Lets just make this simple. I am giving away all my powers except for two. Anyway here are the times.
Date: 7/24/11
Time: 2 EST, 1 CST, 12 MST, 7 GMT, 11 PST
Where: ACP Chat
Why: Cause I feel like it
Anyway I hope to see plenty of you there.
Albaro Lord(That’s Right My Name is Big)
and here is a hint, two of the questions will be from two of my yt vids
Filed under: ACP |
2nd by reply (H)
3rd by reply :O
woo hoo 1st
dude you were two minutes befor me
Giving away days aswell?
A bit maybe
I am going.
It’s sad how you use the ACP to get all your videos views. It’s sad how you use the ACP to get all your videos views.
ikr Toto….
Oh yeah and I’m also doing a contest for powers, and giving people hints. So you outta to stop whining like little brats.
I Agree. That is just pathetic, and soo just down right selfish of him.
Atleast when I had eye sight, I did not blab my AACP Recruiting VIds on my friends website. And atleast I was not as selfish as to post them on here.
If I wanna get Recruits for American Army of CP sooo bad, I would ask first before doing such things.
I would ask my Friends to send them via E-Mail to other CP members.
But I would never do something like this.
Its Selfish, Rude, Unfare to the other people out their who get not respect for their work on Youtube.
IDC if I am my self Being Rude, but This is Freedom of Speech, and I might not be a Member of ACP anymore due to my loss of Sight in my right eye, but I am putting my foot down when Someone is as low, as to get noticed on Youtube by this Beheavor.
Its Just wrong, and unfare to others.
you lost your eyesight? how? and i thought it were both eyes not one, By the way i would like to meet you in chat 😀
Shure! meet me on my armies chat.
I can’t use the one here, because People type too fast, and I don’t get a chance to read what other ppl are saying.
its, xat.com/aacparmybranch
BTW: I did loose it in boath eyes. I lost the vision in my right eye to glacoms\a, and my left eye to a retnal detachment.
But remember to let me know its you first. I will have to ask someone to member you sense I can’t do anything on chat.
Even though I am a Main owner rank, and a Main owner, I can’t use my screenreader to make you a member. (Sorry for posting chat to my website. I am just not able to talk on ACP chat with not having difficulty keeping up with the convirsations of pplz.
BTW: Dude! go to nfb.org
thats the Nationsl Federation of the Blind website!
My family are big time members! NFB National Federation of the Blind!
Its selfish that he is giving away all his powers and everyone is abusing this?
Trust me guys, Lincoln is a cool guy, even if he’s blind.
im going!! 😀
~Bird Pingu
Oooooooooh powers 😀
Good grief.