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The Weekly Quiz (Aviation special)

Hi, ACP. The Weekly Quiz is back because of popular demand (I’m being 100% honest here) and I decided to kick it off with some fancy questions about Aviation from the history of aviation and such stuff as that.. 


Temp moderator/membership code will be awarded to the winner of this quiz. So everyone give it a try. 😀 

Section one = The history of flight 

Question one, which brothers achieved the first powered flight? 

Question two, when was the first powered flight?

Question three, what was the first successful rotorcraft ( a.k.a rotatory-winged aircraft)? 

Question four, what is the biggest airport in the world?

Question five,  where did the first commercial flight take place?

Section two = Name the aircraft

1, wpid-wp-1440446157797.jpeg


3, wpid-wp-1440450969898.jpeg

4, wpid-wp-1440451233660.jpeg

5, wpid-wp-1440449349911.jpeg

Good luck to everyone competing,

Super Edwin.

7 Responses

  1. Wright brothers
    December 17 1903
    King Fahd International Airport
    I like pie

    • Section 1:

      1. Wright Brothers

      2. December 17th, 1903

      3. Helicopter

      4. London Heathrow

      5. January 1st, 1914

      Section 2.

      1. Sopwith Camel

      2. Supermarine Spitfire

      3. General Dynamics F-16

      4. Lockheed P-38 Lightning

      5. Supermarine Spitfire

  2. 1 Wright Brothers not the lleft brothers.
    2 dec 17 1903
    3 Helicopter
    4. Daxing airport as they call it.
    5. New years day, january 1914. Happy new year! Heres a commercial flight.
    Section deux/2
    1. B.e 2c
    2.P7350, an spitfire plane, never knew planes could fire saliva.
    3.F16, one of the newest planes on the quiz.
    4. No freaking clue, looks like its frok the height of the cold war.
    5.Spitfire LF Mk IX, MH434, another spitfire plane, edwins whats with u and ur saliva fighters.

  3. Uhh one of those is a Spitfire, a P38, a Hurricane, an F-15?
    The first one is not a Sopwith Camel but uh S.E.5?

  4. Section 1:

    1. Wright Brothers
    2. December 17th, 1903
    3. Helicopter
    4. London Heathrow
    5. January 1st, 1914

    Section 2.

    1. Sopwith Camel

    2. Supermarine Spitfire

    3. General Dynamics F-16

    4. Lockheed P-38 Lightning

    5. Supermarine Spitfire

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