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Hello everyone,

Since the ranks have gotten a bit messy and less condensed compared to a few months ago, I think now is the perfect time for another ACTIVE COUNT. As usual, if you do not comment on this post, you will be REMOVED from the ranks page and will lose your rank. This active count expires on the 22ndof October. This will allow us to cleanse the ranks of any names that are not in ACP anymore and refresh the contents of the page.

The form can be found below:



Activeness in the past few weeks on a scale of 1-10:

What you plan to improve on:



38 Responses

  1. Name:Sonic
    Activeness in the past few weeks on a scale of 1-10: Can’t say because I’m on leave
    What you plan to improve on: Recruiting more

  2. Name: Super Edwin

    Rank: Leader

    Activeness in the past few weeks on a scale of 1-10: 9

    What you plan to improve on: Time management I suppose

  3. Name: Chuck Falay

    Rank: Temp 3ic, 5ic

    Activeness in the past few weeks on a scale of 1-10: 8 or 9

    What do you plan to improve on: Making fun post.

  4. Djkb1
    Probably trying to attend more events and stay active

  5. Name: Zags100
    Rank: Lieutenant Colonel aka 7ic lol
    Activeness in the past few weeks on a scale of 1-10: 8ish
    What you plan to improve on: Recruiting more probs

  6. Fluffyboy3
    recruiting i guess

  7. noka

  8. Name: Baby Flor
    Rank: 4ic
    Activeness in the past few weeks on a scale of 1-10: 5
    What you plan to improve on: Attending events

  9. Name: Katty
    Rank: Temp 3ic
    Activeness: 9
    Improvement: Recruiting

  10. Name: Jai
    Rank: 4ic (idrk edwin told me)
    Activeness in the past few weeks on a scale of 1-10: 8 (as i was gone on a school tour)
    What you plan to improve on: My life

  11. This is being filled out for bayleef as a favour because he is to lazy to do it himself.

    Name: Bayleef

    Rank: Captain

    Activeness in the past few weeks on a scale of 1-10: 8ish

    What you plan to improve on: Logging on for events, improving Kitty’s sexual satisfaction.

  12. Commenting for Elsa as she’s ill and can’t access the computer because of it and yeah.

    Name: Elsa
    Rank: 4ic
    Activeness in the past few weeks on a scale of 1-10: Been on leave
    What you plan to improve on: N/A

  13. Commenting for Zoomey because his laptop and computer are broken so he’s on leave and stuff


    Name: Zoomey

    Rank: 3ic

    Activeness in the past few weeks on a scale of 1-10: 1 (on leave)

    What you plan to improve on: Get a laptop that works

    • Name: Crazy tow

      Rank: 4ic

      Activeness in the past few weeks on a scale of 1-10: 3

      What you plan to improve on: Attending events.

  14. Name: CapnKitty (Raingirl370)
    Rank: 5ic or 4ic one of those
    Activeness in the past few weeks on a scale of 1-10: 1-2 (try to come to events but my school ends when events start!!!!)
    What you plan to improve on: Attending events!

  15. Bayleef
    I dont know my rank actually
    Past week activiness: 5
    I plan to use my spare time in ACP

  16. Dan

  17. Name:cody
    Activeness in the past few weeks on a scale of 1-10:9
    What you plan to improve on:ur mom

    • Welcome back Cody! “ur mom” isn’t a valid answer by the way. We we’re looking for “ur dad’s mom’s dad’s mom’s uncle’s father’s dog’s son-in-law’s unborn child’s nephew-and-a-half.” But that’s ok!

  18. Name:Tune
    Rank: Mod
    Activeness in the past few weeks on a scale of 1-10: 2, life has been busy.. but i am fully back now starting from 9/10/16.
    What you plan to improve on: Being more active.

    • Good to have you back. If at any time you need to communicate with us about leaves or have questions/concerns, let us know ASAP.

  19. Name: Dog
    Rank: Major
    Plan to do: Become more active


  21. Name: skipper233
    Rank: 4ic
    Activeness in the past few weeks on a scale of 1-10: 0
    What you plan to improve on: making acp last for a longer period of time than other armies

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