Cart: Congratulations to everyone who got a promo, if you didn’t, tell a leader, and work harder next time.
Hai ACP,
Sorry for the late well kinda late promos. But anyways the real question is do you deserve a promo? Plus more of you will probably be promoted. Promotions will be updated as the week goes along. Here is the form you must fill out.
Number of medals and why you deserve a promotion:Example Comment
Username: Kenneth1000
Rank: ACP Supreme Commander
Number of medals and why you deserve a promotion: A billion medals! I deserve a promotion because I went to lots of events and on chat. Plus I am leader 😆
Leaders Click Here for the Join page schedule. [Note: Soldiers cannot see the page it’s only for leaders] Leaders need to put the names of the new soldiers in order!
For Windows Users: Hold down the “Ctrl” key and then press “F” on your keyboard. This opens a Find window. Type in your CP Name (the one on the ranks). Click the “Next” button if necessary. It should highlight your name on the ranks. Then just check what rank you are listed under.
For Mac Users: Hold down the Apple/Command key and then press “F” on your keyboard. This opens a Find window. Type in your CP Name (the one on the ranks). Click the “Next” button if necessary. It should highlight your name on the ranks. Then just check what rank you are listed under.
If you still cannot find your rank and it has been a few days since you commented, click HERE and we will have someone help you take care of it. Welcome to ACP!
Supreme Commander: Flipper7706, Kenneth1000
Head General (2ic): Icey Cold27, Slider568
Commander General (3ic): Carter157, Ekpenguin9, Kingfunks4
——Owner Line——
General (5): Asdfghjkl888 (ACPTR), Empoleon7667, Noka11, Stew20, Swimmerboy01
Master General (10): Bird Pingu, Carcal, Capncook, Ironhide24, Lorenzo Bean, , Monsoon, Mosh345, Obiwan4321, Penny91, Tes7
——Mod Line——
Field General (11): Agent233, Antant98, Bunkerbumble, Coolto5, Freddy257, John16126, Mariosatr, Mom0rex, Noseycjr, Obama81000, Purple Slime4, Snow Jedi6, Thestriker20, Yellowie 25, Xcheeto
Lieutenant General (16): Antman, Big guy28, Foldez, McSad, Mjgreico, Mrgpv, Jcapp64, WweFreak123, Rogerdoger1, Spiderguy22, Slashtheduke ,Smsm3, Splashy, Tymatt
Major General (24): Arch20045, Billy Mays, Bionclex, Chrisi Blule, Cupid22, Daleboxtel, Etac14, Funbob16, Galaxie3, Haystacks Dd, Hwhwk, Jack, Leafpool51, Meano4, Np3000, Rocky2070, Roupi1, Saddle24660, Shadowhero99, Shark119, Sharpy100,
Brigadier General(26): A Dawg4, Ajman9011, Ana/Juju, Daleboxtel, Eettuuyy, Friskycat1, Hedcog, Jasiux, Jcm21, Leafpool51, Lje98, Master Kyl, Maxy 777, Minifotty, MrMachado200, Mr Waffle45, Orck12000, Pachi Pachi1, Penguin2755, Ripplelove, Rocky 2070, Spiderguy22, Snowbud322, Superjay99, Weatherboy1, Wenny
Colonel: Aninjaboy, Btime6,Camplazlo3, Drath1, Duncanbh, Dykgraaf, Elite me, Fireball732, Flo Rida1216, Flyers43, Goofysoccer, Jambolicious, Legoboy612, Liy7890 , Megatron267 ,Moe85, Nick7471, Pengy1220, Pwener1, Razr21, Frostyy25, Reddavis1998, Rodgahs, Ronaldy3, Sensei5673, Slobbysnake, Soundbooth, Starge123, Superoo13, Surferboysc, N O N O, Zipyman
Lieutenant Colonel: ACPCommando7, Andre9765, Archerist444, Bearsandcubs, Bobcatboy20, Butchaman27, Carrit10, Charliem21, Cian130, Ederan, Flappy112, Fluffyboy3, Frigido, Grayrocket, Ericgarfield, Josephp3, Karatekel, Kerouaz2256,Lincoln31543, Lisa Cart, Lootking, Mahopon, Mocho, NicWin100, Penny550, Pufpuf103, Rico57816, Snaily5, Shadow, Superoo13, Sundae Wadd, Turquoise 7, Violetrox [Carly]
Major: 3Liocon, Akon133, Agentrds, Alex Mac3, Aerwghy, B Batman3[Kevin], Blacky24782, Callum47968, Ckm4055, Chika Athena, Cole 556, Combat56, Cul8rsl, Eagleeye5600 , Gary19513, Grillchz200, Jackpot88, Keith09, Lincoln31543, Louie76433, Luckey 007, Mattg0874, Mini Buffalo, Moses106, Ollie3618, Paintluver, Patchy99, Pengy38088, Pirlo100, Pie 65, Pyjamas jr, Raymondsix, Samanna1, Seer2345, Server man10, Shadow, Smallpengi12, Soccer793, Spiderguy22, Sunburst216, Superbuck21, SpyGuy202, Tred17, Trey5482, Tyler71267, WweChamp8035
Captain: 1A3T Alyassa1, Abdurahim, Billyb1000, Bingoradar, Bluesockwa, Cooldude7401, Darwin Huxly, Dragon93709, Grandel46, Grayrocket, Electric4555, Flyboy2232, Hulkrock99, Interwebdude, Josiah Fett, Kiten23, Kkneat, Leafs20, Master Kyl, Megamoney6, Mindpower807, Pablofre, Pestyfly2, Phodg10, Pokeninja2, Sir Peeko, Splasher99, Starge123, Sodaboy, Superaalden, Trainpower10, Trollzor1, Trouble1077, Thebrain81, Wiomards, Zwind
