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Retirement of Lt. General, Anirko11

Yeah, I guess the day has finally come. Some of you ACP people probably don’t remember me, I’ve been gone for a year. I decided to come back for a few weeks cuz I was on break. Just a little history, I started like a lot of other people do, as a penguin just walking around enjoying Club Penguin. and then walking into an army recruitment on Mammoth. In my case, it was a group of ACP noobs/rouges, meanining, they hadn’t actually joined on site but thought they were apart of ACP. I joined them, and we started fighting ninjas, sensei fighters, and all those other random armies that roamed mammoth. Then, one day, I stumbled into the real ACP. The actual one that took orders from xat, and had a site.  If I remember right, they were fighting the Nachos on Parka. I looked back now, tried to find some pictures of some event that had ACP vs. Nachos on Parka, but couldn’t find anything.  Anyway, I decided to look up club penguin acp, see if there was anything on ACP. To my suprise, I discovered a whole new world. There were so many sites dedicated to CP armies, so many chats, etc. I joined, and this was when Saint was a leader. I worked up the ranks over a 6th month period which I will not go over because it’ll bore you guys. Then I found Snow Fighters, became a leader, and bleh. I’m just gonna list my achievements in CP armies.

1. Help lead an army to the top ten

2. Led an army to take Fjord from the Nachos

3. Worked from Corporal all the way to Lt. General in ACP

And yeah, I guess that’s it. On to my thanks

Flip223: Obviously not reading this, but you were the only one of my fellow ACP rouges that made the transition to finding the site, and we became pretty good friends.

Paint: Ha, we started when I joined the Golden Army, but when that fell, we stayed good friends in ACP. Only Sinhalese person I know, lol

Chris: Perverted little 10 year old, lol, good luck in life

Mrtchy: CPAA was the first small army that I joined, which you recruited me into.

Peng: lol, remember the country game which you made a map for and everything?

Emperer Josh: Idk if you’re still around, I haven’t seen you for the last 4 weeks that I’ve briefly been back, but you think so tactically, it’ll get you far in life.

Johny: You’re really into music, you told me some things that happened in your life, I told you some things that happened in my life, what else can I say?

Flipsy: Very special mexican :D

Dan: Another mexican, lead SF all the way back to the top. You might be a dictator, but you have good intentions, so it’s all good :p

Pen: Dan’s cuz, you’re super active, but a little insane

Home: I can’t believe how close we came to meeting each other in real life xD

Buck:  You jumped through the ranks in ACP extremely fast, which I have to admit I was a bit jealous about. But hey, we were friends, so, who am I to complain?

Danny: We were the only asians in a predominatly mexican led army. Oh wait, you’re half mexican too :O

Jack: Cool person, you joined SF around the time I left, even though I recruited you.

Lje98: Another leader of a small army that I joined. Even though you kept me at mod even though I was one of the most active ones there -.-

Lincoln:  Sorry about what happened, dude.

Oagal: …. Don’t really need to say anything

Fox: I think you wanted to be on every retirement post

Saint: For approving my join comment for ACP and started my journey.

If I forgot, you, just comment.

To Snow Fighters

Guys, we’re almost there. And now for my words of wisdom. Don’t blow it. You know our history. Now learn from it. Don’t commit the same mistakes that we did before. I have a felling that this time, we’re gonna go all the way

To Everyone Else,

The reason for my retirement is simple, I’m going to high school. Where everything actually matters. So I won’t have time for CP armies. I’ll be around during breaks, when I’ll come by to talk or come to a few events. But other than that, not really anything else.


Just another ACP soldier wondering if he made a difference,


11 Responses

  1. Not another retirement =O
    So sad to see another Officer go.

  2. 2nd and Anirko, You were a great soldier. *Salutes*


  4. Cya Dude! And Its ok about what happened.
    I Learned Braille, and how to use an anoying screenreader to contact all of you! XD
    Good Luck in High School. I am heading their aswell. But unlike you, I go to a Blind School sooo. Yeah.
    It is AWSOME! I can get away with almost everything!
    except Blowing the School Up all the way to North Korea! (I almost did in Science Last Year XD LOL)

  5. Hay Dude! Good Luck Out their!
    And Its ok about what happened. Being Blind can have a few perks.
    1. You don’t have to worry about ugly people (Now when I look in a merror, I don’t see anything XD )
    2. You can get Free 411 calls to your Cell Phone, or Home Phone.
    3. we can hit people with a stick and get away with it XD (That Stick is called a cane, and is used to help the Blind & Visually Impaired find obstickeles, and avoied them. Like a Manhole for Example. I almost fell in but my cane found it.)
    4. NFB National Federation of the Blind will provide Lawiors if you got a buisness that will not higher you for your Disability, to help in lawsuits against Blind Discremation, just about anything.
    5. We are ready for Holloween! (Some of us had to get our eyes sirgicly removed. Due to some form of Eye Condishion. We are Prepaired to freek people out when we don’t use our glass eye on holloween XD LOL Thats what I wanna do Next year if my eyes where glass.)
    BTW: I still can see some, but its all Light & shadow)
    6. We can use a Computer with not looking at the monoter. (Try doing that blind folded, and tell me how easy it is the first time) XD

    Soooooo. Yeah. Blind People have it maid.
    Now really soon, we can drive! (Coughs _End of the world_ Coughs)
    Yeah they have a Blind Friendly car now!
    NOT READY FOR SALE! 🙁 Yet! 🙂

  6. BTW: go to freedomscientific.com and download the 40 minute virision of Jaws for windows.
    the Screen reader my mom & dad use, JAWS stands for.
    Its a Screen Reader!
    If you wanna try it, go and download it.
    (Don’t use the Mouse or the monoter. Blind & Visually Impaired people use all Key commands and such (Can you teach an old dog that new trick? XD

  7. CPAA <3

  8. I dont remember you D=

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