Practice Battle with Army Republic: Results

TOBOGGAN — For the past few minutes, the Army of Club Penguin and Army Republic have been on somewhat shaky ground.  This afternoon we had a battle on their capital for further practice to help the army.  I am very satisfied with the results as we won.

Best picture of the event, E+P in a oval around the iceberg.

It was unclear throughout all of today if AR would even make the battle seeing as none of their leaders would be on, nor did they have a full chat at any time.  I tried using my diplomatic skills (pretty much just whining 😆 ) in order to change their minds and come battle us.  After all, this was our first battle against an army other than HSA or Nachos in probably a month and a half or so.  We maxed thirty penguins and averaged around twenty-five.

  • Size [9/10]: We were able to circle the iceberg which is a huge deal now.  We stayed absolutely consistent with our size, which I am proud of.  Practically near to doubling our enemies size, I give that a two thumbs up.
  • Tactics [9/10]: Despite a few people here and there, all of the tactics were perfection in my eyes.  A lot of people were doing great by helping with tactics: repeating the orders and using audios, or just doing them right away.
  • Chat [9.5/10]: Even though I didn’t get a picture of our chat size, I’d bet we were maybe five people away from two pools.  Our chat was the fourth biggest out of all of xat, and we had over three chat sizes.  Thank you everyone for attending.
  • Overall [91.66666667%]: From the Thursday event, we improved a whole letter grade!  We all did what we were suppose to do and stuck through the whole battle.  Job well done.

Below you will find pictures taken by second in command, Pinkgirl3919, and myself.


Beginning of the event as everyone is gathering around shouting ACP things.




Today third in command, Fluffyboy3, is celebrating his birthday. Everyone wish him a very merry day.




A round of applause for the Army Republic as they fought just as hard.  It has officially been a week since I’ve been reinstated as leader for my third time.  Hopefully you all agree that ACP is doing a better job and we’re back heading in the right direction.  Next time let’s work on keeping motivation up during the event; I noticed a lot of people wanted to log off early.  I’ll make sure we don’t log on so early as last time because we were on for forty minutes.

Did you come to the event?  Let us know in the comments below!

~Leader, Mchappy

36 Responses

  1. FIRST


    I was there.

  3. Camezies a bit!

  4. I came 😉

  5. I went there.

  6. Made it. :mrgreen:

  7. I was the first there

  8. I was on chat but cp would lag out whenever I move to two places and I spent the whole time trying to reduce my massive lag.

  9. Wasn’t there. Great job ACP. Happy Bday Fluffy 😀

  10. ACP IS BACK!!

  11. I came

  12. hey, did anyone else happen to see funks and puffle warriors?!? LOL!!

  13. Looked like a great event! Sorry I couldn’t attend.

  14. I came

  15. Ok 1. You didn’t whine to me you whined to Jay 2. I told Jay to not cancel it. 3. Get the facts right 😀

    • I never specified who I whined to, but yeah, it was to Jay because we was saying how small they’d be if they showed up; he said CPAC would think AR is small too, or something.

      Thank you for telling him not to cancel it. Battle was a lot of fun.

      My facts are straight? 😆

      • Ok lol xD.I helped Jay not cancel it because I have hope and I want a high AR rank. and your facts are straight :3

  16. BTW we had like 5 on chat 1 hour before the battle *ono*

  17. I came 😀

  18. Sorry I couldn’t make it.

  19. I came 😀

  20. hey look its Matre

  21. How do you bold your comments? D:

  22. I was there!

  23. I came

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