1st Lieutenant: 123cool, Ardicuno, b Batman3, Big Boss19, Blake50000, Blupichu, Bluey Mic 12, Cip Stuart, Cooldude Lg3, Daniel2205,DazDog9999, Ebido, Fanta pengu, Fizz007, Free 8, Fluffyboy3, Foxrocks42, Gamer7171, Green 53, Iceeblu101, Icicle78, Icy739, Inheritor, Jeffrey1999, Jvjv88, Kdrp, Liam7997, Lilrj21, Mark77100, Mini17059, Ming36428, Mugz1245, Nich55555, Ninjakid999, Nicwin100, Oliveroken18, Olympus104, Pirate Cody, Pirlo100, Raptor SOS, Rikuns, Rocky 267, Taipan1998, Tommy88697, ttycool, Twipi, Skyupi9 (Agent X 236), Sonic11532, Stuffyglove, Snoop Snoopy, Strong Boy75, Wwe smack d, Xxshadowxxh
2nd Lieutenant: 2014Raser, 77 row, Alex 336, AlexAlex112, Andrewha1, Bin58, Boie5, Catstew, Cafilo, Ctp Louis, Dil348, Eman6712, Etac14, Ferrari86243, Fire Shark1, Foxrocks42, Great56, Greenblah904, Iceberg49869, James30072, James5891, Kimmo09, King Kinn, Kowalski711, Lego Indy 55, Leo58,Levandoski, Lexboot, Lukesky124, Marco55564, Melonhead102, Money Guy6, Moswick, Marzoug, , Oswald13718, Ower123, Peep128, Peng882, Pengwen6, Poppyatice, Purplyicy, Road King1, Rocknre, Rrupe1, S A R A H, S Cargo2, Saku1234, Shiny49626, Smashmac, Starf1, Stepup646, Syther2468, Tmw12, Xinia7997, Zodey Pboy
Warrant Officer: 3emily2, 34443guy, 8Rockhopper1, Alliy44, Ava41, AZZA1000, Adro3, AfroMatt, Amichael1, Apurv007, Becca43321, Barn360, Benten15260, Bttf2, Blahblah1928, Branblue2000, Brrrfect, Bts35, Bjkb1, Ccs46, Charizard492, Choomoo1, Chuck Falay, Cp231, Cool82228, Cocoahearty, Coolguy1997, Cooly 8880, Crazy 186, Daniel2205, Danny10477, Danny4good, Doctorwho733, Doodle Fish2, Dj Pingy8, Envirodude1, Fireblaze50, Firefoxy17, Firestar4321, Fly657, Fluffiers, Galaxy9, Giant Mike, Gukko1, Hbk300, Hihi29813, Hockeystar35, I love Taz, Jayhawk92, Kauj, Kirldoom16, Ktmkid01, Luigibro8963, Lumarnara, Macicebird, Mr Waffle45, Mjtmaster, Nosey47514, Onest, Paintluver, Pengu9010, Pingu24882, Pirulaisxdx, Pittbull08, Qazo900, Rawkinman, Ric77, Rhnio, Robbybobby, Sarge67777, SAS Commando, SebastianM3, Sensei5673, Sgt 54, Shytalk1, Sir Carl Loko, Smasher117, Sonicclash, Speedymike8, Spyguy202, Tausif7, Tigers Class, TK Penguini, Trisme1, Tootsiepop 6, Yould
Staff Sergeant: 123nai, 123 Cool, 12cooldude14, 12dash61, 1cey C00l,1night7, 78562cool, Alex14140, Anikinbloop, Ans-Stamperix, A S H X, Arctic Raid, Awesomesea1, Bart 25, Awesome10255, Bbalyboy595, Bcookiesv, Betrce, Berries30009, Bigtoby1, Bigbigbig, Blueman0609, Blue CUtie1, BOND01234, Bowser10634, Brandon1229, Catcatjacob, Cdf 24, Cheesypizza3, Cheesecan326, Chilly 82970, Chris Kenobi, Cinderilie7, Chipiptur, Chocninja, Chuckle12, Cloe42713, Coldbob1, Dadagu24, Da Best One, Danny4good, Darkrai44779, Darth maul39, Drakedawg, Drako9999, Duck soldier, Dutso3, EL REY, Emma Lisa2, Evildogbone, FamousBlue, Fiona387, Firehot6, Flames370, Flipper88874, Fort47, Furry545, Freakky Poo1, Iamred777, Isit2004, Gemaconman, Geotan, Gingey45, Gir888, Googly6, Green Dai, Greeny2250, Gretchen66, Guineafluff, Ianroach, Jacob30179, Jaden Stars, Jasonx1998, Jedipenguen, Jim7733, Joezapy, Joey58706, Kewldude002, Ktonboy98, LeaderBird, Lucario91609, Lemocito, Lovelady5, Manlycop, Manutdjonath, Mario Man 1, MegADeg , Michaelb3567, Mjyorko, Mobsterkenj, Musique1001, Maxxy214, Mcw3, MEGAMAN105, Moshi29, Mlop87, Nikky14, Nothing6683, Nr Rr, Greeny2250, Oscar237, Icecutter, I Has Food, Pablo20045, Patroler1, Pengsonci1, Puffle703, Purple Guy15, Putsy3, R21105, Rapdudes, Redalpha, Redfame1000,Redboy99447, Redpepper980, Ripplelove, Rocky24568, Rodolfonovi, Ryaklkri, Saoj, Samiamboxe, Scott30230, Seanold10, Shorty 2424, Stinkerbear9, Sing3112, Sirscotty1, Skyjet3, Smashmac, fSnowball5771, Snowbird9999, Speedee9, Superguy7790, Spy88756, Soljuiboy3456. Supernova903, Surgeiy, Safari6, Spo99, Sunnypengui[Hobozilla12], Tamiyami, Thelegodude2, Tigerbeast62, P105692872, P77154689, P Shadow Guy, Peng James 1, P100443205 (Pirulaisxdx), Pingu0107, Pollina2001, Rock4[Sethxxx}, Rrharrison, IceyPing7, Halo67112, Harrypotty9, Ultraman2004, Uscfan1,VGs1, Warriorr99, Wartharon, Waterbottle1, Water Peng24, Webv123, Winterpie123, Yahoozybla2, Yousefcool
Sergeant: 0gr33n0, 03683bradfor, 5awsomeguy1, 8stoplight8, 9olk, Abdul54, Aboy11, Ajboyrocks, Ajs541, Akronanas0508, Amma9, Anna125, Aprianna, Awesomeme, Badboy177, Basloo1, Ben 92763, BiggBoy123, Billybobby5, Blackx1, Blaze 3339, Blue2181, Bluebirds19, Blueboy1067, Bluegravy, Bluemartin, BommerB123, Boyrockz, Brownie46, Burnedtoast, Calirolls, Champ503, Charizard546, Chat1240, Cheif Justin, Chemy24, Chimychonga7, ChooMoo1, Classicblack, Club Kick, Codeman55, Confuddled, Coolkoh, Coolping3551, Coolstuff10, CP68, Cristinavps, Decoy Master, Dj93398, Dream Ninja, Drewielouie, Dunny Decker, Eelektross, Elizabethkin, Ellaonemon, Elprup9, Epicdude4906, Fairygirl800, Falco15, Fartbutt81, Fartface631, Fiercraker, Fixyyy, Fire5008, Firebender95, Fireball5341, Flames19992, Flippers 863, Flipy29795, Fuklehorn, Garebare55, Garth8878, Geckowired, Ginter2003, Gheckowired, Goldmex2365, Grassman41, Guppy2425, Hazie65673, Hiwerst, Hooh5, Hp99, Huck2005 , Huj243, Icey20115, Icecle Rat, Iceiscold101, Icebeam222, Icing405, Isaidgreat, Jake 431, Jango87012, Jasiux, Jayninjago3, Jeffkinney, Jiggy91, Jimmy1068, Johneverett, Jooeric, joesam13, Joeymaster12, Joshg1, King John, K00lgurl, Kevin3179, Kidorange, Kirilldoom16, Kwek4, Lamar8, Leddyeddy, Legogal99999, Liam Den, Lightbubb, Lileggy, Lilly2967, Lime Pumpkin, Lionpaw999, Llp99, Loui8796, Luigi 8117, Lunchtimepal, Macaria6, Magma1895, Manueldeepon, Mario man831, Mas799, Max43810, Max Liz, Mcw3, Mew658, Miegy, Milesm77, Minnid, Miss99chill, Mjdagrol9 ,mlgmm12345, Mjtmaster, MrBooBoo2, Mrgrinch6, Msmott, Nachoz 77, Nate67498, Nick30550, Np3000, Number10pen, Oerpink, Ohmyman555, Orion Metal, Owen123, Paddy, Padre Pio, Paper clip88, Patrick Stel, Paris5999, Penguin70891,Penglavr, Pillina2001, Pills235, Pingugreen6, Pirulaisxdx, Plenty956, Pj 01, Poppy08060, Pppppoopppoo, Puffleo low 2, Qooo, Ray88618, Redduck3, Rediey, Reeceb, Rey De Cp, Robber9, Rocker1102, Rocky98001, Ronaldob1, Roo B101, Robaf, Roy2165, Rutta10299, Ryan80319, Ryan leung11, Rynos99, Sahil200, Samcool625, Santattree, Science Flip, Scoopy47, Scramz200, Sega Fan, Sensei01044, Sesh, Sidie9, Silver5006, Skater12312, Skeeball, Simply Leave, Slippykicky, Skyheat, Skyler324, Shamano 115, Spaniel78, Spiderguy22, Spongeo8, Step up 646, Stepup646, Supercoolio, Syldavia1, T Flipper8, Tat20s, Thething53, Tielar1, Tim250, Tiyler13136, Tonydjemyz, Town78310, Trollzor1, Tuner777, Twitchy543, US Marine872, Waterboy76, Wheezy91089, Wigfall9, Worror Domat, Xavier2466, Xpenguiee845, X8non, Y Squad, Yellow1908, Zachster3000, Zackray1, Zia2002, ZKevinZ
Corporal: 00Magma, 123caloy, 1marlin007, 1monkeyman, 12Matthew345, 1minnie31, 1st Flight, 1Suhaana1234, 1Red65209. 619Conman, 78Bluepink 77row, 78bluepink, 8XTrojanX8, Aaman2, Abush2, ACP guy, Adoooo619, Agentkrd2, Agentpritch, Agentrds, Agent col1, Agent Spy7, Agent Top4, Aimrea, Ajinemmanuel, Aj favot, Aksentije, Alex74752, Alkatraz777, Alexander 04, Alli27248, Allie5128, Allstarpitch, Almaz 002, Alooga11, Amaar, Andy60000, AngelRune55, Annastar16, Annawin, Annmarie712, Antonio22003, Anwar 24, Aqua Rescue, Ariel36445, Army Chief, Armyguy8165, Atp721, Austinroks, Avatar2320, Awesome29211, Ayub10, Brad Fever, Baby Pingee, Bakugan78610, Bangler, Battel Drod, Bbzimz9, Bdon6, Beaky1703, Bebo56486, Belak001, Ben, Ben10, Bethy1607, Bigboy8910, Bigfoot49211, Bigsboy1, Bikini man, Billy6789, Billy72318, Billybobby5, Biojack, Bioniclenck, Bionicboy, Blackie22406, Black cheeta, Blader Nick, Blak Ninja90, Blackout360, Black Pen4, Blackshark39, Blanket55453, Blissam, Blizzard770, Blue josh, Blue9628, Bluey960, Blueychaz, Bob11112, BOB11112, Bobby 460, Bobdo151, Boopower1234, Boldspartan, Boss619 2, Bossyleier, Bot24, Bouncyegg12, Branden10663, Brandypinky, Brownie42668, Bryanbo, Bryce1247, Bucktoothy11,Bulbasaur 9, Butta 3535, Burgerboy786, Caboose01, C P C P C P, Cademan12, Cadillac1985, Cahillguy, Caitcait101, Camryn, Capt Squeaky, Captain2, Captincool, Can Davis, Camera1230, Cartoon5858, Cd7890, Cerys Space, Cfmpw, Chase470, Cheeswars02, Chepster, Chester9063, Chilldude5, Chihang321, Chloeluvr, Choochoo2002, Chowder9930, Chungpoww79, Clear Heaven, Clone1625, Clproscar, Club Kick (P167054428), Cgpepin9, Cme2c, Coco25556, Code Flame1, Cody3199, Cody Clay, Cody0112, Cody76928, Cody9990, Collin5du, Comics2008, Commando1rex, Combat 56, Cookie64031, Cookie 47989, Cookii125, Cookiechoco3, Cool Bro12, Cool brown 3, Cool guy7845, Cooldood443, Cooldude5805, Cooldude9509, Cooleyo1, Coolie887, Coolio12345, Coolman31774, Coper 127, Cpraichu, Crash Zxz1, Crash78949, Crazy0325, Crazy Jarod, Crazydude489, Crazykevin2, Createrone 1, Cronite288, Cristinavps, Cublade929, Cuphead5, D Streets, Dan 768, Dance Around, Dangerdude54, Dannyash1, Dark35568, Dark3556, Darkstar346, Dasboomer, Daveidk, Deezer, Demi910, Despicable3, Dhi228, DidiBouBou, Diego8rojo, Dino 247, Dj Blake, Dj Pingo, Do11y1, Dobumka, Dodobumka, Doc the Hawk, Dock2244, Dolly1, Don2003, Doodle fish2, Dorothyan2, Douglas0007, Drago 360, Dragontowin, Dreaded1, Dungo2, Dudetube2000, Dupof1, Dusper, Dusto3, Dylan 92233, Eco Deco, Ecstasy96, Efmario, Elsie97, Emperor8877, Enimsay, Emer90, Epf Agent67, EpikJoe,Fasty23456, Fanta Pengu, Farrez, Fatguy65612, Finny90615, Fing Ping, Fiona43, Fire Knight8, Fireface78, Firehot8, Flack39418, Flame Boy46, Flameman723, Flamepeters, Flappy Bob R, Flashydude, Flee08, Flippers 863, Flippy14249, Foobar2000, Fox Beck, Fluffyboy3, Furry454, Fred3338, Frostifer 1, FrostyPingu6, Freezychong, Fulham22, Funkytuxedo, Gabrillina, Galaxy9078, Garyroach, Genesis54, Georgex5/Nouda1, Gentlemaster, Gerarldo148, Gian456, Gilbret, Gingey456, Girly2, Glowkin96, Gmanlego, Grassrunner1, Gregrocks23, Gamer2k9, Gogogoluke, Gorge 