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My time is up, Goodbye)=

Sorry ACP, but I feel as if my time is up, and the spark of being in an army and going on club penguin just left.

The time I wasn’t here, I felt free. I felt like I actually had a life, and actually enjoyed my summer. I’ve been in the ACP for a while now, and actually reached an owner rank. In this time I had my good and bad times with friends, and the whole experience of it all was great. I hope each of you remember who I was and what I did here, because I will always be myself and the Toto each of you knew. I know I won’t be missed, and all the memories will just fade away, but I will always remember the ones who kept me going and got me through this, and actually cared. I wish all of you luck in your future ACP careers and to not give up and not lose that spark to keep you going. I can’t name anyone in this post, because you don’t know how long this post would be.

Goodbye, I’ll miss you guys.


55 Responses

  1. Bye Toto, enjoy ur retirement. Retirement is awesome.


  3. NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!SHIFT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 U PROBBALY GIVE NAMECOLOR OR ANGEL TO ME IF U LEAVE XAT *WARY* You will be missed toto

  4. Dude, epicness, to, the, extreme. I’m so happy to have been able to know you, and we’ll talk again alot I hope. Cya Bud <3

  5. More shocked then Johny’s retirement because I found out he had it in his name a week before he retired and I guess i just looked past it 😮 Bye toto! You made it all the way to an owner rank and achieved a lot in acp. I dont know if you will be missed by acp but as for me I wont! (no homo) Bye ellen ….. I mean toto! [inside joke]


  7. goodbye toto

  8. most inspiring retirment post ever

  9. Bye toto 🙁 ACP will miss u

  10. Goog bye Tot. I will miss u alot!! 🙁

  11. Toto, you were my best friend before I knew CP armies & practically brought me in when I only played CP. Without you, I’d never be here. I’ll miss you a lot.

  12. i never knew you too much, but it still is sad

  13. FIRST!

  14. Don’t worry toto you will be missed.

  15. im gonna make the best party that i can toto

  16. Please toto don’t go 🙁 please stay just a little longer! I’ll miss you!

    ~Bird Pingu

  17. Goodbye Toto, I remember telling you, you could become ACP Leader or 3ic one day, and you became 3ic. You’d be missed D:

  18. Please come back on chat, you were a fun leader!

  19. Bye Toto, I never really got to know you very well… 🙁

  20. AWWWWWW……. YOUR LEAVING?? 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 *CRYS*

  21. Thanks Guys, these comments and future comments mean alot 🙁

  22. Bye Toto … 🙁

  23. To many people are retiring ….

  24. Bai Toto, I’m gonna miss you from ACP a lot =/

  25. Toto.. D: I’ll miss you so much :'( .. Please visit sometimes..

  26. Toto your leaving?! 🙁 Your a funny as well as an active leader.It’s sad to see you going.Well idk much about ACP but I’ll say I’m gonna miss you and your funny jokes a lotttt. 🙁 It might seem to be weird to you because we never talked that much but I always considered you my friend.Even though you are retiring, please visit sometimes.And I hope you remember that we are Facebook friends.So please don’t remove me from Facebook.Take care and goodbye. 🙁
    Your so-called friend
    Sparkling Diva7997.


  28. Toto your leaving? 🙁 You were a funny and active leader.It might seem weird to you that we never even talked that much but I always considered you my friend.I’ll miss you so much.Please try and visit sometimes.Good luck with your life and have fun retiring.So yeah sorry to say but good-bye. :'(
    Sparkling Diva7997

    • Sorry guys but this was a mistake.Had to post that twice cause I thought my 1st comment wasn’t posted. =,=

  29. Good Riddence.

  30. I think this was truley unexpected. You have done very well in ACP, and I congratulate you. You were a good owner. Thanks for all the great memories brotha<333 I really do hope to see you on chat from time to time. To Ellen: just know that fire will always beat everything; you can’t stop me! -wary-

  31. im gonna make the best party in my power


  33. Bye toto, wow everyone is leaving Acp. Me, cait, toto, johny, etc. But the fact of the matter is, the Acp has to remain strong. And bye toto, you will be missed by many.

  34. Awww bye Toto, we’ll miss ya!

  35. I didn’t exactly know you, but goodbye and good luck 😀

  36. Bye toto

  37. Goodbye toto. We are all going to miss you 🙁

  38. Toto, I remember our time in the AOS, and I think that you should re-think your decision. I have walked away from high ranks, only to realize that it was a mistake.

  39. yessssshhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
    XD jk ill mis u

  40. Bye Toto. Does this mean there will be another 3ic spot open, which will make another Division General spot open? I hope it does!

  41. Baby come back, i love you, you can blame it all on me.

    Really Toto everyone in ACP enjoyed you for all that you did.
    You will be greatly missed by so many.

    Baby come back and visit often please.

  42. Bye Toto. I will miss you!

  43. Bye Toto, it was nice knowing you, u were a great soldier and friend

  44. HAY PPLZ! Its Me Lincoln31543!
    If you saw me on chat today this Thursday, and you remember me from long time ago, ask Boomer20, Bfan212, Jones0236, or Greeniedude1 for My E-Mail.
    You can contact me at my website. I am gonna post it this time, But I will not do this again.
    It is a CP Army website, but I will not allow people to join just because they know me from long time ago.
    I don’t wanna be acused of stealing solders from the Army that Inspired me to make it.
    If you wanna contact me, comment on one of the post I maid, and I will contact you as soon as possible.
    Sorry Kinnith if I was not suppost to put my website on here.
    I did it so I can get some of my friends to contact me, so i can get to talk to them again.
    ~Lincoln31543 Still is Blind, But is trying to come back to ACP, and CP Armies.

  45. BAI TOTO I’ll remember how you always used to post songz for me =] and that time you showed ur sausage on tinychat! Oh wait that was Jcapp… Come on chat sometimes and talk to meh :]

  46. Good bye toto I will miss you fo sho.

  47. Good bye toto I will miss you fo sho.

  48. ILY Guys So Frekin Bad. D:

  49. Oooh! Bye, Tot.

  50. Oh!! Good bye Toto. I will miss you so much! 🙁

  51. i know we didnt get to meet on xat and in real life but it still is sad you will be sadlyy and hardly missed 🙁

  52. you served addisse soilder

  53. 🙁 bye toto

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