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The New Commander General

Capncook, Djgtjvgyhxgy, Noseycjr, Obama81000 or Superoo?

Hai ACP,

In a great election with a total of 57 people voting (43 of which were in the “soldier votes”) there was a clear front runner after Ziro was knocked out of the race by Boomer due to claims that he was doxing and threatening troops. As you may already know, this was split into three sections and it was based on a point system. The maximum total points was 15, with the minimum being 3. I want to thank everyone for taking the election with enthusiasm and voting in your droves. Here is a quote from our retired 3ic, Snaily:

This enthusiasm for our new 3IC is tremendous! ACP, this is your army and being involved in important decisions is important. I’m so glad that you have taken the opportunity to sound off on who should be my replacement.I see amazing, unbelievable greatness and vision in Dj, as I’ve stated in my retirement post. I know he can fill my shoes and take ACP into the future with power and drive. Keep commenting and letting ACP know who you support for our new 3IC! We want everyone to comment.

Thanks Snaily, for that great statement in comments and we wish you will in whatever you do in your future. Now is the time for the vote results, who will be the next ACP owner?


The Soldiers vote was very one sided, with one candidate getting nearly 80% of the votes. Here are the results for the soldiers:

So at the moment, Dj is leading the election as we move on to the owners results.


This section consisted of the remaining Generals and Commander/Head Generals. This vote was not a run away like the soldiers election, so here are the results:

Capncook and Nosey got 3.5 because they were both two votes behind Dj, with Obama and Superoo receiving no votes.


Finally, we have the leaders vote which consisted of only Swimmer and I. We put each candidate in order and then added our votes together and divided them by two. Here are the results for the Leader election:

Yet another five points for Dj, with Capn coming in a close second and Nosey, Obama and Superoo falling behind in the bottom places.


So, if you haven’t already figured out the winner of the election, the total points for everyone will be added up and the candidates will be put in order of results. Here they are:

Djgtjvgyhxgy is the new Commander General!

I can see that this is a popular choice and the ownership welcomes him with optimism to move forward with a new and experienced owner. To the other candidates, remember you lost to one of the great Generals that we have had in an election and you are all worthy of the 3ic spot. Not in the history of the ACP 3ic elections do I remember such a strong front runner. Snaily also welcomes this winner and we are pleased that she can see a candidate she wants succeeding her.

What do YOU think about the elections?


16 Responses

  1. FIRST!

  2. Congrats Dj. Good luck as 3ic.

  3. Poor Superoo…


  5. CONGRATULATIONS DJ… Sorry Superoo :'(

  6. Congratsies Dj for getting 3ic! For the peeps who didn’t win, sorry dere. Try harder next time!

  7. Woo, Good Job Dj!!! Remember me when your a legend 😉

  8. He’s the best fitted for this job, wait ago Dj!

  9. Awesome

  10. Good for you DJ! Thanks for your hard work and dedication

  11. Congrats Dj. But feel bad for Superoo and Obama they hardly got any votes!

  12. Congratulations DJ! I have very high expectations of you as 3IC and know that you will make great contributions to this fine army. Cherish your owner position as I had and strive hard to make ACP bigger and better than ever. I’m counting on you. Also, remember to have fun and if you need help in anything or a good friend, I’m always just a click or two away. I retired ACP, but I still love it and it will always be in my heart and interests.

  13. I’d like to thank you all for electing me a third in command. I promise I will not disappoint you all.

  14. Congrats Dj cant wait to be working with you

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