W-w-w-w-w-WELCOME to the wonderful series of my SOLDIER OF THE MONTH!
It’s Purp here, and I asked … no wait, Ahmed asked a majority of the owners who should be this wonderful soldier and it is:
oooop, I shouldn’t tell you yet! Gotta make you read more….
Drumroll please?
Congratulations, Skipper!
But why did you get soldier of the month?
You have attended many UK/USA events
You are very interactive on chat
You recruit frequently too!
What do you get?
Your name is shown on the top of the site
You get temporary owner for 2 days
1 promotion (already done)
Ooh, and this trophy!..
Congratsies! If you guys want to get soldier of the month, try:
- Recruiting – chat recruiting or CP recruiting
- Being nice to new troops
- Not causing arguments on chats
- Not breaking any rules
- Being active by attending many events and being interactiveon chat
- Having fun!
~ Purpleslime4
Filed under: ACP, Troop of The Month |
congrats 🙂
Thank you!
Wait, shouldn’t the month be February 2015? :/