Our AUS logged on for a recruiting event, maxing 23 and averaging 21 throughout. We were also seemingly raided by a small rag-tag group of white penguins who threatened bot usage in a few of our Owners PC, this will not be tolerated – We are ACP fearless ad strong

Max 23
(Sorry guys for the lack of pictures, my pc crashed and these were the only ones I could retrieve)
Filed under: ACP |
I came, good event AUSIA/UK/US. Good job recruiting, tactics were ok. GO ACP!!!
LOOKIN’ NICE AUSIA! I’m just sorry I wasn’t dere! 😀 …. btw CSY where da frick you been man
I attended
here is a pic of ET http://prnt.sc/a8l655
camezies at the end btw!
Gj ACP though! 😀