. If I had to choose, it would be either Noa or Kimo. They are both amazing friends. I’m glad to have met them. I’ve known Noa throughout my time in CPA. As for Kimo, I don’t remember how we met, but after that day we’ve been good friends!

You know what they all say: time flies! If you had to predict the future, where do you think you’d be in 6 months time?

I will more than likely still be in CPA but I’m unsure if I’ll be retired by then

What’s the biggest in-real-life lesson that the community has taught you?

The biggest lesson that the community taught me was that great achievements come with a lot of hard work and dedication

And now we’ve already finished the interview! Is there anything you’d like to say to our readers?

Never give up, Pace yourselves, don’t over exert yourselves, and most importantly believe in yourself! Every single one of you is important 🤍

Thank you so much Mocha for your time! I’m glad we were able to have a chat to get to know you better for the interview! Make sure to read our next Donator Discussions episode once it’s out!

What do YOU think about the Donator Discussions series? Let us know in the comments! Who do you think we should interview next?

ACP Shamrock Bulletin Reporter & Field Marshall

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