AUSIA Division Results of a Scheduled Recruiting Session

(it’s a joke. we aren’t going to war. ahahahahaha.)

Greetings, ACP.

Once again, we had a nice event on Zipline, maxing 28 and averaging 22. Our former leader Flipper7706 paid us a visit as well! This event was lead by Flipmoo and Sercan with the help of Slippykicky and Lionzlover. Tomorrow we will have a practice battle with the Ice Warriors! It’s a promotion event, so make sure you come!


At the Ice Berg we started to form two lines right next to each other.

Great job everyone! Let’s get these sizes tomorrow and win against the IW! 😀

~ACP Temporary Leader, Ausia Division Commander,

33 Responses

  1. Couldn’t make it

  2. I came 😀

  3. it was meh bday

  4. Nice job Ausia troops. I wasn’t there.

  5. Anyway I secretly rejoined Acp so unban me on chat then do not tell AR

  6. Nice job!

  7. I came!

  8. i made it

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