AUS/Asia – Unscheduled Weekday Recruiting Session (Results)

Hello ACP! My fellow comrades, we did a spectacular job today considering it was a school day, and on top of that the troops were mostly from Australia/Asia, with only a couple from UK/USA. We aren’t a division filled with troops who stay up late or wake up early. We’re actually made from Australia/Asia troops.

Make sure to comment if you made it to earn attendance credit.

Best picture of event, Provided by Korra 546.

At the event, we maxed a total of 13+. Although this was meant to be a recruiting session, we ended up doing a massive tactic session & a U-Lead as well. I had fun leading this event, and I’m sure some of you did as well. 🙂


Club Penguin Size – 80%: Great job on attending the battle, but I believe we could’ve gotten more if some of you payed attention.

Leading – 85%: Everyone that got to do a U-Lead session commanded very precisely and accurately. Good job!

Execution – 70%: I believe we could of have done the tactics faster if the troops payed attention–especially the part were we had to make a line. We also need to work on synchronizing the emote/quote tactics as well.

Chat Size – 80%: Almost a full chat for an Australia/Asia event on a weekday! Great job! Next time, lets focus on getting a larger chat size and get over a full chat.

Overall – 78.75%: The Execution section was what caused the average to be significantly low. Let’s work on our tactics!

Color Key:

Green = Improved

Red = Needs Improvement

Black = Average

Let’s get to those pics now, shall we?

 photo Screenshot2013-05-13at80634PM_zps1596e42c.png
 photo Screenshot2013-05-13at80216PM_zps627f9e02.png
 photo Screenshot2013-05-13at81829PM_zps9f9eeacc.png
(Proof that this was an Aus/Asia Event. Clock on top right of the screenshot.)

Excellent job, troops! Remember to comment if you made it to earn attendance credit!

~Flipmoo, ACP General & ACP AUS/Asia Division Commander

 photo FlipmooACPIcon_zps782f120a.jpg

18 Responses

  1. sdg

  2. poo

  3. dsg

  4. SAF is

  5. a doodoobrain

  6. sdgdgs

  7. i like

  8. muffins

  9. and i got 10th comment i win

  10. Oh nice event there! I wonder who’s scheduling the events of the week…

  11. I came

  12. Keep up the good work!

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