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Fresh from Down the Range

Hello, my name is Djgtjvgyhxgy, and I am your newly elected Commander General. I personally thank each and every one of you that voted for me and gave me the chance to help the ACP for the better. I promise you, and those of you that didn’t support me, that I will not disappoint as 3ic.

For those of you who do not know me, allow me to tell you about my experiences. I first started my army career in 2006 as Explorer7777 (or Explorer777, it was a long time ago), during the color wars. After that, I became a Roman rogue and eventually, I organized the various clans into one giant army on the Miniclip forums. We practically ruled CP. However, once WW2 got started, the ACP and it’s allies managed to defeat us. I left my primary penguin behind and used my back-up penguin, Djgtjvgyhxgy, allowing me to recreate the Romans without having Oagal breathing down my neck. After that, CPWW3 got started. The Romans played a big role in the beginning, helping the RPF defeat the UMA during their rebellion, but our numbers ended up dwindling, many of our members leaving for the ACP or the UMA. I then joined the ACP and fought along Oagal’s side against the UMA. After we defeated them, I participated in the war against the Nachos that followed WW3. After that, I left the ACP to focus on the Romans. I also served in the RPF as a Head Warlord, working my way up the 2ic.

After a year or two, I came back sometime near the end of Saint’s leadership, serving as a Brigadier General. I worked my way up slowly, eventually making my way up to Lieutenant General around Boomer’s leadership, and getting handpicked as mod by Shab during his leadership. I made it to 5ic under Mchappy, and served as his person advisor throughout his leadership. After Mchappy left, I left the ACP to help lead the RPF. After being couped by powerhungry former owners and mods that I demoted to slim down our mod and owner ranks, I retired from armies.

Sometime later, I came back for a couple months, serving as a 5ic during Mchappy’s second leadership. After a month or two, I made my way up to Division General. And, in my last couple days in armies, I made it to 3ic. However, a few days later, I was shipped out to BCT, forcing me to leave armies behind. After going through AIT, I was deployed to the Panjshir province of Afghanistan. After returning, I decided to become an MP, and after some training, I was transferred to an Army logistics center on the west coast.

After a few weeks, I discovered I really didn’t have a lot to do. Out of boredom, I decided I’d pay the ACP chat a visit. The chat was practically dead, and I was horrified to find the ACP in such a state. I decided that I’d use my free time to help the ACP rise back to it’s former glory.

And here we are.

In this time of war, we are up against a foe that is surprisingly our equal. The SWAT has shown the capability to be a challenging enemy, and for that, I respect them. But we shall persevere.

As a 3ic, I plan to help improve our military strength, focusing on tactics, formations, and unit cohesion. Despite what some of you think, tactics and armies aren’t much different from what it was a year ago. I also hope to implement some new tactics that will help us take on the SWAT with ease. I also plan to improve allied relations, as well as improve relations with our colonies.

I also wish to schedule more events, and see if I can arrange a rewards system for those of you that go on CP without prompting and recruit/patrol. People like Dj Pingy8, who has patrolled our glorious nation practically each night for the past two months. Believe it or not, people take notice of these actions, especially me. It shows that you are dedicated to the ACP, and are worthy of so much more.

Now, my promotion hasn’t been without controversy. Words like abusive and power hungry were thrown around. But, let’s look at the facts, shall we?

-Despite what people have said, I am not abusive (except for one case where I banned someone for six hours, something I apologize for). Sakr and Bender have cried abuse, but I banned them after numerous warnings and kicks for starting fights and (in Sakr’s case) spamming/inappropriate behavior. Samra was banned because we were told be an owner rank that she was to be banned on sight. I followed this to the letter and banned her until I was told not to be a higher rank.
-People have called me power hungry, but truly, I couldn’t care what rank I was. I came back to help the ACP, and that’s what I’ll do. 3ic just helps me help the ACP even more. If I was truly power hungry, I would have accepted offers of high ranks from other armies when I first returned, including the UMA and the SWAT.

Now, if you have any other concerns, I’ll gladly take care of them. Just comment what your problem is, and I’ll do my best to work something out.

Commander General Dj out.

5 Responses

  1. seems legit

  2. Congrats 😀

  3. Reading your history, I remember the old Roman times we had 🙂

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