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The Recounting Regulation & Changes to the Top Ten Event Quality

BLIZZARD, Shamrock Bulletin Headquarters – In recent weeks we have seen the reliability and consistency of the Top Ten Armies across the community questioned. Today, both the Shamrock Bulletin and CP Army HQ have established a new set of rules and guidelines in regards to recounting and changes to the event quality.

Members of the Shamrock Bulletin and CP Army HQ administration recently met to discuss changes to the universal Top Ten Armies so that we can continue to push forward and better ourselves as a community. The fruits of these discussions concluded with both organisations agreeing to the Recounting Regulation and changes to event quality, and the Shamrock Bulletin deciding to move forward with CPR server rule breakage deductions.

The Recounting Regulation

Part 1: Maximum size pictures

  • When posting event results, an army may include a maximum size picture for the Top Ten calculators to consider. This maximum size picture must be from a single room, unless the room is full with 80 penguins (the CPR room cap) and then a lockout room will also be considered.
  • If an army wishes to include the “show users in room” card, then this must not be covering any penguins in the room. It must be placed in the top right or left hand corners and not obstructing the calculators ability to count penguins. If it is, this maximum size picture will not be deemed acceptable.
  • Maximum size pictures may include small markings on the penguins to indicate the size, but the marking should not obstruct the calculators view from being able to see the penguin name, uniform or color. If it is, it will be deemed an unacceptable maximum size picture and another event picture will be used, likely reducing in a lower recorded size for the Top Ten.

Part 2: The counting guidelines

  • Penguins that are in the specific event uniform, in the room, will be counted.
  • Penguins in formation but out of the event uniform/army color will not be counted, unless they are seen to be doing the tactics.
  • Penguins out of formation and not in the event uniform/army color will be deemed a rogue penguin and will therefore not be counted, even if they are following along and doing tactics.
  • Uniformed penguins from “other rooms” such as the Gift Shop will not be counted towards the max size unless the main maximum size room is completely full and this “other room” is therefore a lockout. This will be the case even if the penguin can be proved to be a member of the army.

Changes to the Event Quality

At present, both CPAHQ and SB have two distinctions in terms of event quality. For ‘normal/solo’ events, 2.5 event quality points are awarded, while 4 points are awarded for battles and war invasions in which both armies are present. Following discussions on how to improve the levels of distinctions to better reflect the current community climate, we have established a new universal event quality:

  • Normal/solo events: 2.5 points
  • Battles with different classification armies (major vs. s/m): 3 points
  • Battles with the same classification armies (major vs. major or s/m vs. s/m): 4 points
  • War battles with both sides attending: 4 points

The event quality points will remain capped at 25, and the rule that the event quality cannot exceed the size score will also remain in effect. The reduction in

Deductions for CPR server rule breaking 

  • Armies that host events on servers that have 2 or more bars when logging on, and are therefore breaking the CP Rewritten rules regarding armies, will be docked points in the Top Ten.
  • For each time an army breaks this rule, 1 point will be docked from their total score.

All of these changes and rules are to come into effect immediately, with any rule breakages happening before the release of this post not being considered for deduction this upcoming Sunday.

The Shamrock Bulletin and CP Army HQ look forward to bringing a better Top Ten Armies each week, and one that reflects the intricacies of the modern day army community.


Shamrock Bulletin Administrator


Shamrock Bulletin Administrator

2 Responses

  1. Exciting times! Lets go!!

  2. Looks fair to me!

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