2, Gotchagary, Greenz101, Guppy2425, Gunnerban, Guy7044, Guymandude11, Halo55515, Halo67112, HardIronlord, Hardironlord, Hard To Easy, Harris128, Harveychiv, Harry270, Hbk399, Head colenel, Hedwig828, Herbert2336, Herman20258, Hershey658, Heyuman, Himtome, Hockeyman520, Hrby3, IAR7, Ianisdaman55, Ice Cube7638, Icehero4, Iceman593, Icy4748, Icy Liliana9, Ibarreche, Iceberg 795, Inferno300, Ino2468, Isaacd53, Isaccp2, Isaiah12345, Islanders123, Islam18, Ivailoto, Jackblack560, Jacko96601, Jaijat123, Jake Duhe, James Halway, Jamie4532, Jammy103, James7764, Jango87012, Jarr815, Jayjay, Jazmin80027, Jcp8, Jellybean583, Jeremy0808, Jet penguin1, Jinbob1, Jjclub 416, Jjpisawesome, Jojack127, Johnny 2003, Joeschmoo11, Jojo Joji, Jopat, Joshid1, JRP0311, Juggernaut4, Jujusasalu, Jumpin Bergs, Justin 000, Justin 0515, Jwalker897, Kamil17, Kamaria127, Kdog3, Keii, Kelmel4, Kendex1, Kenneth62519, Kevin 301, Kevinysmooth, KGKoopa382, King Dry, Kingagent123, KingBlessed, Kingdra, Kingluke7, Kingsparks1, Km75941, Knightguy900, Koleneko, Kolokolokool, Koolboy582, Kopaka100, Kouptsova, Lamer8, Lanzrockz, Lazor1871, Leo2301, Lionkingdude, Littledevin2, Lklkkklllkkl, Lkjlkj90, Loftyhead, Logo5400, London8766, Louiepug2, Loki5652, Luke 109, Luppy234, Mac1197, MacBoss17, MacDaddy1000, Macienicole, Maddie Alura, Maddy2424, Main1, Maks442, Mandy 504, Mann21440, Manny12545, ManOfAction, Mario1601, Marioman1, Matt205, Matt69689, Mathew17, MARV MARV 12, Max051, Max44866, Maxou76133, Maxt1235, Maxy1217, Mdog25000, Me And My Bf, Megatron326, Metro Master, Mexicano02, Mgil4qts, Mickey 86811, Miami102, Mike32000, Millsberry81, Milo99759, Minkall2, Minniesplash, Mj0701, Modo1910, Mong2009, Monster47345, Mooshti100, Mr ghost7997, Mr Hammey12, Mr Hershy1, Mr King Ziq, Mrbrownguy1, Mufasa, Musawinx1(Musa), Muskrat2, Mustapha10, Myboy48, Myforce2001, N64FREAK17, Nakbaba, Naruto8781, Navy Bean63, Ncw2009, Neil2103, Nich55556, Nikki5213, Nincinda, Ninjacool32, Nico izzi1, Ninniy116, Ninjapouge, Nintendo DS5, Ntboy99, Monster, Noah Bo, Noah8049, Nut555, Obi wan 8889, Odst1167, Old bloke, Ollie3618, Ollie Super, Oobi99912, Ozzie114, P78044743, P135644818,P73376481, Pablofre, Paces3tter, Pafe 25, Pakerz, Palthebeagle, Palthedog1, Panoz198, Parker157, Patrick 3o2, Patrik Star9, Patti Poppy, Peanut205, Pencilpoint7, Pecky12389, Pengi1004, Pengibee,Pengry2, Penguin88426, Pengo845, Pengyfrenzy, Pengu90495, Penguin6585, Penguine1253, Pengy7778, Pengy Iggy, Percy2008, Peterjbenmol, Pfc Miller, Pichuabc, Pikachu81435, Pikarissa18, Pills435, Pingpongpak, PinguKinobi, Pinky10612, Pinky10804, Pinky88712, Pipsqueak880, Pitterpotter, Pinky10804, Pippanralph, Pnate7, Poalo x, Pokeball111, Polar Green, Pollenm13, Pooja124, Pookyx2, Popbojo, Pop Purple90, Ppaannttzz, Preetish1, Preeya28, Pritu02, Private 35, Private4817, Proffessor1, Punkemo9, Purplerulz57, Quick505, Rajiduwa1, Ratro, Razr21, Rbsguy, Redbird767, Redfame1000, Redfreezy, Red Lue, Redpen112, Redpepper980, RHPS1, Rei Eduardo, Relty, Repotu, Rico9804, Ridler123, Rikeamonkey, Riley 2002, Ritika2001, Robby0420, Robert3173, Robotnot7, Roccccccccco, Rock31104, Rock811, Rockdude77, Rockhillrock, Rockhop726,Rocklibra75 ,Rockydrew99, RockyGirly1, Roger141, Rogerson3, Roojer, Roman870, Ronaldob1, Rottenstein, Roxie1130, Rudolph369, Rushil4, Ryan64117, Sailor422, Sambeam, Samual5006, Sanju345, Santattree, Sarasnug, Scoobyhec4, Scoopy47, Sc00ter23, Scouser, Scribbles350, Sdsdd2, Sean25122, Seansonic1, Secret 007 Spy, Setro2, Shadow48402, Shadow 60650, Shakey44, Sharkworld78, Shark 54, Shaymin1264, Shirshanopq2, Sidali 15, Sideswipe259, Silvercamero, Simply Leave, Sir Master L, Sk8ter fish, Skibunnyabc, Sky403, Slim Enoch, SlimShady, Slip2000, Slm24, Snogale12, Snowball1064, Sonic64, Sonic55170, Soso8173, Sparkdash, Sparkington, Speedster007, Spido123, Spidermany9, Spike10590, Splashy0312, Sponge B0b2, Sponger1, Spooky402, Squeaky Skin, Stanley0515, Starboi414, Starch4ever, Starly99652, Starmya, Starwars, Stegerain, Steve69084, Stompgirl, Storac, StarCraftGuy, Stormy34755, Summerfun200, Superdino124, Super Pal 1, Super King01, Supermankid, Suppio, Suspenseful, Suzy113, Sweetsassy J, T001, Tacktic, Taken321, Talex831, Tanner11351, Tannerboss, Taylorxm2, Teddy55, Texas Texter, Tbone7789, The Cp News, The Flame 17, The Grunter, Thisguy10, Thushark, Ticktock53, Tiger800, Tinkerbel8p, Tinyred7220, Tom010, Tommi1010, Tony4574, Tpr1999, Trex589, Trey5482, Tristan 03, Troppy, Troper101, Tropica1243, Troy56021 Trt14, True Flare, Tsar seth, Turner777, Turtwig322, Tush10, Tw1st3d F4t3, Twinkle98732, Uct rox, Uguly, Vampiregirle, Violet418, Viksfan2000, Vj124, Waddles79113, Waddles Jr55, Waddlewander, Waffel18140, Waffles7oh1, Waine4, Waterbottle1, Wdertg, Wee Elsie, Wery12345, Wewejoe, Whitedragonk, Wicanna, Widjojo, Wierdo548, Wild guy47, Will22233, Wilson 500, Wimpykid213, Woody7843, Woohoo7997, Wwe7404, Wwe smack d, Xbird, Xpack29, Ycdm, Yoda98535, Youtumes1, Yoyo93652, Zack18816, Zahrehsadira, Zammy5555, Zatt123, Zaxman22, Zebra900, Zingbong
