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Slider’s apprenticing

Slider: Meets start Monday July 25th!


Now the title is Slider’s apprenticing, now you might think “this is stupid” well your very wrong 😆 The main reason for this post is to get 10-15 (doesnt matter if it goes over) people who are Corporal-Captain to comment, and meet with me every few days to talk and learn and train them to someday take my place. Now ACPTR is great dont get me wrong, but  this will be more laid back, no pressure and help to anyone who needs and theres no time limit! You get to socialize and have fun too! You can put “Slider’s apprentice” in your name if you want. THIS IS THE IMPORTANT PART!!!
If you want to become one of my apprenteces and be tutored by me (I know what I’m doing, I’m very experienced) take advantage of this offer and maybe get a better chance of getting a mod/owner rank in the future (because personally trained) please fill out this form:

1. Name (xat name):

2. Rank (Lower rank members only! Because high members/mods are already trained and/or tutored)

3. Will you try your best to attend all the meets?

4. Will you respect your co-learners

5. You will read the rest of this post 🙄


Our meets are on THIS CHAT: http://xat.com/SlidersLittleCorner

The chat backround is temporary!

They are at 6:00 PM EST (all the time unless announced otherwise on chat) and they are on Saturdays through Thursdays!

42 Responses

  1. 1st

  2. 1. Name (xat name):percy jackson
    2. Rank (Lower rank members only! Because high members/mods are already trained and/or tutored) segrent
    3. Will you try your best to attend all the meets?yes
    4. Will you respect your co-learners yes
    5. You will read the rest of this post yes

  3. 2nd

    I will be there friend me on chat slider

  4. Is it possible for me to join? ACPTR died when i was in it and i never got any experience. ANYTHING. The events were all cancelled from the day I joined (Late October) to the time I left (January).

    Alec, Lieutenant General

  5. 1. Name (xat name): Interwebdude

    2. Rank (Lower rank members only! Because high members/mods are already trained and/or tutored): Sergeant

    3. Will you try your best to attend all the meets?: Yes

    4. Will you respect your co-learners?: Absolutely

    5. You will read the rest of this post.: Yes

  6. 1. Name (xat name): lord spacedude

    2. Rank (Lower rank members only! Because high members/mods are already trained and/or tutored) 2nd LT

    3. Will you try your best to attend all the meets? yes

    4. Will you respect your co-learners yes

    5. You will read the rest of this post 🙄 yes

  7. This is stupid.


    • Ok sure, but without propor mentoring, dont expect to go that far :/
      I want to pass down my knowledge but I dont care if you think its stupid 😆

      • I never got proper mentoring…. But if you think it is for you, go for it.

  8. Sliders little corner O_o

  9. Yes my sexy little cornor

  10. 1. Name (xat name):boothebest4

    2. Rank (Lower rank members only! Because high members/mods are already trained and/or tutored): not posted yet 🙁

    3. Will you try your best to attend all the meets? yes

    4. Will you respect your co-learners yes

    5. You will read the rest of this post yes

  11. LiTTleGuY04
    Iz not haz a rankd cuz i dont knows hao.
    i can tri butt i dont kno if i canz
    i thinkz i did butt i dont remeburr

  12. 1. Name (xat name): Smallpengi12

    2. Rank (Lower rank members only! Because high members/mods are already trained and/or tutored
    2nd Leutinant
    3. Will you try your best to attend all the meets? Yes, as long as they are before 9:00pm GMT time. 8:00pm GMT is best for me.

    4. Will you respect your co-learners? Of course!

    5. You will read the rest of this post? I have read the rest- I read it before I did this comment.

  13. pablo20045

  14. Splasher99
    2nd Lieutenant

  15. I’m going to be promoted soon, so I’m not going to sign up. I’m currently a first lieutenant.

    • The mentoring would help

      • meh

      • 1. Name (xat name): snow jedi 6

        2. Rank (Lower rank members only! Because high members/mods are already trained and/or tutored)1st luitenent

        3. Will you try your best to attend all the meets?i will try

        4. Will you respect your co-learnersyes

        5. You will read the rest of this post 🙄 i did before i did dis comment

        i decided i will!

      • ILL DO IT!!!!!!!

      • 1. Name (xat name):snow jedi 6
        2. Rank (Lower rank members only! Because high members/mods are already trained and/or tutored)1st lieutenant
        3. Will you try your best to attend all the meets?yep
        4. Will you respect your co-learners .yep
        5. You will read the rest of this post i did

  16. 1. Name (xat name): matty aka mattg0874

    2. Rank (Lower rank members only! Because high members/mods are already trained and/or tutored) 1st lt.

    3. Will you try your best to attend all the meets?
    yeah even though its dinner for me
    4. Will you respect your co-learners yep

    5. You will read the rest of this post 🙄 yep

  17. id join but the times dont work for me(dinner time)

  18. We can work that out! Come by on my chat sometime, I can mentor you at a better time

  19. 1. Name (xat name):Kimmo09
    2. Rank (Lower rank members only! Because high members/mods are already trained and/or tutored)Corpral
    3. Will you try your best to attend all the meets? Yes
    4. Will you respect your co-learners Yes
    5. You will read the rest of this post Of course I will!

  20. 1.Diego8rojo
    3.YES SIR
    4.YES SIR

  21. ollie3618
    xat name ollie3618

    i will




  23. superjay99
    of coruse
    yes yes and yes

  24. 1. Name (xat name): CPMaster10123__AKA__ACP__CORPORAL

    2. Rank (Lower rank members only! Because high members/mods are already trained and/or tutored) Corporal.

    3. Will you try your best to attend all the meets? Yes.

    4. Will you respect your co-learners Yes.

    5. You will read the rest of this post Yes I will.

  25. 1. Name (xat name): Nikky14

    2. Rank (Lower rank members only! Because high members/mods are already trained and/or tutored) Corporal

    3. Will you try your best to attend all the meets? Yes

    4. Will you respect your co-learners OF course

    5. You will read the rest of this post 🙄 Yea

  26. where are you??

  27. James Halway
    Yes Sir
    Yes I Will I Promise On My Name
    Yes Sir

  28. Hey slider i was wondering if i could help you out with this. Im Bird Pingu and i’m a Colonel (But after tomorrows battle most likely i’ll become a Brigadier General) So please let me know if i can help you out. Thanks!

    ~Bird Pingu

  29. 1. Name (xat name):
    Answer: Server man10 ACP segrent & RR Colonel

    2. Rank (Lower rank members only! Because high members/mods are already trained and/or tutored)
    Answer: segrent (idk if ti’s a low rank thouught)

    3. Will you try your best to attend all the meets?
    Answer: YES SIIR!

    4. Will you respect your co-learners
    Answer: of coruse

    5. You will read the rest of this post ok 🙂

  30. 1. Name (xat name): Nich55555
    2. Rank (Lower rank members only! Because high members/mods are already trained and/or tutored) Staff Sergeant (Almost warrant officer)
    3. Will you try your best to attend all the meets? Of course.
    4. Will you respect your co-learners Yep! If they dont, i ignore.
    5. You will read the rest of this post Uhh.. Yes?

  31. comon?

  32. sliders lateeeeee

  33. 1. Tred17

    2. Warrant Officer

    3. yes

    4. yes

    5. yes

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