Battle Review: Army of CP vs. Help Force

BLIZZARD, Shamrock Bulletin Headquarters – The next HTML battle in the army community pitted the Army of Club Penguin against the Help Force. Join us to find out what unfolded.

Saturday, February 20th saw the allies The Army of Club Penguin and The Help Force log on to Club Penguin Rewritten for a fierce battle! The 3-room battle saw a max of 45 from ACP and the Help Force maxed 48.

Room 1: Dock

In the first of the three rooms, the two armies battled it out at the Dock. Starting with Help Force in an anchor form and ACP forming an A, the room later moved on to both armies opting for a circle formation. Both armies had large sizes and extremely quickfire tactics.

Room 2: Forest

The beautiful setting of the Submarine Party proceeded into the second room, where the fierce battle continued in the Forest. The room change witnessed two large word bubbles, including Help Force’s huge, 8 line “HFPOWER” tactic. As the armies settled down, the ACP’s V formation was encircled by Help Force before both armies opted for plus forms.

Room 3: Stadium

To conclude the battle, the Help Force and the ACP headed to the Stadium. Both sides once again put up a good fight, with multiple formations and movements each. This room saw a plethora of emote tactics as well as Help Force’s “SURRENDER” and PSA Agent tactics.

Both armies agreed beforehand that there would not be a winner decided so there is no result of the battle to reveal. That being said, both armies put up a good fight!

With the next HTML battle now behind us, we now wait for the next battle in the army community. The Army of CP’s next battle will be against the Water Vikings at 4pm EST on Saturday, February 27th. The Help Force have not yet announced their next battle.

What do YOU think? Let us know your thoughts in the comment section below!

ACP Brigadier General & Shamrock Bulletin Reporter

3 Responses

  1. Nice job both armies!

  2. Great work Frog! It was a super fun battle with our allies!

  3. Well done Faux!

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