Creator: Oagalthorp
Any questions about your rank? Talk to an owner HERE on ACP chat!
Filed under: ACP |
Congrats to all who got promoted!
1st. too legit
name: ben 92763
rank :corporal
I have 18 medals but i’m not shure. i deserve a promotion because i have gone patroling ,gone in battles,recruited, been loyal to and take orders from you and my other fellow soldiers that are a higher rank,and i follow our rules.
Pachi Pachi1
ACP Brigadier General
8 medals. I deserve the promotion because I am (almost) pretty active and I like doing these battles. It helps me for PWCP traiining! (that is, if anyone[other than me] joins it!:p)
1. Empoleon7667 (Emp)
2. General
3. -8965 I missed everything and I’m super lazy. Forget this.
Be the leaf~ (all of 3 is fake *chew*)
I bet not (wary)
Good luck to everyone who gets a promotion!
Username: Obama81000
Rank: Lieutenant General
Number of medals and why you deserve a promotion: 60 medals and because I’m always patrolling and always on chat and I made almost all events and I tell people to join and im loyal to ACP. I’ve been not promoted for 3 months only and I am not giving up. Please give me a promotion and I also follow the acp rules.
Major General
5,2, 2, 3, 4,5, 5= 26 medals appx. I believe I should obtain a promotion because I am an active member of the Army of Club Penguin, hence my medal count (yet I choose not to comment because I don’t feel like it’s necessary).
Username: Interwebdude
Rank: 1st Lieutenant
Number of medals and why you deserve a promotion: I have 20 medals. I feel that I deserve a promotion because: I pay close attention to orders given on chat, I follow chat rules, I try my best at events on CP, I go on ACP servers and recruit often, and I’m loyal to the ACP.
Username: Antant98
Rank: Lieutenant General
Number of medals and why you deserve a promotion: For this month I got 63 medals. I have come to most of the events even though I had to study for my exams. I have patrolled all the ACP servers in times of wars this months. Also I was on chat every single day to see if people were following the rules. I have helped a lot to the ACPTR by teaching the cadets. I have kept the site active by making a lot of posts. This why I really deserve a promotion!
Username: mr waffle 45
Rank: lieutenant colonel
Number of medals and why you deserve a promotion:81 with events i think and if i do it with being active and patroling it is 110
Example Comment
i have done a ton and i am only loyal to acp and i am a senator. i go on chat everyday and go to almost all events and i shut up at events and let them do orders i am doing lots of stuff for acp and constantly working and creating the next good idea for ACP plus i have done a ton of recruiting and i am very active i need the rank of Brigadier General thanks for reading
Username: Etac14
Rank: Brigadier General
Number of medals and why you deserve a promotion: 36
I am super duper active on chat, and I go to allll the events I possibly can. I have 36 medals, so I meet the required number of medals. Uh yeah.
Rank:Major General
Number of medals and why you deserve a promotion:29, I am really busy with DCP and school so 29 is good. I deserve a promotion because I always give some of my time to ACP, even though I dont have much.
Username: Smsm3
Rank: Major General
Number of medals and why you deserve a promotion:
I feel like I should be promoted because I think 15 is good enough. Also, I am not lying about my medals unlike *cough* Arch *cough* some people. I have also been chat active and a good moderator.
And I should get a promotion because from the past year i was robbed by not commenting.
I didnet lie about my medals
Well maybe you should comment :O
Username: Ower123
Rank:Warrant Officer
Number of medals and why do you deserve promotion: About 20+ and i have been very busy on focusing exams but i always go on chat and talked to all of ACP members i rarely meet flipper but i am active indeed i like to patrol servers for fun and always recruit someone on alpine and always listen to all ACP leaders order
Lieutenant Colonel
36 medals, cause I wasnt promoted last time. I want my effort to be not wasted so I want a promo. I also got 2 recruits,
I heard you quit ACP
and insulted us
lol what?
You either got tricked or lied to.
denied a promo again…
even though I had 34 medals.
