July 2011 Unmod & Unowner Week winners are……….
Mazachster & Dryvit !!!
Mazachster, this being his xth time [Not sure how many times hes been unmodded], will be unmodded for 2 months, until October 1st. Dryvit will be modded until September 1st.
The reasons submitted for Maz to be unmodded mainly said that it was because he is very inappropriate and uses foul language frequently.
The reasons submitted for Dry to be unownered mainly said that he uses his power abusively, skipping right past kicks/warnings to bans with excessive times along with starting fights/arguments and being abusive over small rule infractions.
Here are your trophies, made by Shabs Designs [www.shabsdesigns.wordpress.com]:
The other mods who will be unmodded are as follows, in no set order:
Noka, Speeder, Buck, Ladtom
They will all be unmodded IMMEDIATELY until September 1st, 2011. Anyone who mods them early except for Ken or Flip will be unownered.
Also Fort is to be modded for receiving 26,205 votes. [Just Kidding]
All mods please read the post HERE
All of you know what the chat rules are or where to find them. They’re under the chat or on the chat page. I don’t need to copy them here nor do I need to explain what each means, they shouldn’t be that hard to understand.
The chat rules are in effect until:
11 pm EST – 6:00 am EST
During those times above the chat rules are relaxed. This means that while most rules do not apply, mods are still allowed to punish for abuse of the lack of rules. If you spam just to spam, you probably will be kicked.
During that time however certain rules still apply. Most importantly, no f word, r word, n word, or c word. If you don’t know what those are that’s okay. A mod or owner will pc you and tell you if you ask them.
Along with those words, spamming/advertising and abusing power are still never allowed.
In general mods, you guys have to treat the members nicer. We need recruits, its how every army survives. Answer questions if a member asks. Just because you’re a mod doesn’t mean you can ignore the members. You guys are the bridge between the members and owners and should be the ones training them and preparing them to take your place.
Sad That Unmod/Unowner Week Is Over
Filed under: ACP |
Those trophys look… epic! -goo-
I totally want one.
i can understand why me dry and maz got de-ranked but the rest arent bad ,ods. ESPECIALY kieran. may i ask the reasons they were un-moded?
I Voted for you(WARY)
i think some one hacked acptr
I very suprised about that. I thought I was a cert to be un-modded.
We try to enforce the frickin rules and we get unmodded in unmodWEEK for MONTH
I try to report an abusive mod to shab, he says ‘Quit whining’ Once he ownered the mod so the mod could abuse me too.
Shab, talk to me on chat, ASAP. THIS NEEDS TO STOP.
lololol. Kierans name disappeared from the list.
crybaby much?
Why you mad bro? You’re not the one getting unmodded…
8TH and this really isnt fair 😐
I disagree. It would be a pleasure to find out how many votes we receive. No offence, but I think the mods who were unmodded are mainly the active ones.
Im sure there are going to be many flame comments on this post.
Lad, you deserve 2 be unmodded. You did alot of stuff. You dissed buck, you did something that made Mch mad(Thats really hard 2 do), You called me ugly, and you stole ideas from Asd and used them on SMAC and CPAC. Kie and Noka really dont deserve 2 be unmodded, but you do.
I voted for Maz because he was being racist and cursing. I’m still in India and it’s awesome. I’m using my uncle’s laptop.
Never been racist you liar.
Yah and I’m the last surviving secret police member
Actually, I know for a fact that you were racist yesterday 😛
Pictures or it didn’t happen you evolutionist piece of… pie.
THIS SUCKS!? There is clearly some sort of cult about voting for me for unmod week now, nobody knows who to vote for so they just vote for me. Oh well, at least I’m exempt from all upcoming unmod weeks. 😀
i don’t do anything that i should be un moded for you know a riot is gonna break out on chat till i am remoded so just leave me mod…….
Okay, okay, call me a hypocrite, because I know I went off on a whole spiel about how anyone who got unmodded got what they deserved, it was fair and square.
Also call me a hypocrite because I deserve my name up there more than any of the runner-ups, and I know that, you know that, Shab knows that, Ken knows that, Boomer knows that.
