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Events of the Week 16th February-22nd February 2015

Greetings ACP, On the most recent top ten, we fell down as low as 8th. We have to start doing better. Today, (16th of February), it will be a break day, so watch out for unscheduled events and also, be sure to recruit a lot throughout the week. This week, our owners (hopefully) take our troops to recruit with them. Rewards will be given if we get certain sizes too! Be sure to attend these…

Sunday 22nd February

Next: IMPORTANT [UK/US] Practice Battle vs. Golds

Server: Mammoth

Times: 7:30pm GMT (UK)

2:30pm EST

1:30pm CST

12:30pm MST

11:30am PST

IMPORTANT [US] Practice Battle vs. Dark Bandits 

Server: Mammoth

Times: 12am GMT (UK)

7pm EST

6pm CST

5pm MST

4pm PST

Comment if you can come ~ The ACP Commandants

14 Responses

  1. Should be able to attend most of these events for UK and USA except the one on Tuesday and might even make some AUSIA events :O

  2. I can make all UK and AUSIA.


  4. I can make most US events, maybe a few UK ones too.

    The colors are a little irritating/blinding just so you know. In my opinion its better to just leave them uniform.

  5. Poop sorry I just had two

  6. hi

  7. I’ll be able to make most UK and AUSIA events.

  8. I can make all GMT and all US

  9. Hey everybody its Vince I have not been on chat lately because computer broke and its fixed now so I hope I’ll se yall on chat tomorrow

  10. i couldn’t make it today had school but i will try to make it tom its a maybe for wensday

  11. As said on youtube (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JhvN_py3N3E) Me, Master Coles (leader of the black pipe army) declared war on you. We have a secret plot and of course, your army has some spies on it. Find out who the spy is and ban him forever, but that won’t help, because we conquered the server alaska when you were not there, and we can recruit anyone against you there. So, i suggest you do not ban the spy or we will take the most preacous server from you. Now half of the plot is already clear. Bye, and enjoy Club Penguin if you are green.

  12. My name is Slider568, retired ACP 2ic and ACPTR Leader of eight terms and I formally request to be unbanned from ACP chat.

    I have been banned forever for what is surely by now nearly a year for reasons I am now unaware of and what was likely a just bias against me for things I said in what was 2013, and I’d like to put the past behind me so I’d appreciate if you could too.

    I don’t come on chat much at all but every few months I’d like to be able to come back on ACP chat and visit.

    I’ll be on ACP chat from 6:00 PM EST – 9 PM EST in the banpool awaiting a response. Please do not reply to this comment as I’m unlikely to check back here soon.

    Best regards,

  13. i can’t make it to the uk/us battle i have volleyball practice, sorry

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