I apologize if this is duplicate. I commented (see above for link) and I can’t see it an it doesn’t say it’s under moderation or anything. Luckily I saved it:
Username: Snaily5
Rank: Major
Number of medals and why you deserve a promotion: Number of EVENT only medals is 33, as I was unable to attend Sunday events at the beginning of the month due to church, but I made it to all but one after those Sunday ones. I documented patrolling 14 days of the month with 4-6 servers each day, as well as routinely kicking off SWAT on Mammoth Town and I was first to alert ACP in chat to an unscheduled event of SWAT raiding the town on 4/23. I am active every single day in ACP Chat and involved in the moral/inspirational boost for several soldiers. I have also composed 2 new posts for the good of ACP and hope that they will end up on the website soon. I have also committed myself this month to trying to restore ACP’s positive image by visiting other army chats and showing them through excellent behavior what type of soldiers our army consists of. A kind of Ambassador, if you will.
Username: Superjay99
Number of medals and why you deserve a promotion: 32-36 medals and for the first time I helped with ACPTR as a history teach! I also went to chat as much as I could and was very active.
(wary)I think my comment was thrown into spam(wary)
I have an addition to my previous comment that I forgot to mention. I also composed a lengthy post that was posted at the beginning of April on creative recruiting methods that was posted on the website. I have 2 more finished and submitted. Thanks!
Username: Mini17059
Rank: 2nd Lieutenant
Number of medals and why you deserve a promotion: 45 medals and I deserve a promotion because I have been doing my best to go to events, I go on during my school lunch break for a little bit and comment on some of the posts to give my opinions.
I go home for lunch btw
Username: Rico57816
Rank: Major
Number of medals and why you deserve a promotion: Im not sure how many medals. I do that and i try my hardest to come to events. And I am on xat whenever I have the chance.
Username: Darwin Huxly
Rank: 1st Lieutenant
Number of medals: 35
Why you deserve a promotion: I have a lot of medals, I’ve been reasonably active, and I have been extremely loyal to ACP.
Master General
At least 40
I attended several events throughout the past few months. I understand that all the General posistions are full, but if a posistion happens to open up, I would be happy to fill it. I have also been fair on chat. I am not an abusive moderator and I follow all the rules.
1) Ebido
2) 2nd lieutenant
3) I DON’T deserve one because I need to be more active. I will, I promise!
1) Levandoski
2)Warrant Officer
3)I was on holidays this month so I got only 21 medals but,even on my holidays I went on chat as much as I can.I have also been loyal to ACP and came to as much events as I could.
Username: 12cooldude14
Rank: Sergeant
Number of medals and why you deserve a promotion: Im not sure how many medals exactly but I do know that it is the same as Foldez. Well i did go to every event, im on chat every day, i patrol 1 time a week and i got temp- owner at one battle. I hope i get a promo!
Promos by Ken done to here!
~Kenneth1000 ACP Leader
Sorry nvm oops
Does black = Promo because my name has been high lighted in black.
If your name is bold, yes.
Username: Pingugreen6
Rank: Corporal
Number of medals and why you deserve a promotion: 35 medals, I’ve been to quite alot of events and been in Acp for ages but still no promo. I go recruiting every Wednesday on my own. The last time I was in Acp I didn’t get a promo but I came to hardly any battles so that’s probably the reason why. I’m really hoping for a promo this year. Well that’s my comment done, Waddle on!
Does it mean Im not handpicked anymore?
I think once you’re handpicked, you never go back. Unless you break a rule or something.
So I won’t get a higher rank if I’m handpicked..?
No, you can still get promos while handpicked.
Username:Purple slime4/Pet penguin5
Rank:Field general..handpicked..
Number of medals: 59
Why you deserve a promotion: I have been to some events, helping with tactics..SUGGESTING tactics and rarely DOING tactics. I was also one of the people who found out SWAT was invading our server for that unscheduled event and I have been trying my best to comment on the site. If I am STILL hand picked, take a look at your post. (if I am handpicked..Can my rank still be moved up above the modline?
Number of medals and why you deserve a promotion:32 and because I am mostly always on chat at UK times and I attend as much events possible!
Username: Dusper
Rank: Corporal
1 April – 1 May i patroling each ACP servers
i was on 2 wars
Username: Ericgarfeild
Rank: Major
Number of medals and why you deserve a promotion: 69. I deserve a promotion because I have been extrememly active. I attendent most of the battles, and other events. I patroled servers alot.
Username: Hwhwk
Rank: Brigadier General
Number of Medals and why I deserve a promotion: I currently have 34 medals. I came to more events than I had in a while, and I am on chat a lot.
Username: Pengy38088
Rank: Captain
Number of Medals and why I deserve a promotion: I currently have 23 medals (the most likely cause of this was that while we were invading BMA I could only come to two or three of the invasions). I deserve a promotion because I have commented on almost every post, came on Chat as much as I could, came to as many events as I could, and, well, I came to the Senate Meeting earlier this month (a little late(I’m a senator)).
Username: Yelowie 25
Rank:Lieutenant General
Number of medals and why you deserve a promotionL: 47 medals. I deserve a promotion because I am loyal to ACP I go on chat every day and patrol Mammmoth every day. I have 47 medals so I have must of been to a lot of events.
Username: Snowbud322
Rank: Brig. General
Number of medals and why you deserve a promotion: Though I was away for the first half of the month I made the rest of the defenses and all that stuff. I have 34 medals from the second half of the month.
I’ve also been on chat a lot more lately and I am very loyal to ACP
Username: Josiah Fett
Rank: 2nd Lt.
Number of medals and why you deserve a promotion: I’ve been on break a while so its not to my activeness at events and medals that I am asking for a promotion, its to the word of an ACP Leader.
Flipper promised me I would be promoted to Captain and I am still a 2nd Lt. I kindly request that this promise is kept and I get promoted to Captain.
:O :O :O Field General? Thank you so much! 😀 I won’t let you down.
alright man, heres my problem with this kinda stuff. some guys in this army hop over the ranks like its noones buisiness, and it seems pretty unfair to the rest of us. theres no reason to be placing ppl 6 or 7 places above what their really supposed to be ranked. i dont care if u think theyre ready or anythin, we all work hard, and wait for our promotions, no one should be any different. besides, these people probably either suck up to the leaders, or know one in real life. its not fair man, i had so much experiance in other armies like IW as general, nachos as BRIG general, and RPF as head general back in 2007. i didint get any special treatment, nor did i ask for it. this isnt fair ken or flip or slide or icey or whoever does these kind of things. not cool at all man. if you skip over one rank, maybe even 2 thats understandable but no where past there. if mario or foldez or any one else gets to skip 5 ranks, then you should consider the rest of the military. im not sayin anything offensive to either one of them, theyre actually my friends, and i graduated with them, but this is not right. just sayin someone has to explain to me this kinda stuff, and dont say oh hes ready cuz anyone can spend their life on chat, and repeat orders on their too.
