[US] Alpha vs. Echo vs. Red Ravagers – Results!

Hey, ACP!

Today, our US division logged onto Abominable on CPR for our fun Branch Battle with our great allies, Red Ravagers! We fought in the Iceberg, Docks, and Stadium and had lots of fun! We were able to max 34 penguins! There was no winner since the battle was just for fun! Be sure to comment if you came!

MAX-34 (16 Echo + 18 Alpha)

Thank you everyone who attended! Remember to react in#delta-division-event if you can attend as you can earn the Delta role by attending! If you attended, comment down below and make sure you have received your clovers!


ACP Field General 4ic

3 Responses

  1. I was there! GGs all around!

  2. I came but my power went out hueheuehwuehue


  3. I came!! GGS

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