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Polling Station: Members Prioritise Leaving the Army Community over Moving to other Armies

BLIZZARD, Shamrock Bulletin Headquarters – Welcome to the next edition of your Wednesday column, Polling Station, where we collect and analyse the views of the Army of CP. This week’s question is in regard to members’ perseverance within the army community!


If all the armies you were enlisted in shut down, what would you do?

  • Enlist in a major army
  • Enlist in a small/medium army
  • Stay in the army community but not be enlisted in any armies
  • Leave the Club Penguin army community


  1. Leave the Club Penguin army community [23 votes]
  2. Stay in the army community but not be enlisted in any armies [22 votes]
  3. Enlist in a major army [5 votes]
    Enlist in a small/medium army [5 votes]


  • At the top of the leaderboard were the options to leave the army community and to stay without enlisting in armies – so, it seems that a majority of the people polled wouldn’t like to go to another army
  • Although having the lowest number of votes, the options to go to a major army or a small/medium army had the same number of votes, showing that both army sizes were equally popular amongst respondents

I hope you enjoyed this edition of “Polling Station”! Make sure to check the #the-shamrock-bulletin channel in our Discord server for the option to participate in next week’s poll!

What do YOU think? Let us know your thoughts in the comment section below!

ACP Co-ordinator & Shamrock Bulletin Reporter

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