Ownership changes + New Moderator System

Hey ACP, Purp here! Making this post at 10pm UK on a school night, hooray. As for this army, I must do many decisions and make a difference. I really want to do that. Everyone in this army should be happy and shouldn’t feel worthless, together we shall have fun and if you need help, we’ll be there for you 100%. When you recruit, we will recruit with you. Spread the happiness, fun, courage, motivation and epicness everybody! Like nutella on a crumpet. That’s my message to all of you troops (especially the moderators).

I really have to do what I have to do as an army leader. And so,

I announce that Djkb, the ACP UK 2ic, is hereby demoted to 4ic.

Djkb, I am afraid to say that you are not suitable for the rank of second in command because you aren’t active enough when UK is at its time of need. I know it isn’t your fault, but this is for the good of the ACP. We need change now. The new UK owner will be announced tomorrow before the defence of white house (the 3rd time LT scheduled the invasion of white house this week.. what!?)


Furthermore, there is a new moderator in this system to get you guys to do more. As you step up from member to moderator, you gain more responsibility in this army. Don’t worry though, it’ll improve your reputation in this army and you’ll get owner faster.

For the system, you’ll earn points for doing many beneficial things for this army such as: attending events, recruiting and motivating! The 1-6 moderators with the least points at the end of the month get demodded or demoted, whilst the top 1-6 moderators with the most points get a surprise. Promotion? Temp 3ic? Xats? Ooh, we’ll see.

There will be owners on your chat that will see how you’ll be doing on chat or club penguin. If an owner isn’t on and you’re doing something great, then take a screenshot and comment the link on the site!

Click HERE for the moderator points page

Good luck everybody!


11 Responses

  1. 1st, ooo how intresting

  2. Great idea!

  3. Oh one question: you said “link it on site” but where on site?

  4. You know, slime you really should’ve just temp demoted me. Thanks.

  5. i like it! good luck to all MODs! (including me :p)

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