But we also all know that Noka never does anything wrong. Seriously, I haven’t seen him break a rule in years. So why is he up there?
In Werewolf, a game I am a former addict of, there’s something called “hate voting.” It means you’re voting for someone because you dislike them, just to hurt them or get rid of them.
I think Noka got hate voted. It’s not fair. He never breaks any rules. I’m ashamed of anyone who voted for him, it’s just such BS.
btw i am retired ACP 2ic i should stay mod
> Shab posts the unmod week results
> The unmodded people proceed to complain
> Flipper remods half of them the next day
this, and Bans Tal :0
Woah! The same exact people as last time won unmod week, AGAIN! What a surprise!
Just unmod them forever if they’re going to be unmodded every unmod week…
This is my first time…
We should extend the rules to 8 or 9 PM EST
Remember, chat rules are a little relaxed, you still cant be inappropriate, cyber bully, spam, swear, or do ads
I think the chat rules should be 24/7
im just surprised its mostly good mods that were unmodded maz and lad are the only mods up there that should be unmodded
My Best Friend is in India! She goes to the blind School that I go to.
(WELL, use to) She goes to Public School now.
But if you see a kid that looks like she is from their, and she has a Cane in her hand, that might be my friend Siyee. (IDK How to spell her name. She is from India, and I knew her for 10 or 12 years, and IDK how to spell her name. XD
BTW: If Dryvit or Shab,, or even KT Man see’s this, please go to my website so I can get in contact with you all great people.
I am still blind, but I can still use AOL E-Mail. I will send it to you as soon as you comment on thepage.
Look on that last retirement post that is on here. I posted a way to contact me.
You can even ask Boomer, Bfan, or my friend Jones0236 for My E-Mail.
BTW#2: I am building a redneck joke website soon.
It will not be cp Relaited, but It will be something you all will get a kick out of.
First Redneck Joke:
If you ever mowed your Lawn and Found your car,
You Might Be a Redneck.
If you have a house that is Mobile, and 14 cars on your property that are not,
You Might be a Redneck.
If your State has a new Law that says “When a coupel gets a divorce, they are still Cousins, or Brother & sister,
You Might Be a Redneck.
Defenation of NASCAR
BTW: I will have Redneck Jetai jokes aswell XD
Any mod who protests this is quite clearly a moron. You got unmodded, fair and square. If I had been unmodded (which I was seriously considering as a possibility) I guarantee you, I would have taken it in near silence. Maybe a joke here and there, but never seriously protesting it.
Just suck it up, do your time, and don’t complain, or you might end up like Red…
Hi Lincoln! 😛
Wait, why was Kieran unmodded? He’s a responsible mod….
Hay I am gonna need help with my redneck joke site.
DO you think you can help?
BTW: Don’t be mean to Foxtails. I am saying this as a Friend, and a Former LT Colonal from this army.
I saw her get hurrassed on chat alot when I was still able to use the chat.
I am just a country boy standing up for people.
So don’t take it personly.
BTW: This is my moto:
1. I will not take a Dime if I don’t earn it.
2. When it comes to weight, I pull my own.
3. I Respect Ole Glory Flaping in the breeze in the Flag Poll.
4. If you are consernd with my backwood way of Living, you can Leave me alone.
5. BECAUSE I am about John Waine, Johnny Cash, and John Deer.
6. Don’t Joke about Earnheart Seanior. He was the Best NASCAR Driver EVER!
And 7. My Golden Rule! Treat others with Respect.
BTW: You say Fox, I say God! Why did she not get to be Leader instead of Meat!
Oopsie xD
If anyone see’s Dryvit, Tell him that Sense he has Comcast,
go to channal 112.
And Tell him I have Comcast, and I said GOOD CHOICE!
(Their Phone service is suckish, but their Internet & Cable TV ROCKS!
YES, I AM SAFE (For now……)
Why does everyone hate unmod week? I find it amusing 😀
Lincoln!! How great to hear from you! What is your web site I want to see it. Please send me a message with it so I can comment and get your email. I am so happy to know you are ok. I will watch channel 112. I have watched it before. I want to hear all about what you have been up to. Talk to you soon I hope!