Hello ACP!
Today, we logged on Mammoth and faced the Dark Bandits and ended victorious. We averaged 11-12 and maxed 14. Our size stayed about the same for pretty much all of the event. Our tactics were actually really good, despite size. We should have had around at least 20 on CP, but lots of people are on leave and have a lot of homework or chores to do before the new week started tomorrow. We need to do better though. Good job ACP. Remember, if we all do our part and recruit as hard as we can, it will pay off sooner or later. Don’t ever give up, soldiers. Stay strong.
♣ ♣ ♣ ♣ ♣
Read on for the pictures!

This was meant to be a diagonal line, but some people moved around and eventually made a “b”. It really is a nice “b” though.

14 ACP!

Look at this perfect tactic!
Sadly, when I turned off some powers that were lagging me out on chat, some of the pictures got erased from PC since the PC’s were from people who we offline shortly after the event.
Good job today, ACP. Remember to recruit as hard as you can!
Filed under: ACP | Tagged: acp battle schedule, acp battles, acp codes, acp of cp, acp prizes, acp rewards, Army of Club Penguin, army of club penguin battles, army of club penguin battles schedule, army of club penguin codes, army of club penguin rewards, Army of CP, army of cp battle schedule, army of cp battles, army of cp codes, battle, battle schedule for acp, Billybob, candence, Club Penguin, club penguin item adder, club penguin mascots, cp army chat, cp mascot trackers, free club penguin membership, free cp membership, happy777, herbert p bear, polofield, rewards, the cp army |
Came & led.
I came!
I was there
Those tags tho
I came.