2015 Halloween Costume Competition

Hey ACP!

As Halloween draws ever closer (just a week today), we here at ACP we are celebrating this spooky event by offering you a chance to win some awesome prizes in a fun filled Halloween Costume Competition!

Continue reading for more information!

For this competition we want you to dress up in your spookiest Halloween costume and send us a picture of it. It can be as crazy or scary as you want it to be, just make sure it is creative and has some relevance to Halloween!

Here is the form that you will need to complete in order to enter this competition:


ACP Rank:

The link to a picture of your Halloween costume:


For those picked as the winners:

  • 1st Place – Mazeban power, worth 400 xats
  • 2nd Place – Nick power, worth 200 xats
  • 3rd Place – Temp mod/owner for 24 hours.

Here is my spooky Halloween Costume, but can you do any better?

Good luck and have fun!

March On! ~Max43810

ACP 2nd in Command

15 Responses

  1. Good luck and may the best dressed penguin win! 😀

  2. Name: Diezlbudoy
    ACP Rank: Seargent First Class
    The link to a picture of your Halloween costume: prntscr.com/8urdjt

  3. Name: Diezlbudoy
    ACP Rank: Sergeant First Class
    The link to a picture of your Halloween costume: http://prntscr.com/8urdjt

  4. Acp rank: Member
    Halloween costume: http://prntscr.com/8ushkt
    User: Buggins will

  5. Name: Tamiyami
    ACP Rank: Staff Sergeant
    Link to picture: http://prntscr.com/8uu1c8

  6. Name: Jai on acp Jaisick on cp

    ACP Rank: 4ic (brigadier general OR WHETVA)

    The link to a picture of your Halloween costume: http://prntscr.com/8uui0j

  7. sorry type dkigin its login xD

  8. Name: King Mondo
    ACP Rank: 2ic
    Link: http://prntscr.com/8uz5zi

  9. nice lookin costumes here

  10. Name: TondraX
    ACP Rank: 4ic
    The link to a picture of your Halloween costume: http://prntscr.com/8vbgqy

  11. Name: TondraX
    ACP Rank: 4ic
    Link: http://prntscr.com/8vbgqy

  12. Name:Jt812

    ACP Rank:Major

    The link to a picture of your Halloween costume:http://prntscr.com/8vcgre

  13. Name: Rockstar1819/Rockerflip
    ACP Rank: 4ic, Retiring on Friday
    Link: http://prntscr.com/8wa2m9

    Note: I don’t have membership, so I come with everything I have on my item.

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