[USA Army Force] 1/6 Tactics/Training Session

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Hello ACP,

Tonight we had a tactics/training session on our capital, Breeze. Recently we have had many new recruits join ACP and for many of them it was their first event! I’m very proud to say that they all did an amazing job for it being their first event, anyone watching would have thought they were experts having been in ACP for years! Although many of our older members in ACP were unable to attend, we still managed to max 15 and average 13 which is an okay size for the US division seeing as most of our mods and owners were unable to attend. This event was led by myself and was worth 3 medals, read more to see some amazing pictures!

We started off in the town and I explained to the new recruits how emote tactics work and how to form stationary lines.

I taught them how bombs are executed and they picked up quite quickly how everything was to be done.

Next we moved to the forts and formed a line down from the clock tower working on more stationary tactics.

We form another line, this time horizontal and work on more tactics. I did teach them a waterfall, but I lost the picture of it.

We do another bomb.

And finished it off with another line to show our ending size.

Overall a great event for tactics, especially when considering these are all brand new soldiers of ACP! I’m very proud of them all. Sometime in the future they will get to use these new skills in battle and show other armies the power of ACP. Make sure to comment if you attended, this event was worth 3 medals!


8 Responses

  1. Came and 1st!

  2. I came

  3. awesome

  4. I came it was awesome

  5. I was there! (lol)

  6. That was me saying Army of Club Penguin 😀

  7. Came

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