Dude, he earned the promotion. Some people who have lots of experience aren’t even active in an army and they expect to get promoted. He was active, he deserved it. There are some people more active than others.
Why don’t you spend your time on chat as much as he does, repeat orders as much as he does, and go to events as much as he does, and then you’ll get a promotion, mk? Apparently what you’re doing isn’t working for you.
I don’t think they got promoted 5 ranks up.
i havent missed an ACP battle since i joined, and i comment on posts. why dont you read my post on why i deserve a promotion, before u begin to think what your talking about. they repeat orders, and spend all day on chat. thats it. WHO OOO that doesnt say alot for a 7 rank promotion. he came to just as many battles as i did. only difference is hes on chat all his life. and im not. that doesnt say active to me. and i dont spend my days on chat cuz i have freinds, things to do, and a LIFE unlike alot of ppl in this army. what im doing is fine, its whats goin on in the leaders heads isnt workin for me. next time mind ur business before i really flip out. FYI i wont be comin back to see what lame comeback u have posted. cuz i have a life.
Activeness is based on whether you get on chat, go to events, and comment on posts. If you don’t have time to get on chat, you won’t get promoted. PLAIN AND SIMPLE. It’s not just going to events, it’s getting your lazy butt onto chat. It’s really not that hard. You open a tab on your computer, type in the chat link, and go do your homework or something.
Since you have a life, can you please start paying more attention in school? Either you haven’t been paying attention, or your apostrophe, comma, and shift keys don’t work. I can’t take you seriously if you type like a 7-year old.
If you have a life why do you care so much? I mean its just some virtual game. I think its just fine to be in the army. I wouldn’t get so worked up about ranks.
So a.k.a: you quit. kthxbai
Don’t care so much, you have time to get up higher on the ranks.
Rank:Staff sargeant
Number of medals and why you deserve a promotion: 31 medals sir
I have been active and loyal in acp and i earned my medals the right way and i help with tactics and i am friendly to fellow soldiers and i am helpful to the owners
Doodle Fish2
because i have been loyal to acp and i never let you down
Username: slippykicky
Rank: corporal
Number of medals and why you deserve a promotion: i have about 25 medals and i derserve a promotion because i have been to every event i have ever been to
colonel (idk if i have been promoed yet
69 medals . only missed 2 events … very loyal .
username: Jake 431
rank: corporal
number of medals and why you deserve a promotion: 35 because i have dedicated all my time on club penguin to make sure that no other army tries to take over mammoth.
Flen, I don’t particularly deserve a promo for April because I have been rather inactive. My Internet has been ridiculously slow, and we’ve had to call out the Internet dude 3 times this month. The problem is now almost resolved and I will be able to get back to my ACP duties in May
Number of medals and why you deserve a promotion:i think i deserve a promotion because i patroll lots and i never actualy play club penguin i just do acp and i have come to all the events i could.
(i wasnt keeping track of medals but i guess about 33)
P.S.i wasnt keeping track because i thought someone was keeping track FOR you but i will do it next time.
2nd lt
32 medals
Btw i left when i was Lt general then came back, dont i get something 2 ranks lower?
by the way i dedicate my entire computer to acp and hope to be a leader myself in future.
i would realy apprecieate a promo
(spelt wrong)
Username: Xcheeto
Rank: Major General
Number of medals and why you deserve a promotion: 32, and I have made all events except for about 2 or 3 cause of family and school
Lieutenant General, sorry.
hi xcheeto remember me from rpf (robber penguin force)
Sorry, about 69 medals overall.
Username: Mjgreico
Rank: Major Genral
Number of medals and why you deserve a promotion:60 medals i have been to almost all the wars/invasions this month i have been on chat almost everyday and i am on chat for every battle.
Commander General
I wish to push my luck 😀
Username: Holly8857
Rank: Field genral
Number of medals and why you deserve a promotion: About idk but i dont really thin i deserve promotion because it isnt my fault but i havent been able to make them or patrol often or just even go on chat but i have been patrolling when i can
Username: Shamano 115
Rank: Corporal
Number of medals and why you deserve a promotion: IDK how many medals. I deserve a promotion as I have been quite active even though im kinda new.
Username: Camplazlo3
Rank: Major
Number of medals and why you deserve a promotion: alright man i got alot of reasons why i should be promoted. let me just say first im requesting the position of colonel, because i have 60 medals, im on chat a half hour a day, havent missed a single ACP event since i joined, im always on chat during battles, and repeat the orders on CP to my platoon. i have a platoon now. anyway, i patrol with my batallion like 3-4 times a week, while in the process, i recruit somewhat, and have gotten 9 new members, who have also promised to recruit. i comment on every single post, have experiance as general in IW, and im also an ACP senator, for the rank of captain. so, just puttin this out there, i am requesting to skip over the rankof LT. colonel, and go straight to colonel, cuz i know i can more than enough handle it. and heck, if u want the truth, i was ready for feild general as soon as i joined this army. all in all loyal ACP soldier, and ready to take on a tougher responsibility, like a general of somekind.
not askin for the spot im just saying i can handle it. but i am askin for colonel
Username: Funbob16
Rank: Brigadier General
Number of medals and why you deserve a promotion: 30. I Deserve a promotion because i feel that i have done my best in ACP while still being active in other armies and doing well in school. I am on chat EVERY day, Mch can prove it. I Do my best in repaeting orders on chat. I Also put a good word in for ACP whenever I Can. I also know this sounds kind of arrogant, But i would also like Handpicked mod. I Belive i can handle it and I Think I Would do a good job as a mod. Thanks!
Username: Galaxie3
Rank: Brigadier General
Number of Medals and why you deserve a promotion: 20. I deserve a promotion because I go on ACP chat allot and I patrol ACP ALLOT ALLOT ALLOT! I am also a A+ ACPTR student and I got an a+ so I could do good in ACP.
Number of medals and why you deserve a promotion: About 10 medals. I think I deserve a promotion because i go on chat all then time when i go on xat. I try and go to as many events as possible plus i haven’t gotten a promotion in 2 months because everyone ignores my commet 🙁
4. i go to events and havnt missed 1 since march
Username:Lisa Cart
Rank: Major
Number of medals and why you deserve a promotion: 30+ I deserve a promotion because I am very active and loyal to ACP. I have quit all armies you have battled, and I won’t stop. I also love the leaders, and I want to be like them someday. <3
Rank: Sergeant
Number of medals and why you deserve a promotion: I’m not sure exactly how many medals i have but i have been a very active user since i have joined in december, i was events, chat, and i comment. so i would appreciate a promotion. thank you
Rank: Major
Number of medals and why you deserve a promotion: 69 medals. I have been extremly active. I came to tons of events. I patrolled Mammoth almost daily.
