Events of the Week June 29th — July 5th

Hello ACP Troops!


It is time for the best time of the week — events! This week ACP must continue to stay on top with our events. I expect a good performance from all of our divisions! If another division is doing better than yours, you must rise your division to match that standard! All troops — owners, moderators, and members must work to rise ACP to the top! Once we are at the top, there will be no stopping us. Here we come!


❗ Sunday, July 5th ❗

[AUSIA] – Tactics Session

Sever: Outback

Times: 12:30 PM UK,  5 PM IST,  8:30 PM JST,  7:30 AM EST,  6:30 AM CST,  5:30 AM MST,  4:30 AM PST


Server: Mammoth

Times: 9 PM GMT,  4 PM EST,  3 PM CST,  2 PM MST,  1 PM PST


Server: Breeze

Times: 12 AM GMT,  7 PM EST,  6 PM CST,  5 PM MST,  4 PM PST

3 Responses

  1. I can come to all the Practice Battles and Raids

  2. I can come to ALL UK/US and US. ACP FOREVER! :mrgreen:

  3. There are no raids for AUSIA, why?
    Can there be any raids for Ausia somewhere before July 17?
    i am leaving for the holidays on July 17.

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