[OCT 2020] Comment for Promotion!

Think you deserve a promotion for your efforts in October 2020? Comment below with the following form!

Discord Tag:

CPR name:

Current Rank:

Activity level (from a scale of 1 to 10 – be honest!):

Why do you deserve a promotion?

11 Responses

  1. Discord Tag:afk zamb#9873

    CPR name: P something because apparently i have an inapp user (wary)

    Current Rank: Seargeant

    Activity level (from a scale of 1 to 10 – be honest!): 8

    Why do you deserve a promotion?

    I love the army of club penguin I will die for the army of club penguin; I think as a member, I’ve been showing support and activity for the army, which is fulfilling my role. Sooner or later, I’d like to move up the ranks and reach a higher role, so applying for promotion here contributes to that goal. if given a higher position


  3. CSY is pronounced C S Y and you smell Very nice Better than my perfume

    Cp – Cubeoid
    Discord – Cubeoid

    Current rank – Colonel (completed test)
    Activity LvL – 1


  4. Discord Tag: Sanya!#6779

    CPR name: Sanya7

    Current Rank: Lieutenant General

    Activity level (from a scale of 1 to 10 – be honest!): 10

    Why do you deserve a promotion? I feel like I did a lot of work in the month of October particularly in activity and recruiting and hosting RF sessions time to time. I recruit alot of people to ACP and i always try my best to give out consistent recruits for ACP and I always try my best in helping out ACP the best i can like DMing people and i feel October was one of the months where i really pushed myself to do more for ACP and i feel like my work deserves a promotion.

  5. faux#0069
    Colonel completed teste btw
    Maybe an 8
    Im very activie in chat and in events, i recruit and in participative in break days.


  6. Pungu#8374
    Brigadier General
    I’ve been super active in the chat, attended tons of events, done loads of recruiting, and came back on any downfalls or issues I caused
    pls gib

  7. (OMG, CSY def doesn’t need a shower like pfft. It’s obvious he doesn’t. 🔫🔫🔫)

    Anyway. Gjskkgirkxkejeowksw

    Discord- Roxy
    CPR- lciIe

    Current rank- Major

    Activity level- ima say 8.5 kek

    I really love ACP and it’s really fun to be active there, and I’m mainly active in chat, and in recruiting. I try my best to give my all, with balancing my time with recruiting and being active <3
    Eee it has been a pleasure to be active from the time I joined (like join join. Cjkdkdjrjdkfejnd not while being a visitor) and I feel really proud to say that.

  8. Discord Tag: MazeX121#5124


    Current Rank: Major

    Activity level (from a scale of 1 to 10 – be honest!): 9

    Why do you deserve a promotion? I have been very active in chat at all times, I have helped troops with CPA and brought a few to ACP as well, I participate in many events and I have created many new friendships with members and new recruits!

  9. Discord Tag: Flov#4963

    CPR name: Fiowering

    Current Rank: Specialist

    Activity level (from a scale of 1 to 10 – be honest!): 9

    Why do you deserve a promotion?
    I’ve had fun with welcoming new people and taking part in events, being active in chat and such. And also started recruiting a bit (I hope to improve as time goes). I am doing my best but I will try to push and do better next month

    Major General

    I know i have not been the most active recently for reasons that could not be avoided, but i have been doing the best i can with recruiting, welcoming, and have been trying my best to do whatever i can to progress ACP to the next level. I do not expect to be promoted, but it’s worth a shot.

  11. Discord Tag: sarahah#0044

    CPR name: Sarahah

    Current Rank: Staff Sergeant

    Activity level (from a scale of 1 to 10 – be honest!): 6

    Why do you deserve a promotion? Because I am amazing and attend all the events when max reminds me 🙂

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