Greetings ACP,
This week, we will be having lots of “Mystery Events”. These types of events could anything, except battles with other armies. The reason we are having these is because it will make the owners judge the chat size and pick a suitable event. Make sure to attend these, and there are a batch of PB’s included, so make sure to attend these as well as the other events, but a lucky few troops will be rewarded if we achieve goals in certain events!
Monday 2nd of February
[AUSIA] Break Day be sure to recruit a lot!
[UK] Break Day be sure to recruit a lot!
[US] Break Day be sure to recruit a lot!
Monday 2nd of February
[AUSIA] Break Day be sure to recruit a lot!
[UK] Break Day be sure to recruit a lot!
[US] Break Day be sure to recruit a lot!
Tuesday 3rd of February
[AUSIA] Mystery Event
Server: TBA
Times: 12:00pm GMT, 5:30pm IST, 9pm JST, 7am EST, 6am CST, 5am MST, 4am PST
[UK] Mystery Event
Server: TBA
Times: 7:00pm GMT, 2:30pm EST, 1:30pm CST, 12:30pm MST, 11:30am PST
[US] Mystery Event
Server: TBA
Times: 7:30pm EST, 6:30pm CST, 5:30pm MST, 4:30pm PST, 12:30am GMT
Wednesday 4th of February
[AUSIA] Mystery Event
Server: TBA
Times: 12:30pm GMT, 6pm IST, 9:30pm JST, 7:30am EST, 6:30am CST, 5:30am MST, 4:30am PST
[UK] Mystery Event
Server: TBA
Times: 7:00pm GMT, 2:30pm EST, 1:30pm CST, 12:30pm MST, 11:30am PST
[US] Mystery Event
Server: TBA
Times: 7pm EST, 6pm CST, 5pm MST, 4pm PST, 12am GMT
Thursday 5th of February
[AUSIA] Practice Battle/Mystery Event
Server: TBA
Times: 12pm GMT, 5:30pm IST, 9pm JST, 7am EST, 6am CST, 5am MST, 4am PST
[UK] Practice Battle vs. Water Vikings [ULTRA IMPORTANT, REWARDS IF WE HIT 20+]
Server: Breeze
Times: 7:30pm GMT, 2:30pm EST, 1:30pm CST, 12:30pm MST, 11:30am PST
[US] Practice Battle/Mystery Event
Server: TBA
Times: 7:30pm EST, 6:30pm CST, 5:30pm MST, 4:30pm PST, 12:30am GMT
Friday 6th of February
[AUSIA] Mystery Event
Server: TBA
Times: 12pm GMT, 5:30pm IST, 9pm JST, 7am EST, 6am CST, 5am MST, 4am PST
[UK] Mammoth Saturday Preparation
Server: Mammoth
Times: 7:30pm GMT, 2:30pm EST, 1:30pm CST, 12:30pm MST, 11:30am PST
[US] Practice Battle/Mystery Event
Server: TBA
Times: 8pm EST, 7pm CST, 6pm MST, 5pm PST, 1am GMT
Saturday 7th of February
[AUSIA] Mixed Event [Game night & Training]
Server: TBA
Times: 12:30pm GMT, 6pm IST, 9:30pm JST, 7:30am EST, 6:30am CST, 5:30am MST, 4:30am PST
[UK] Mammoth Saturday Battle with SWAT [ULTRA IMPORTANT, 25+ FOR REWARDS]
Server: Mammoth
Times: 7:30pm GMT, 2:30pm EST, 1:30pm CST, 12:30pm MST, 11:30am PST
[US] Practice Battle vs. Nachos
Server: Breeze
Times: 7pm EST, 6pm CST, 5pm MST, 4pm PST, 12am GMT
Sunday 8th of February
[AUSIA] U-Lead
Server: Breeze
Times: 12pm GMT, 5:30pm IST, 9pm JST, 7am EST, 6am CST, 5am MST, 4am PST
[UK] Mixed Event [Game Night & Training]
Server: Breeze
Times: 7:30pm GMT, 2:30pm EST, 1:30pm CST, 12:30pm MST, 11:30am PST
[US] Mixed Event [Game Night & Training]
Server: Breeze
Times: 8pm EST, 7pm CST, 6pm MST, 5pm PST, 1am GMT
Comment if you can attend these!
~ ACP Commandments
Filed under: ACP |
I can come to all the UK, maybe the weekend AUSIA ones.
Will make all of them
i haven’t attended many events often, i’ll try to attend some
Can’t make the AUSIA because of my job and I should be able to make all UK and US.