Hey there ACP!
Today the ACP AUSIA Division logged on to invade Hockey from the Special Weapons and Tactics. The battle resulted in an ACP victory! Be sure to comment down below if you attended :salute:
Max: 42

Pre-Battle Room: Inside Mine

Room 1: Icerink/Stadium

Room 2: Dojo

Room 3: Iceberg
Thank you to everyone who came! If you haven’t already – press the react in #event-chat for attending and comment down below!
Invasion of Avalanche @ 8pm EST, check out #us-war-invasion and react if you can make it!
FatChicken88, ACP Lieutenant General (5ic)
Filed under: Army of CP, AUSIA Division, Invasion | Tagged: ACP, Army of Club Penguin, Army of CP, clover defenders army, clover defenders of club penguin, clover defenders of cp, clover ninjas, Club Penguin, Club Penguin Armies, Club Penguin Army |
came and conquered, esketit <3
i was here! the war is ours >:)
Lets go ACP!