Username:Joeymaster12 Rank:Corporal Number of medals and why you deserve promo:12 medals.I deserve a promotion because I’m very loyal and active to ACP.
1. Nich55555
2. First liutenant
3.24 and I patrol, went on most battke. DIE HANNA MONTANA ARMY
Username: Tes7
Rank: Field General (rank above me might be full)
Number of medals and why you deserve a promotion:
I dont know the exact number of Medals but it is more than 30 I think. I came to most of the events. And I have been working with ACPTR cadets. Plus I have been on chat almost everyday.
Username: Superaalden
Rank: 1st lieutenant
P.S , i am supposed to be a field general, nobody update my ranks at the ranks page during the last months promotions
Press Ctrl+F, then type Superaalden
i am stated as a field general, pls update that rank, then give me a promotion that is brings me a rank higher the field general 😀 thanks for reading that all xD
Number of medals and why you deserve a promotion:
around 47? i have been VERY ACTIVE in ACP, i go on chat whenever i use my computer, and follow all the rules, i have been in ACP for close to one year, and i think my rank should be higher by now, and i have been active since i joined. i came to some of ACP’s important events, like defending our capital, Mammoth, i come to as much events as possible, (my time zone doesnt allow me to come to most events, i come from Singapore) i have also been very loyal to ACP, and leave other armies that i am in, which declare war on ACP.
BAA, pls promote me to a higher rank 🙂
– remember, the rank should be higher than field general xD
BAA!!! Thanks =D
Dude, your not a Field General, that post was for April Fools, you noob (wary)
Superaalden is a GREAT soldier in ACP and always representing ACP in a positive way. I don’t think it’s a good thing to be putting others down (example: the “you noob” comment) when you are Soldier of the Week. You should be behaving as an ACP role model as Soldier of the Week.
Chill, I was just joking.
do i get to keep all my medals since I didnt get promoted.
I think your medals get reset for everyone.
..I didn’t get promoted.
Be patient and the promo will come. No rushing. If not, then tell an owner
Oh yea, I was also in ACPTR in April and I passed with 6 credits, so I should PROBABLY be a Lieutenant Colonel for this month.
Rank Corpral
Number of medals and why you should be get a promo: I went to so many of the training sessions, the battles and the pre-battles! I waited and waited until now and I didn`t get the promo! (CRY)
i didnt get promoted and im only corporal 🙁
Slider, last month I was listed as Captain even though I was a Major and it never got corrected on the rank page. Given this error, instead of Lieutenant Colonel, I should be now Colonel. Colonel is the correct rank as of May 1, 2012. Please make this change so it won’t get messed up for next promotional period.
Snaily5 = Colonel now. THANKS! 🙂
Kenneth/Slider, sorry I was not trying to be greedy. I am happy and honored with the promotion of Lieutenant Colonel that you granted me. Thanks so much for recognizing my efforts and hard work in April! (clover)
All commentors up to here have been promoted if they are eligible. Please remember your medals reset after each month!
slider i commented before it was up and i had 69 yet i didnt get promoted cuase no one reads my comments
never mind (blushes) im to noobish
wait wheres my rank?
I just joined, my rank is colonel, someone put me as that. Thanks, also my rank was given by Kenneth as i am American
EricGarfield absolutely earned a promotion. I’ve seen him very active! He helped me kick SWAT flies off of Mammoth Town on 4/24 too!
Eric your enthusiasm is fine and you deserve a promotion.
never mind that
please im so noobish
i got promoted to sergeant on this page but on the ranks page im still corporal can someone fix it please
Hey Dudes, I’ll probably be inactive for a month as I have exams, don’t demote me or I will cry. Don’t worry, I shall return with many qualifications 😀
Number of medals and why you deserve a promotion:28 i just need one more event i brought in loads of recruits and i was real busy in acpmpg (ARMY OF CLUB PENGUIN MAMMOTH PATROL GROUP)I WAS AT LOTS OF EVENTS.
hey guys thanks for the promo. i will continue on being the best soldier i ca be! 😀
Thanks for the promo guys! i will continue to be the best soldier i can be! 😀
Thanks for the promo 🙂
why is my name in darker black
Username: Bjkb1
Rank: Warrant Officer
Number of medals and why you deserve a promotion: I Have Like 31 Medals And I Am Mostly On Chat
Username: Da Best One
Rank: Staff Sergeant
Number of medals and why you deserve a promotion: I got 31 medals and I think i deserve a promo cuz i may not be on chat a lot BUT I do check the website 2 times a day and im as active as I can be like an 8 out of 10!
Username: Jayninjago3
Rank: Sergeant
Number of medals and why you deserve a promotion: I have 30 medals, im an active member, and I love ACP wars!!! Plus I check the site frequently! 😀
Username: Bttf2
Rank: Warrant Officer
Number of medals and why you deserve a promotion: I have 124 medals and I derserve a promo cause I am very active on chat and I allways check servers and dance and say “JOIN ACP” every time I can I check the site 10 times a day and I try very hard to get more medals!
124 medals? Dang dude
Username: Bingoradar
Rank: 1st Lt.
Number of medals and why you deserve a promotion: I got 37 medals and I deserve a promo since I got soilder of the month and go on chat all the time and go to all events I can make.
Username: Lumarnara
Rank: Warrant Officer
Number of medals and why you deserve a promotion: In the past 4 weeks in ACP, I’ve managed to get 34 medals by being as active as possible and helpful in chat and in battles.
Sorry but my internet was down for a few days and I couldn’t get online until now.
Username: Hazie65673
Rank: Corporal
Number of medals and why you deserve a promotion: 1 medal I deserve a promo because I have followed the rules, working hard and on chat.
Rank: Lieutenant Colonel
Number of medals and why you deserve a promotion: 26 medals and i deserve it because I have been on ACP for about a month now, and i have been on chat everyday for about 2 hours atleast.I have also made 14 out of the 16 events that I have had since i joined.
You just made a join comment today. o-O
Username: Splashy
Rank: Major General
Reason for Promo: I attended promo event
Username: Dusper
Rank: Corporal
Number of medals 1, i was on ACP vs SWAT war, and i everyday patroling server mammoth (and other ACP’s servers too)
yesterday i makes 4 SWAT log off