October Promotions 2015

Hello everyone!

          In October, we had many good events and many goals reached. We went up in the Top Ten and our sizes, tactics, and overall performance has gone up. We were growing and rising and we still are. Those of you who worked hard and showed care are appreciated, and we are proud of you.

And now, without further ado, the October 2015 promotions! 





US-O10 insignia.svgGeneralUS-O10 insignia.svg

Sidie9/Vexillarius | Trader

– Leader in Training –

Super Edwin

US-O9 insignia.svg Lieutenant GeneralUS-O9 insignia.svg

CapnRyan11 | Max43810 | King Mondo

US-O8 insignia.svgMajor GeneralUS-O8 insignia.svg

Youg3ACP ZoomeyFluffyboy3

US-O7 insignia.svgBrigadier GeneralUS-O7 insignia.svg

Noka Tondra, Rix15, Rockstar1819, Elsa

US-O6 insignia.svgColonelUS-O6 insignia.svg

Chaffee , OrangeNhojaxon7,

US-O5 insignia.svgLieutenant Colonel US-O5 insignia.svg

Thegamer6675 ,Scream, TuneageInfluenza, Nick, Coquimichu,Jt

US-O4 insignia.svgMajorUS-O4 insignia.svg

SecurityBayleeflight, Redboxy1, KathyTroy, Tom, Sparky Dog, Harsh

US-O3 insignia.svg Captain US-O3 insignia.svg

Kenneth1000, Legoboy612 (Andy), Percy Jacks2Critica, ELchango21l, Dwain, Sakr18  ,Silkroad13, Lenco, Roleplayfan3Chatman999,

US-O2 insignia.svg Lieutenant US-O2 insignia.svg

Brethart222, Peeps80, Luke0457, Elvis86750, Gtfive, Starboi414Peter9977Antwerp001, Goldfan1,  Jedi4590Daisy67540, Larry857

Warrant Officer

Ha65Henrio, Jenkins23Penguino779, Penguinfan76Bananaman14, Jimstyle,  A1710, Jacksonstar1, Super Channel

Army-USA-OR-09c.svgSergeant Major Army-USA-OR-09c.svg

Lemonjello1, Blueicespark, Bobrocks9000,   Free Dude 15Gagili, Sonic46117, Roggy83Justin, Buggins will

First Sergeant

Wobble1586, TamiyamiHi hi 235, TheRobot221Thundazz, aditya567

Master Sergeant

Crash1092, Swimy1998, Gumdrop1105Ninjaarmy233, Tape2222, Mialolipop1Jude

Army-USA-OR-07.svg Sergeant First Class Army-USA-OR-07.svg

Bradhappy78, American406, BryanboSalliePenguinChipLolliepop117FroogzLouie76533, Jadeee35Diezlbudoy, Jonathan P27, Saba888, UGDX,

Army-USA-OR-06.svg Staff Sergeant Army-USA-OR-06.svg

 Zeze, Omega43, Bcguy33Donald95Powerdude3, Kittyfashion101
Candybarf105, Tim90210Bigpengx11x, Centaur17, PokePawJimmy303,M0k3r2/Moki101, Jeremy353, Winston Jr, TheKeeper03, Buunnygirl,

Army-USA-OR-05.svg Sergeant Army-USA-OR-05.svg

Nabil 98, Bradhappy78,Elvis86750,  Blake, JadeIcethomas B1, Seth/ChatInspector, Moonman, RockFisherMan3Agentgreen95Maximilian70, Sammy Adams, MikeyISCoolSawyerl, Zander Cage1, Xiaobao123, 1 Floatypeng, Munkee45, MrBloo, Salt Penguin, Spy57150, Bart 25 Billy Idol1/Clade,SpinisterAshsPikachu, Chester223, Arnie20, Cupcake 1705, Lt1200,

Army-USA-OR-04a.svg Corporal Army-USA-OR-04a.svg

Dj1460, Cassondra106, Swaymgod,GreenM4nShadow22712, Zeroman20Canucks6Blueicespark, R15596AgentBeast6,Bobyo500, Cool Guy Fry, Roswaldo, Manny163Awesommen64, Coffeecups24, BellabellieI Love KanyeCpcutekittySt Patrick 73Raawi, Muimuimui, Bobbo1884, 2Lightbolt2Ifrankencop, Hammk, Icy moomin, Gold4657, Thunder02, Fruityfruit, Icyslurp, Ultraseven56, Black Chair, PLAY4MOREFUN, Hunter293

Private First Class

kaylanoelAgent 47 2NinjaGoIsColChainy6845Shorty05020Manny25345Penbuddy2721, Splash148, Club, Fishsalad21Magic Man963COOLGIRL6, SpikeyDaPuffle, Fedy1, Rayane138, Littlejack61, Chelsea1993


Christian28c, stuckinabox, VanpaulAcp, Lucki, Justin89205,Chief118, Beastboy8241, Reno22Yashoo,

Army-USA-OR-02.svg Private Army-USA-OR-02.svg

 Piero3106, Zecazeca3, Cristian3225, Zeus2931, Amber34155,  Cateat, Seth96994, Ninja Emma, Bigtasty6, Ninja Lauren, Cutiepie, Kennyz, Devushka 2, Scottih, Golf59872, QueenAnnie5547, Sugarlump31,  Sugarwizard, Rahul Bunni, Mario26066, Nintendo342, Mmariestyles, Fireblade147, Goku42421, arcos (dorian 2999), Fuzbuket, Evildance,  LoonyMoony, Jordanray06, Cm1026, Annakyle1, Jackiechan07, Jack_14, FandumbTrash, Gia Girl1980, Abby238, Taste556, Sweet443, Mg 124, Nolle Star0, Kylar09, Lolcrowley, Benhenry8, Pingy235, FandumbTrash, LordNinja449, Ella, Maple Breeze, Mangle13, Marbles115, Funnyblue170, Santa Cars, Miami3831, Sunshine3035, Devin5094,Funkid56, Jacobtk Bruinfan, Jaystarthecat, Crystallake4, Whyzguy,  bobo1884, BlueDoesBlue, Harry, Goodboynot,Granter30, Mario26066, Wafflekitten, Gornach, Hobseh, Pinky12857,Kittygirl81, Hospot111, Amit7, Ducker007, Stuck24, Coldbird1, Stampyfan246,Arthurka2200, Crazycat78, Bob82386, Fudge Girl99, Gemzstahh2, Ultraseven56, Dylo02, Flocrzy7Rainbowsaur, Rednoodles3, Aditya Goyal, Pransh11, Itsnear, Dipanshu, Eshaan 006, Hotspot111, Rowly15, Ekansh Ansh1, Stellastr19, Dj9112, Natrox2003, Pilotpen1, Pccats, Reddy42427,DarthArtic14, Melissa31407, Mj113 strikey peng, Ayaan12, Wumbo Logic

4 Responses

  1. Yeah whoo hooo

  2. ahahahha promoted!!!:D

  3. What about me & Ken :'( jk 😛 Congrats to those who got a promotion!

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